Category Archives: successful learners

Assembly and HT Awards

Well done to all our achievers this wee. Some showing school values and lots of successful learners this week.

Excellent art work, being a kind and positive role model, showing commitment to learning, always listening and taking advice are just a few examples of reasons for awards today.

The House Captains also help out at awards today and presented these to the children. Thank you for your help captains – definitely 4 confident individuals.

Some of our nursery pupils also joined us for assembly today. They are all getting ready for their move into P1 after the summer.

Some of the pupils that participated in the cross country super 4s were also presented with medals from active school for their achievements well done everyone.

Assembly and Headteacher’s awards

Assembly report by Evie McGougan and Mrs Duncan

Today in assembly Mrs Duncan spoke to the children about the four capacities from Curriculum for Excellence. These are part of our vision values and aims and what we want all children to aspire to and achieve at Dalbeattie Primary School.

The children have been working very hard this week in a range of curricular areas. We have also seen that some of the children have demonstrated the school values this week and received awards for this . Other reasons for awards included great decoding skills, making sure  the presentation of work is high quality,  being a positive role model and high quality narrative writing. Mrs Gray also gave awards for great work in P.E this included care and control with a football, and showing brilliant  determination in golf.

Well done to all our achievers this week.

Some of the children from nursery also joined us for assembly today. This is part of their transition work getting ready for coming into P1.

British Science Week

This week has been British Science Week and some of our classes have engaged in a range ion STEM learning. Some of the learning took place in the P5-P7 classrooms with class teachers, some classes visited the secondary science department.Mr Kennedy and some of the STEM ambassadors from Dalbeattie High School also visited classes and shared some science learning.

P6,P6/7 and P7 also invited parents into their classrooms today to participate in a range of science experiments. It was fantastic to have  parents and family members join the classes today.

Please see below a range of pictures form the week.

Click on the link to see P7 eggs drop.      Science Week – Egg Drop 🥚

Assembly and HT Awards 15.3.24

Some great singing in assembly today as we had a run through of all the songs for church next week.  Great effort being put in by all the classes to learn these.

HT awards given for a range of achievements as always. Lots of children demonstrating the value of kindness this week and it was great to hear about what they have been doing to show kindness. Several awards were given for progress in numeracy and being able to demonstrate strategies. We also had awards for showing more focus and concentration in learning as well. We had role models in some classes celebrated today as well as awards for skills development in PE from Mrs Grey. Well done to all our award winners this week.

Prizes were also given out for book cover designs that were completed last week as part of our world book day activities. Each class were asked to create a book cover and possibly a blurb about a title from a list shared by myself. Well done to the winners from each class.

Katie our Rota Kids president also shared information at assembly today about an Easter Egg competition that the Rota Kids are organising.  More details below.

Easter Egg Comp poster pdf version

egg comp entry form pdf version


Assembly and Headteacher’s Awards 8.3.24

Busy assembly again today. We sang through one of our songs the church at the end of term.

Following on from World Book Day yesterday, pupils from Mrs Lumsden’s book club shared information about reading. They shared favourite books, where they like to read and the rights to read. This was the first time that they had presented at assembly and they did very well as it can be quite daunting talking in front of the whole school.📚📚

Awards were given out this week for effort with writing and improved presentation, creating stories at home and sharing with the class, being an IT whizz using publisher and using IT to support writing. Some pupils were also recognised for their commitment to learning and showing resilience when things can be challenging. Mrs Gray identified pupils for showing co-ordination and control when hitting a shuttle in badminton and for showing focus and control with a beanbag and bat. Well done to all our award winner this week.

Finally we celebrated the success of our gymnasts from last weeks schools competition. Well done again to all our teams.👏🏅


World Book Day Part 2

More pictures from our world book day activities.

P3 enjoyed sharing their favourite books with each other in class and the Nursery, P1 and P1/2 had a carousel of stories this afternoon. A start to transition for our nursery boys and girls visiting the primary classrooms.

Thank you Mrs Leslie, Mrs Fitzsimmons and Miss Johnstone for reading the stories.