Category Archives: Whole School

Message from Director of Skills, Education and Learning


Dear Parents/Carers

Covid19 Pandemic

I wanted to write to all families to confirm the message from the First Minister earlier this afternoon that schools and nurseries across Scotland will close from the end of the school day on Friday.  I will provide more detail on how we plan to support you and your family during this very difficult time as soon as this information becomes available.

We will send all information directly to Headteachers and will ensure that all Council communication channels (Website, Facebook and Twitter) are updated with the latest information for you.

If you are a worker within Health and Social Care or the Emergency Services, or if you have a senior phase pupil preparing for exams, targeted information will follow.

We ask that you continue to remain in contact with your school and your Headteacher if you have any concerns at all.  Thank you for your support as we work through this difficult time.

Yours sincerely

Dr Gillian Brydson

Director Skills, Education and Learning

Dumfries and Galloway Council


122-124 Irish Street, Dumfries DG1 2PB

Drop Point:  225



Start of Fairtrade Fortnight 2020

Today, in school, we marked the start of Fairtrade Fortnight with our ‘Fairtrade Morning Snack.’ This was helped greatly by donations from local businesses Co-op, Tesco and Kinnairds. The main snack on offer was a choice of Fairtrade bananas or our own crafted shortbread biscuits topped with chocolate and jelly beans.  At the time of writing, we are not sure what amount of money we have raised from this but any proceeds will go to the Fairtrade Foundation. Later in the day,  Primary 5 together with the school’s Eco Committee listened to a very informative presentation by Mary Van Zwanenberg which included a very interesting film ‘Guardians of the Rainforest.’  Many of our classes also took part in class learning. Primary 1/2 had lots of Fairtarde themed activities in the open area. The end of Fairtrade Fortnight will be marked at assembly on 6th March with a small play by the Eco Committee.



Scots Poetry Assembly 14.2.20

Today in assembly, we celebrated our Scots Poetry Competition work with certificates being presented to first, second and third place finalists. The first place winners then entertained the whole school with a recitation of their chosen poems. Today, also saw the visit of our guests from Dalbeattie Burns Club who judged not only the Primary 7 pupils who recited an excerpt from Robert Burns’ Tam O’ Shanter but also the art work, which depicted a scene from the same poem.

The results were: Primary 1: First – Corey Canochan;  Second- Henry Hicks;  Third- Sophie Geddes ;  Primary 1/2: First- Mollie Watson;   Second- Finlay Bell;  Third Equal:  Lexie Anderson and Evie McGougan;   Primary 2/3: First Equal- Jack Little and Amalie Wykes;  Second- Aidan Galbraith; Third Equal- Elise Wixon and Reuben Benson;   Primary 3: First- Lucy Johnstone;  Second- Katie Dickie; Third Equal- Rebecca Hird and Oliver Bonnar;   Primary 3/4: First- Anaya Nerestan;   Second- Isla Smith;  Third Equal-  Rory McCormick and Lucy Bell;  Primary 4/5: First- Ava Drummond;  Second Equal- Fern Lundy and Sam Donnelly; Third Equal- Ailsa Ferguson and Owen O’Dornan;    Primary 5: First- Chloe Campbell;    Second- Struan Caldow;  Third Equal- Hayden Berry and Elsie Gibbs-Brown;  Primary 6: First- Fabio Murray-Sanchez;     Second Jack Johnstone;   Third- Owen Bryson;    Primary 6/7 (photo to follow) : First- Eve McCall;  Second Equal- Liam Bourhill and Laith Atkinson Deacon;   Primary 7 Poetry Recitation of Tam O’ Shanter: First- Maddison McMurtrie;     Second- Thomas Jardine;  Third- Jessica Davidson; Primary 7 Poetry Art Work of Tam O’ Shanter: First- Rhys Gaffney;  Second- Carrie Davidson; Third- Amber Latimer.

Also in our assembly, Primary 4/5 drew the raffle for the completed Titanic Quizzes. The winner, receiving £10 was Lucy Simpson.  Our Primary 5 class was awarded with the Wow tracker Active travel to School Award. Finally, Roman Bond and Chloe Campbell reminded us all that the first day back after the February holiday (Monday 24th) will be Fairtrade Snack day with biscuits (shortbread with chocolate and jelly bean) costing 60p and bananas 40p. Pupils can buy two items each. All products used carry the Fairtrade logo. Proceeds from the snack will go to the Fairtrade foundation, in keeping with our targets to retain our ‘Fair Achiever School’ status.



Head Teacher’s Awards 7.2.20

Lots of deserving pupils were again awarded their certificates and prizes for their hard work, effort and positive attitude to their learning. Our photos show several successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.

Also pictured are all our young people who took part in the recent schools gymnastics competition.

Head Teacher’s Awards Assembly 31.1.20

Today in awards, we had many successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens who were awarded with their certificates. We also had a visit from Mr and Mrs Wilbur from Dalbeattie Chamber of Trade  who came to receive a cheque for £57 from the Rotakids Club for the Christmas lights appeal. The Rotakids Club, had, under the guidance of Mr and Mrs Cathro, raised the money with ‘Guess the Sweets in the Jar’ before the Christmas holidays. Rotakids is a junior Rotary Club which aims to undertake good work for the community, school and the wider global  environment. Certificates were also awarded for good performance in Accelerated Reader quizzes. Also at the assembly, were senior High School pupils who informed us about the new recycling bins in the dinner hall so that waste can be better segregated.



Head Teacher’s Awards 17.1.20

Today, several pupils were awarded with much deserved certificates for being successful learners and effective contributors, with many good role models showing good focus, concentration and excellent attitude to their learning and the school community. Also presented were two special certificates, chosen by Mrs Gray for skills in PE. The whole of Primary 7 were awarded for their resilience and determination during cross country in poor weather conditions. Excellent!