Category Archives: school pupil council

RNLI Fundraiser and Water Safety Talks Event

Thank you all for your wonderful support today. We do not yet know, exactly, the amount raised but we think it will be at least £40. We used 200 coins to write the number 200 and kept adding layers of coins until we had some quite high stacks. This fundraiser was for Kippford Lifeboat and also to mark the 200 year anniversary of the RNLI. Well done everyone. Thank you School Pupil Councillors for organising this and to Kippford RNLI for supplying the stickers. Thank you to local lifeboat volunteer Keith who came to give us water safety talks today. P.S Remember the lifeboat poster competition. To see the details again, read further below the pictures form today. Thank you


For the poster competition for Kippford RNLI, here are the details again:

2024 is the 200th anniversary of the existence of the RNLI. In recognition of this milestone event, Kippford Lifeboat Station will be running a competition for children to design a poster celebrating 200 years of saving lives at sea.

The competition will run until June. All completed entries must be received by Thursday 27th June. The competition is open to any child. There will be three age categories with prizes for first, second and third in each category as follows – 3-4 years, 5-7 years and 8-11 years.

All entries must be A4 size. RNLI and 200 must appear somewhere on the design. Any medium can be used, e.g. pen, pencil, crayon, paint, collage as desired. The child’s name, age, school attended and parental contact number must be clearly displayed on the rear of the poster. Completed entries can be handed into the RNLI shop in Kippford or Dalbeattie Learning Campus for the attention of Mrs Howie.

The posters will be judged by members of the lifeboat crew and winners announced in early July. It is hoped that prizes can be presented to the winning entrants at the Kippford Station Open Day on 6th July.




Reminder this Friday is 2p for 200 coin challenge in aid of RNLI

Please remember that this Friday 21st June is the day for children to bring in any 2p coins they have gathered up for our fundraiser for Kippford RNLI. The School Pupil Council will be helping pupils to lay their coins on a design, using 200 x  2p coins, to make the number 200 on the school playground. Once we have laid 200 coins, we will start a second layer and so on. One layer will amount to £4 but hopefully we will get enough coins to make a few layers,  increasing the amount we raise. Our water safety talks from a RNLI member will be in the afternoon.                                                                                                          Please also remember the  Kippford Lifeboat poster competition. (details are in  a previous post.) Entries  for this should be given to Mrs Howie by Thursday 27th June. Thank you

RNLI Water Safety and 2p for 200 Fundraiser


Later in June, we shall be welcoming someone from the RNLI to talk to us about water safety. On the same day (Friday 21st June) we shall both mark the occasion and commemorate the 200th anniversary of the RNLI with a fundraiser, organised by our School Pupil Council. The challenge is to collect and bring any 2p coins you have at home or receive in change over the next few weeks. The school pupil council will help pupils to lay their donations onto an interesting design, chalked out in the playground on 21st June. So please start looking for the those 2p coins for our “2p for 200 Challenge.”  Also, please  remember on a connected theme, from another recent post about the poster competition for Kippford RNLI. Entries for this to be in by the Friday 28th June.

Children in Need

At Dalbeattie Primary we have raised approximately £380 for Children in Need and a further £150 for sponsoring a young person’s education in Malawi as our yearly pledge to the Janice Jamieson Memorial Foundation. Through the week
 we have been raising money with our spotty ball pit lucky dip and through having a non uniform day. 11 lucky winners won Pudsey prizes because their lucky ball numbers were picked from the hat. Well done the School Pupil Council  for organising this and working hard to co-ordinate the drawing of the ball numbers. Thank you all for your terrific support for these charities.