Category Archives: Wellbeing

Play Leaders

Our Sports Captains and Vice Captains have been working with Amy from active schools over the last few weeks on becoming Play leaders for the school.  Today the leaders put their skills to the test by setting ups session for P1/2. Amy shared that the leaders had done a fanatic job and they were a credit to the school and themselves. Well done everyone. I can’t wait for you to deliver some of these session in the playground at breaks and lunchtimes for different classes.


CPR and Defibrillator Training

Primary 7 had a visit from Amanda, Community First Responder for the Scottish Ambulance Service, on Thursday. She taught us the importance of assessing danger, checking the airway and placing a individual into the recovery position. She highlighted the steps that the children would take if they found an unresponsive patient that wasn’t breathing. The children participated in performing CPR and learned about how to use the defibrillators that are located in our local community. All of Primary 7 displayed great resilience by continuing to perform CPR even when they got tired!

Great work Primary 7!


Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards 27.9.24

A full assembly again today. PC Blacklock and her colleague PC McCormick visited us in assembly to remind the children about the importance of the emergency services and appropriate use 999 number for emergency purposes. It was great to see PC Blacklock in school today and she will be popping back into see P1 as part their topic this term.

We spoke today in Friday Focus about our 3rd Value Respected and continued this in assembly. Some confident individuals sharing what respected means in their classes.


Head Teacher’s awards for lots of different reasons. As always lots of hard work and great learning taking place across the classes. Being committed and contributing to class discussions, taking on challenges in writing, excellent work in maths. a great attitude to learning and giving 110% effort were just a few of the reasons for awards this week. Well done to all our award winners.




Bikeability Level 1

What a fantastic day to be out with some of our P7s undertaking their bikeability level 1 training today. All the children were amazing. They carried out bike and helmet checks. They followed instructions with care and demonstrated a good awareness of cycle control, gliding,stopping,starting and turning. The slow race was a great challenge and they all gave this a great go. Looking forward to progressing to level 2 training next term.

P7 Leavers Evening

Well a bit short on photos from this evening but the P7s have had a fantastic night of fun. Slip and slide, water balloons,water guns, super soakers, face paints, just dance, fizzy drinks and treats. A lovely way to end what was a special day for them as they prepare to move to secondary school in August.