Category Archives: performing

Lights, Camel, Action

A huge well done to P4,P4/5 and P5 classes today on their fantastic performances of the show Lights Camel, Action. There was singing ! There was dancing! There was humour and we certainly had confident individuals in all the classes.

Thank you to all the staff for their involvements in putting the show together. Thank you to our audiences for coming along to watch and support the children.

Scots Poetry Assembly

At assembly today we heard the winners from each class reciting their Scots poem. The teachers swapped classes this morning to carry out to the final judging process. All the teachers said what great morning they had and really enjoyed meeting a new class and listening to all the poems. Everyone had tricky judging decisions to make as everyone had done so well.

A huge well done to everyone across the school for learning their poems this year and having a go. This isn’t something everyone enjoys or finds easy but we are proud of each and everyone of you for trying your very best.






Cuppa and Carols

The rain stayed away thank goodness and we had a lovely evening with a cuppa and carols. Thank you to everyone that came along and joined us this evening for a cuppa and joined in some carol singing. The children have been leaning a range of Christmas carols in class. and at assembly over the last few weeks and shared these with family members this evening.

Thank you to staff who came along and supported the event and thank you to our parent council for providing the refreshments.

Scots Poetry Assembly 14.2.20

Today in assembly, we celebrated our Scots Poetry Competition work with certificates being presented to first, second and third place finalists. The first place winners then entertained the whole school with a recitation of their chosen poems. Today, also saw the visit of our guests from Dalbeattie Burns Club who judged not only the Primary 7 pupils who recited an excerpt from Robert Burns’ Tam O’ Shanter but also the art work, which depicted a scene from the same poem.

The results were: Primary 1: First – Corey Canochan;  Second- Henry Hicks;  Third- Sophie Geddes ;  Primary 1/2: First- Mollie Watson;   Second- Finlay Bell;  Third Equal:  Lexie Anderson and Evie McGougan;   Primary 2/3: First Equal- Jack Little and Amalie Wykes;  Second- Aidan Galbraith; Third Equal- Elise Wixon and Reuben Benson;   Primary 3: First- Lucy Johnstone;  Second- Katie Dickie; Third Equal- Rebecca Hird and Oliver Bonnar;   Primary 3/4: First- Anaya Nerestan;   Second- Isla Smith;  Third Equal-  Rory McCormick and Lucy Bell;  Primary 4/5: First- Ava Drummond;  Second Equal- Fern Lundy and Sam Donnelly; Third Equal- Ailsa Ferguson and Owen O’Dornan;    Primary 5: First- Chloe Campbell;    Second- Struan Caldow;  Third Equal- Hayden Berry and Elsie Gibbs-Brown;  Primary 6: First- Fabio Murray-Sanchez;     Second Jack Johnstone;   Third- Owen Bryson;    Primary 6/7 (photo to follow) : First- Eve McCall;  Second Equal- Liam Bourhill and Laith Atkinson Deacon;   Primary 7 Poetry Recitation of Tam O’ Shanter: First- Maddison McMurtrie;     Second- Thomas Jardine;  Third- Jessica Davidson; Primary 7 Poetry Art Work of Tam O’ Shanter: First- Rhys Gaffney;  Second- Carrie Davidson; Third- Amber Latimer.

Also in our assembly, Primary 4/5 drew the raffle for the completed Titanic Quizzes. The winner, receiving £10 was Lucy Simpson.  Our Primary 5 class was awarded with the Wow tracker Active travel to School Award. Finally, Roman Bond and Chloe Campbell reminded us all that the first day back after the February holiday (Monday 24th) will be Fairtrade Snack day with biscuits (shortbread with chocolate and jelly bean) costing 60p and bananas 40p. Pupils can buy two items each. All products used carry the Fairtrade logo. Proceeds from the snack will go to the Fairtrade foundation, in keeping with our targets to retain our ‘Fair Achiever School’ status.



Head Teacher’s Awards 7.2.20

Lots of deserving pupils were again awarded their certificates and prizes for their hard work, effort and positive attitude to their learning. Our photos show several successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.

Also pictured are all our young people who took part in the recent schools gymnastics competition.

Christmas in Church End of Term Service

Today, we celebrated the start of the Christmas holidays with another wonderful service in Dalbeattie and Kirkgunzeon Parish Church. The Primary 7s re-told the original First Christmas story, in a ‘Pop Up Nativity,’ with some help from the audience with actions and words and the Primary 3s dressed up as the original Nativity characters of Mary, Joseph, Angels, Wise Men and Shepherds. The whole congregation thoroughly enjoyed their audience participation, interspersed with some wonderful traditional carol singing.


Cinderella and Rockerfella

With audience participation from the outset – goodies to cheer, baddies to boo – and some very corny jokes, the stage was set for the tale of Cinderella and Rockerfella to unfold in the panto-style production at Dalbeattie Primary School. Fairy Nastyboots and Naughty Kitty were thwarted in their attempts to prevent Cinders and Rockerfella (Prince Charming) from falling in love. Luckily, the Fairy Brigade were there with a ‘Wey Hey Hey’ to save the day. The Ugly Sisters brought the house down with their duet of “I’m so in love with me!” Buttons entertained the audience with his limericks and his talking dog Teaser. A special thank you goes to Miss Dale and Holywood Primary School for the loan of backdrops and outrageous costumes. Thanks also to support staff and all family members who supported children, and to Kyle in S4 at Dalbeattie High School for his expertise with sound and lights. Mrs Anderson, Mrs McLean and Mrs Dyson were very proud of all pupils from Primary 3/4, Primary 4/5 and Primary 5 who had worked extremely hard to make the show a roaring success.


Special Assembly

We were treated today, in a special assembly, to a percussion instrument performance by musical instrument instructor Mr Duffy. Mr Duffy demonstrated drums and the electronic xylophone before inviting pupil, Carrie, to the stage to perform some of the drumming pieces she has been working on. At the same assembly,  Bikeability Awards were presented to our recent participants. Certificates were also presented to our four gymnasts, who have recently competed at the Scottish Primary Schools Floor and vault Competition, held in Perth. Eva Swanston, Sophie McRobert, Abbie Millar and Lily McCubbin  represented their school so well; they came 13th out of 23 teams at Level 2. Well done!

Eco Schools 6th Green Flag Celebration Event

On Friday 17th May 2019, Dalbeattie Primary School held a special event to celebrate the renewal of its Eco Schools green flag- now the 6th awarded to Dalbeattie Primary. Because our feedback from Eco Schools had highlighted the good partnership work we had entered into with parent helpers, local organisations and businesses, it was decided that we would share our success with all who had been involved. One special invited guest was Finlay Carson MSP who had highlighted the school’s eco work at the Scottish Parliament. We are very grateful to Mrs Houston and the Hospitality Department at Dalbeattie High School who prepared and served some wonderful refreshments which included green flag topped cakes! Mrs Duncan and Mrs Howie are both very proud of the eco committee’s participation in the event and are also very grateful to Kate Howard, Musical Director who led contributions from the William Heughan Choir who performed two eco songs. This was in addition to the two songs which the whole school have been practising in recent weeks. Thank you too to all our invited guests for coming along to share in our celebration and to Mrs Murray for overseeing the invitations. Thank you also to Mr Parker who went to new heights to display all  6 of our flags and for suspending our paper mache Earth!