Category Archives: environmental

Remember Future Museum tomorrow 3.15-6pm Tuesday

Come along and look at our exhibits to see what our young people thought of the plastic objects which were found on a recent beach clean.  This has been an activity in which the whole school P1-P7 took part, working collaboratively together.

£1 entry  is for  juice and biscuits and a short quiz sheet. There will be  a chance to vote for your favourite team name and also the team with the best imagination. There will be prizes for the winners and for three lucky entrants whose sheets are pulled out of the hat. Prizes will be given later in the week.   Do pop in for a visit.

Citizenship and Celebrating Wider Achievement

It’s wonderful to see so many of you sharing your wider achievements in school with us. Please remember, to send in your child’s PASS booklet for assessment and to be considered for an award and/ or prize.  They are a great way to have wider achievement recognised. Children with grey or yellow booklets will have partially completed booklets and will be considered for interim prizes. (Yellow and Grey booklets take 3 years to complete.) Please send the booklets into school no later than Monday 24th June. They will be returned to your young person afterwards to continue filling them in until complete. For anyone who has lost their booklet and is keen to fill it in, do let us know as we have a few spares. Current P2s and P3s were given grey booklets during their P2 year. Current P5s and P6s were given yellow booklets during their P5 year.  Children in nursery were given brown ones and may now have completed them. Some children will still not have  booklets as the newly launched booklets have been phased in following reintroduction after Covid. By next year, all children will have  a booklet in process. Thank you

Beach Clean at Rockcliffe Success


Thank you all who turned up to take part in our voluntary beach clean at Rockcliffe today.  The event was organised by the Rotakids Club in partnership with the Eco Group.  Thank you Dalbeattie Community Initiative for helping supply the equipment and to Mr and Mrs Cathro, our Rotakids coordinators. It was lovely to see so many of our pupils and their families come along in addition to Mrs Duncan and Mrs Stores, HT of Colvend and Kirkgunzeon. We now have quite a large box of varied plastic waste which will form the inspirations for some creative work for our ‘Future Museum’ later this term.

Global Goal 13 Climate Action

Global Goal 14 Life below water

Beach Clean this Sunday 21st April


This is a little reminder about the voluntary beach clean this Sunday 21st April 1pm-3pm at Rockcliffe. The event is organised by the Rotakids in partnership with the Eco Group. Thank you Dalbeattie Community Initiative for letting us borrow extra litter picking equipment. Any pupils attending should be accompanied by an adult. It is recommended that people park in the top car park and walk down to the beach because parking can be limited in the bay. No one needs to stay the entire event time. Folks can pop along for a short visit only and help us find some plastic. This will not only help the environment but will also help us in The Eco Group’s Future Museum idea, to be held later in the term,  which we will tell you more about later.

Beach Clean Sunday 21st April at Rockcliffe

Last week the Eco Committee gave a super presentation about their recent litter survey in the playground. They also highlighted an event this coming Sunday 21st April: Rotakids, in partnership with the school Eco group,  are organising a beach clean at Rockcliffe between 1pm and 3pm. Please do come along. No  one needs to stay for the entire two hours. Just pop along for however long you can stay, with an adult accompanying you, and help pick up some plastic. It is planned to bring the plastic finds back into school as a stimulus for some creative writing, later, for our Future Museum. This is an idea the Eco Committee had some time ago. Well done to those people  who undertook this activity in their own time. The plan is now to create some more exhibits for our ‘Future Museum’  with some collaborative writing in groups back in school using the bits of plastic we find on Sunday. More information on this is to follow later. Thank you Rotakids and Mr and Mrs Cathro for organising the event on Sunday. Thank you Dalbeattie Community Initiative for lending us extra litter pickers. Activities like this also help the Eco group to carry out their work and to complete activities towards their next 9th green flag application. It is recommended that people use the top car park at Rockcliffe and walk down to the beach where we will have equipment ready.

October Holiday Activity Idea

We would like to remind you about this idea which was posted before the summer holidays. It has been extended through the October holidays and on to Friday November 24th in order to include three more weekends.  While it does require a trip to a beach, it is however a great activity for not only demonstrating some citizenship  through doing some beach cleaning but is also great for literacy and creative skills because the follow up activity encourages quite a bit of imagination to to be used!

Basically, the idea is to find an interesting piece of plastic and pretend you don’t know what it actually is. Imagine you are an archaeologist in the future who finds it and has to use guess work for what it might be!

Below is the original information sheet about the activity. Also provided below is a blank pro forma which can be downloaded and edited or printed off to be handwritten  on.  Mrs Howie has also had a go a trying a couple of examples herself for this- see pdfs below. However, the level of literacy in completed work by pupils will,  of course,  vary greatly depending on the level the young person is currently working at.  Entries from Early level and beginning First Level will use understandably less complex vocabulary and language. Completed pieces can be sent into school whenever they are finished but by Friday 24th November at the very  latest.  If we have a good response,  the School Parent Council has kindly agreed to help organise an after school event to display entries and plastic items in our very own Museum of the Future!  It is hoped we can run this event in Term 3. So please do visit a beach and start your search!

P.S If you are on holiday in Cornwall you might even find a piece of lego! (check out the story on BBC Sounds ‘Lego Overboard.’)

Mrs Howie example 1 pdf

Future Museum blank pro forma

Mrs Howie example 2 pdf