Category Archives: Nursery

Nursery News

Over the past two weeks while Miss Carson has been on her travels, Mrs Wixon has been in the nursery covering the topic of People Who Help Us.  After getting ideas from the children, we planned some fun filled activities together.

We focused on people who help us at home, in school and in the wider community.  We went on visits to the Health Centre and Post Office.  We also had a visit from the fire brigade, a first responder, a nanny and also some special people who help us in school.

We had some great learning experiences from this topic and would like to thank all of the people for helping us by telling us how they help other people.

Mrs Wixon

Healthy Eating

We have been learning where some foods come from and which foods we should eat lots of to stay healthy.

“You should eat a lot of vegetables…but I love cake!”  – Alivia

“Potatoes come from a potato plant.  You need to dig them up.  They are healthy.” – Amelie B

“Your teeth will fall out if you eat a lot of sweeties.” – Mollie

“Eggs are good.  They come from chickens.  You can eat chickens too! – Casey

“We can eat lots of oranges…just little ones!” – Dominic

Our Bodies

We have been learning about our bodies in nursery over the last few weeks.  We all knew lots about the parts of the body we could see and could name many of these parts.  Our questions,and what we really wanted to find out more about, were all related to what happened inside our body, so that has been our focus.  We borrowed a skeleton from the primary and then asked the Science Department if they had something which showed our insides.  The secondary teachers were worried the model was a bit gruesome for us – but we have found it fascinating and have remembered so much of what we have been talking about.  We have looked at the skeleton, the internal organs, muscles and blood and completed various activities in relation to these.

Dalbeattie Nursery Boat Naming Ceremony

The sun shone on a very special boat naming ceremony at the new Dalbeattie Learning Campus on November 9th. The children in Dalbeattie Primary’s Nursery were thrilled to see their new play item officially named ‘Everest Skye,’ a name they had picked themselves, based on a popular TV programme. Sir Malcolm Ross, Lord Lieutenant for the Stewartry performed the ceremony, watched on by excited children and invited guests who included Lady Ross, members of Solway Yacht Club and representatives from Grahams Design Team and D&G Schools For The Future together with the school’s management team.
In order to install a play feature designed by the landscape architect, Project Manager Andy Little was tasked with finding a boat. He made contact with Solway Yacht Club who gladly came to the rescue. The club has donated a laser dinghy which they have lovingly restored and painted with  the boat’s name and yacht club emblem. Commodore of the club, Ian Purkis, also presented the school with a pennant from Solway Yacht Club and made a speech about how much the club wants to encourage more young sailors from Dalbeattie to get involved at the club at Kippford. Sir Malcolm and Lady Ross also presented the school with the Stewartry Flag so that the school can fly it from their flagpole once it is installed. The party of invited guests then had a tour of our wonderful new campus.    





Sea Life!

We have continued along an underwater theme, which was started by the story of The Rainbow Fish last week.  Some of the activities have been more factual and we have learned about a range of creatures which live in the seas and oceans.  We have made a lovely Rainbow Fish display which developed our scissor skills as we each cut out and decorated a shiny scale.  We also painted our clay fish and explored colours on the light box.  We have been counting to 8, based around the tentacles of an octopus and exploring how to mix paint to create lighter shades of a colour to paint our own fish.