Category Archives: Wellbeing

P7 Leavers Evening

Well a bit short on photos from this evening but the P7s have had a fantastic night of fun. Slip and slide, water balloons,water guns, super soakers, face paints, just dance, fizzy drinks and treats. A lovely way to end what was a special day for them as they prepare to move to secondary school in August.

Fun 31 Across the School

Lots going on for Fun 31 today across the school. Some great outdoor painting and creativity. Some imaginative obstacle courses, tennis and skipping in the playground. A range of outdoor physical activity tasks on the mugga and grass. P7 loved the parachute and some dodge ball in the hall. Some very imaginative lego building inside as well.

Article 31 The right to rest, play ,culture and arts

New Primary 1 Transition

This week, we had our second carousel activity where the new Primary 1s for August, joined in with the current P1s to take part in three different activities, meeting staff and getting used to the classrooms and open areas. The P6 buddies did a great job helping with the board game activity and were super at encouraging the young people to talk about themselves.  After the carousel we had our first ‘try out lunch’ experience. Well done all!


UNCRC – Article 28 Access to Education

UNCRC – Article 29 Aims of Education


Assembly and HT Awards

A busy assembly today. The children were introduced to the SHANARRI characters that were created earlier this term. It has taken a bit of time to get the children’s design turned into graphics but with the help of former pupil Molly Boynton we have these completed. Thank you Molly for doing these for us. We think they are amazing.

These characters will be used throughout the school and classes as part of wellbeing and to develop confidence in talking about all the wellbeing indicators.

SHANARRI character designs that were selected for across the whole school. Well done to all the creators.

Please see the picture below in the attached pdf.

SHANARRI Dalbeattie Primary and Nursery

Last week in assembly I reminded the children about bringing their water bottles to school and having sun hats and sunscreen for the warmer sunny days. The children have really tried hard with this and I have seen some fab sun hats in the playground this week. Linking in with this, as part of their class learning about the body this term P3 have created sun safety posters. They had initially been going to share with P1 but today they presented these at assembly to the whole school. The children had scripted what they wanted to say and presented their posters about sun safety messages with confidence. Well done everyone Mrs Stephenson was very proud of you all.

Lots of Head Teacher’s awards given out today. The school values were very evident today with lots of awards for commitment and kindness. Making good choices was also something that featured highly today with people really thinking about things before acting or carrying things through. Some good choices made around playground behaviour and helping others. Great results in numeracy and effort across the year in writing were also reasons for awards today. Mrs Grey has noted some talent in football during  PE this week too. Well done to all our award winners this week.


Fun 31

It’s been a few weeks since we shared any of our Fun 31 activities with you so here are some of the play activities that the classes have engaged in today.

P1 – Charanga Rhythm work and playing with new instruments purchased by a recent play grant received to develop our play environment.


Cars and transport, lego and K’Nex, How to draw and sewing were a few of the activities today. Mr Caldow also had a group out at the running track for some physical activity and Miss Scott had Karaoke in her classroom.

Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards 12.1.24

Today we held out first assembly of the new year. We looked at the SHANARRI wellbeing words and what these mean to us at Dalbeattie Primary. The P7s will be sharing these with classes next week and there will be a wee competition linked to them for children  to take part in. More information about this will follow in due course.


H- Healthy.

A – Active.

N- Nurtured

A- Achieving


R- Responsible


Head Teacher’s Awards today were given for some of the following reasons super sounding skills, great progression in reading, being neat tidy and organised, being a responsible citizen and showing confidence in maths and identifying a range of angles.