Category Archives: Partnership Working

Queen’s 90th Birthday Quiz

Thank you to everyone who took part. We are still gathering in money from sales of quiz sheets but have made over £180 so far. Money will be shared between Action for Children and Barnardos.  The quiz entries have been marked and correct entries have been drawn for the prizes. We are in the process of distributing the prizes. Thank you to all the shops and businesses who donated such generous prizes and for participating in this community event.

Donation from: Winners Prizes
Lions Club Anne Kalotka

Amie McKerrow

Elaine Henderson

Harry Foster

Sheena Scott

£20 book shop voucher x 5
Rotary Club Rhys Bell £50 cash prize
Flowers For You Nathan Harper plant
McKenzies Jasmine Wixon Bakeware
Complete Insurance Solutions Erin Styles £10 voucher for any shop in Dalbeattie
Supersave Mya Sargent Craft items and mugs
Idlehour Jack Brown Yankee Candle
GGB Jenny Blackwood Bottle of champagne
Bible Shop Molly Houston Children’s Bible
McCowans Finlay Burns voucher
Neilsons Pauline Warner Mixed grill for two voucher
D.G Lockharts Jennifer Stewart £25 book token
Granite Kitchen Lucy Bell

Jill Blackwood

2x £5 vouchers
Ian Bendall Undertakers Archie and Evie Coltart Cash prize £50
Best Pizza Kebab Shop Wendy Grierson 12” pizza
Stewartry Vets Jessica Bowden £25 cash prize
TH Carsons David Bowie £10 voucher
Dalbeattie Museum Karen Stitt £25 cash prize
Dalbeattie Book Shop Adam Ailsa and Aurla Ferguson 2017 Calendar and jigsaw
Well Pharmacy Drew Armstrong Candle set
Luigis Restaurant Andrew Kalotka Jnr £20 voucher
Bryan Gowans Nicki Armstrong Towel set
Hair and Beauty Gallery Katie Harper £10 voucher
De Caf Cafe Moira Bowie £10 voucher
Lily’s Chocolates Tallontire Family Box of chocolates
Trends Abbey Sargent £20 voucher
Jamiesons Shaun Styles

Blair Kalotka

2x£5 vouchers

90 quiz participants


Janice Jamieson Memorial Foundation

I am now able to share with you details about the young person we are  sponsoring though the Janice Jamieson Memorial Foundation in Malawi. Our young person is called Agnes Yoswa. Agnes  enjoys reading and singing and one day hopes to become a doctor. As a school , we have agreed to sponsor Agnes for 4 years and will have an annual fundraiser to provide sponsorship. We will receive half yearly reports about progress and look forward to sharing these with the school community.

Sponsor Child


ECO Outing

Our Eco Committee returned to the river at the Dee Hatchery to see how our salmon had grown. We watched as the Galloway Fisheries staff carried out Electro-Fishing in the water. We were then able to have a closer look at the salmon they caught  and unfortunately, some crayfish.

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We then visited Spottes Burn where we saw even more fish. We were able to have a closer look at salmon, trout and eels, before returning them safely back to the water. We presented Rowan Armstrong with a card and flowers to show our appreciation of her input and support with this project.

Queen’s Birthday Lunch Friday 10th June

birthday lunch 1 birthday lunch 2 birthday lunch 3

birthday lunch 4 IMG_1037 IMG_1041

The children enjoyed a lovely Birthday lunch, as part of DGFirst’s region- wide themed day, to celebrated the Queen’s 90th Birthday. All pupils participating received a lunch bag with choice of sandwich crisp, juice, a pencil and a choice of ‘Royal Cupcake,’  ‘Crown Shortbread’ or ‘Royal Fruit Sundae.’ The dinner ladies not only prepared an extra special array of food but also had the hall decorated beautifully with bunting to create an atmosphere of celebration. Thank you!


Queen’s 90th Birthday Quiz this weekend 10th-12th June

Remember you can buy your quizzes for £1 each from the school. they are available in many shops in the town for the local community. The prizes are tremendous!

latest 90 photo

Above, our school councillors and dinner ladies are holding a selection of the thirty collage 90s which will soon be on display in shop and business windows in Dalbeattie this weekend.

Queen’s 90th Birthday Quiz

Queen 90 Birthday

To mark the occasion of the Queen’s 90th Birthday, the school is participating in a Stewartry weekend of celebrations on 11th and 12th June (co-ordinated by Lord Lieutenant Sir Malcolm Ross) by organising a quiz in the local community. 30 shops are going to be displaying giant ’90’ collages, which have been made by the children in school. On each collage, there will be an answer to a question on the quiz sheet- quiz sheets can be purchased in advance from many shops and businesses within the town and direct through school. The quiz costs £1 and proceeds will go two of the charities for which the Queen is a patron: Barnardos and Actions for Children. We are very grateful for the tremendous support the local community has shown for this event. Not only have the shops, organisations and businesses agreed to display the collages but their generosity in donating prizes has been amazing.

Prizes: Rotary Club £50 cash prize * Ian Bendall Undertakers £50 cash prize * Stewartry Vets   £25 cash prize * Dalbeattie Museum £25 cash prize * Lions Club—£20 book shop voucher x 5 * D.G Lockharts-£25 book token * Luigis Restaurant £20 voucher * GGB Bottle Champagne * Flowers For You– plant * McKenzies TBC * Complete Insurance Solutions – £10 voucher *   Supersave TBC * Idlehour – Yankee Candle * Bible Shop Child’s Bible * McCowans -voucher *   Neilsons Butchers -Mixed grill for two voucher * Granite Kitchen -voucher* Best Pizza Kebab Shop -12” pizza * TH Carsons Butchers- £10 voucher* Dalbeattie Book Shop– 2017 Calendar and jigsaw * Well Pharmacy TBC * Bryan Gowans TBC * Hair and Beauty Gallery – £10 voucher* De-Caf Cafe– voucher* Lily’s Chocolate Shop TBC

Other participants displaying 90s and selling quizzes:   Corsons Bakery,   Austins Solicitors, J Paterson & Sons,   Dalbeattie Community Initiative Office, VIP,  Preloved, Trends 

QUIZ can be undertaken on 10th, 11th or 12th June . Completed entries to be posted through Dalbeattie Community Initiative door at 71 High Street by  9am Monday 13th June when correct entries will be drawn for the prizes listed above.

On Friday 10th June, the school is also pleased to be taking part in DGFirst’s region wide theme day to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday when there will be lots of goody bags and the dessert will be Royal cupcakes!


Run Doon Hame Five Capitals Challenge

Dalbeattie Primary School has been delighted to support the Run Doon Hame charity run today in school. The children have come to school in  non uniform and donated  £1 each for a wrist band. Then in the afternoon, the school children gathered in Colliston Park to welcome the runners as they continued on their journey. The team of five runners, all policemen, were greeted by the children before answering questions about their challenge. We found out that the challenge is to run 732 miles in one  week, visiting five capital cities. The challenge started in London and will end in Edinburgh on Sunday 29th May when the team will then take part in the Edinburgh Marathon. They have raised over £7000 so far which will go to the charities ‘Westsound Cash For Kids’ and ‘Care of Police Survivors.’ Today, in school the children raised £343 to add to this. Well done and thank you to everyone for supporting this!

waiting for the runners banner big hug with courgae

runners 1 runners 2 runners 4

runners 5 runners 3 runners with kids

World Orienteering Day

Wednesday 11th May was World Orienteering day. Solway Orienteers visited Dalbeattie Primary School and organised an orienteering maze and other fun challenges. Pupils from P5-P7 all participated in this event.

Photos below show  P7C participating on the day and extending their knowledge and skill levels in orienteering.

P7C6 P7C5 P7C4

P7C3 P7C2 P7C7

P7C9 P7C1 P7C