Category Archives: School Information

Assembly and HT Awards 15.3.24

Some great singing in assembly today as we had a run through of all the songs for church next week.  Great effort being put in by all the classes to learn these.

HT awards given for a range of achievements as always. Lots of children demonstrating the value of kindness this week and it was great to hear about what they have been doing to show kindness. Several awards were given for progress in numeracy and being able to demonstrate strategies. We also had awards for showing more focus and concentration in learning as well. We had role models in some classes celebrated today as well as awards for skills development in PE from Mrs Grey. Well done to all our award winners this week.

Prizes were also given out for book cover designs that were completed last week as part of our world book day activities. Each class were asked to create a book cover and possibly a blurb about a title from a list shared by myself. Well done to the winners from each class.

Katie our Rota Kids president also shared information at assembly today about an Easter Egg competition that the Rota Kids are organising.  More details below.

Easter Egg Comp poster pdf version

egg comp entry form pdf version


Assembly and Awards

Today in assembly P7 pupils Emily, Katie D ,Katie H and  Isabella presented the outcome of our Vison, Values and Aims review. They were confident at sharing their report to the whole school.

We are now waiting on our logo being finalised by the graphics team for us. We will share completed update in due course.

VVA report back assembly (1)

Head Teachers Awards were given today for lots of worthy reasons as always. Some of the reasons included, learning and applying new mathematical concepts, enthusiasm for reading and summarising the story, excellent initial ideas in art for a Tam O Shanter picture and showing enthusiasm for learning in all curricular areas. Well done to all our award winners this week.


Primary 1 Transition Information

Please see below a transition video showing the new P1 pupils round the Early Years Open Area and Classrooms.

As well as the video we have provided a brief information booklet about starting P1. P1  may look slightly different to normal and hope this booklet as well as our normal P1 guide(attached as a PDF) gives you an insight into P1. Please note that the P1 Beginner’s Guide was produced before changes to plans were made. One important change to take note of is that school starts on Wednesday 12th August. The start times for Primary 1, in the Primary 1F class, on the first three days  (12th-14th August) will be 8.50am and the school day will end at 2.50pm. For Primary 1 children in the P1/2 class the start and end times times will be 9.00am and 3pm.

0094-17 Dalbeattie Primary P1 beginners Guide 2020

We have also attached a Microsoft form for parents to complete if you have any questions. We will respond to questions either  through a blog post or  a phone call if question relates to a specific matter about your son/daughter.

Breakfast Club

Today, the breakfast club started, thanks to the super organisation of Mrs Dunlop. The club runs on Tuesdays and Wednesdays before school. The young people loved the range of food on offer (toast, cereal, fruit, yoghurts) and drinks (fruit juice.) The cost is 50p a day and takes place in the spare classroom- entry through the playground gate.  Earliest arrival is 8.15 and latest is 8.30am. There were also games on offer so that the children could enjoy some social interaction too. Great fun! Mrs Dunlop is very grateful to all the helpers too.

Eco and Pupil Council Committees

Today our new Eco and School Council committees were formed. They are:

Eco Committee

Primary 1: Rose Johnston

Primary 1 /2: Isla Tattersfield

Primary 2/ 3: Kai Hill

Primary 3: Leo Cooper-Rogers

Primary 3/ 4: Freya MacIntosh

Primary 5 /6: Roman Bond

Primary 5: Chloe Campbell

Primary 6: Noah Black

Primary P6 /7: Archie Gilmour

Primary 7: Lewis Brotherston


School Pupil Council:

Primary 1: Henry Hicks

Primary 1 /2: McKenzie Forster

Primary 2/ 3: Lucy Smith

Primary 3: Ben Clark and Evan Kirkpatrick

Primary 3/ 4: Lucas Tattersfield

Primary 5 /6: Bonnie McGlashan

Primary 5: Maisy Pipe

Primary 6: Jamie Robson

Primary P6 /7: Liam Bourhill

Primary 7: Daividh Valentine


Award Winners 21.9.18

Today we had a new set of Head Teacher Award winners. Not only did they receive their certificates but, for the first time, the pupils were also presented with prizes: Head Teacher’s award pencils! The previous winners at our first assembly were also presented with some. The decision to give prizes has resulted from consultation with all the school children about ways they would like to improve how achievements are celebrated. Here are this week’s winners:

Also at our assembly this week, 12 Primary 7 pupils were presented with their badges for volunteering to be librarians. Our new library monitors give up their lunch times, on a rota basis, to keep the school library organised and tidy.


Presentation of Badges

Today in assembly the children were awarded their badges for Eco Schools Committee, School Pupil Council, Sports  Captains and House Captains. Library Committee will be given their badges next week. Please see the Eco and School Pupil Council pages for photos. The Sports and house Captains are below.



New School Badge Winner

We are delighted to announce that Lainey Ireland from P7  is the winner of our new school badge competition. Lainey’s badge was one of four final designs that pupils have been voting on over the past two weeks. Lainey’s badge has now been copy righted to the school for use on school clothing and documents.

Congratulation Lainey.


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