Category Archives: Nursery

Birds, eggs and Christmas

We have been learning about eggs.  We smashed, cracked and whisked up eggs.  We hardboiled some of them and looked at how they had changed.  We peeled the hardboiled ones and ate them with toast for snack.

We had a visitor from the RSPB at Mersehead on Friday to talk to us about birds.  We played listening games and tried to identify some bird calls and we made bird cakes.

The Christmas preparations have begun.  The house corner has turned into Santa’s grotto, we have been practising for our nativity and we have been doing some Christmas crafts.


The nursery children decided they want to learn more about birds and came up with a list of questions they would like the answers to, many of which involved birds eating worms!  We have created a wormery to look more closely at worms and have made bird feeders to help the birds survive the colder weather.  We will work our way through the list of questions and have a visitor from the RSPB at Mersehead coming to visit us later this week who might be able to help us with our answers.

Nursery News

Last week we had a focus on numbers.  We did several number hunts, played number games and counted lots of things.  We were very good at finding numbers around us and went to look for numbers in other places in the school.

On Thursday we had our open sessions.  It was lovely to have so many parents in nursery and the children enjoyed sharing their learning.

We have also had Mrs Whitty’s ducklings in for a visit.  We enjoyed watching them eat and drink and they were very soft to touch.

With the Christmas Fayre later this week, our craft table was almost like a production line and we are looking forward to having a full stall on Thursday night.  We look forward to seeing some of you there from 6pm-8pm.

Creative Construction

We have done a bit of rearranging in nursery in order to create a larger area for the children to build and allow them the freedom to access different types of building materials by themselves.  This week we have been testing it out.  It isn’t quite finished yet, but we are having a lot of fun.  The large bricks and the tools were the biggest hits!

To continue the construction theme, we read about the Three Little Pigs.  We enjoyed playing with puppets and masks and used them to retell the story.  Some of us created our own stories about how we would trick the wolf if he came to our house!


World Nursery Rhyme Week

We participated in World Nursery Rhyme Week.  We enjoyed a new rhyme each day and based some of our activities around this.  The rhymes we learned were Baa Baa Black Sheep, Two Little Dickie Birds, Incy Wincy Spider and Hey Diddle Diddle.  There were some funny new verses to sing!

On Wednesday we peeled, cooked and ate the last of the potatoes from our garden.  We had mash and beans for snack.

It was Remembrance Day on Friday.  Some of us went to see the war memorial in the park.

Halloween Fun

We had a fun start to the new term today in nursery.  Lots of us dressed up and we enjoyed some traditional Halloween activities like dookin’ for apples.  Some of us were brave enough to perform our ‘party pieces’ so we had some lovely songs, some jokes (that the adults didn’t get at all but we found hilarious!) and some interesting dance moves!  We made pumpkin lanterns and had a spooky snack.


Autumn Conkers

As we didn’t find any chestnuts on our trip to the woods, Miss Carson brought some in for us to explore.  We were surprised at how sharp the shells were and loved opening the chestnuts up to discover the soft spongy insides, and of course the conker!  Miss Carson wasn’t the only one to bring in chestnuts.  Aiden had his own collection and won the title of the ‘Conker Champion’ by collecting more than Miss Carson!  We did some observational pencil drawings of the chestnuts and acorns and have added various forest items and toys to our Tuff tray.  We have also used them for counting activities.


We decided it was time to dig up the potatoes that we had planted in the garden.  We were amazed to find out we had over 40 tatties to eat.  We had a lovely group snack of potato and vegetable soup which we helped to make.  We still have some potatoes left so we will be able to make more tasty snacks!