Category Archives: effective contributors

Assembly and HT Awards

Today in assembly we spoke about the theme from Mental Health Week. ‘ Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’ .  We looked at different emotions and how they affect everyone differently. We also thought about how everyone is unique and has their own special qualities,strength but also things that they might worry about and need help with.

Awards were given out for a range or reasons today. We had pupils showing  confidence in their numeracy work about decimals. Some pupils were showing great skill in PE when balancing and creating sequences in gymnastics. Reading skill shave been developing in some classes and pupils demonstrating skills in comprehension. One young person has also shown determination intreating Chinese dragon puppet linked to their class learning.  P6 received a whole class award today too for their skills and confidence when creating Stop Motion Animations this week.  Well done to all our award winners this week.


Assembly and HT Awards

At assembly today we continued with the theme of friendship. Lots of the children were able to share how they have been good friends this week.

I let someone play.

I help a friend with their work.

I picked someone up that had fallen over.

I gave my friend a compliment 

I have treated people kindly

I have cheered up my friends

I boosted my friends confidence.

Representatives from each class also came out and share poems about friends and friendship  with the whole school.  Confident individuals sharing these. we hope you enjoy reading the poems.

We also celebrated achievements throughout the school with our Head Teacher’s Awards. Awards were given this week for showing commitment to learning and starting T3 in a positive way, for working more as part of the class, showing the value of kindness,demonstrating fantastic knowledge of money during maths lessons and being an excellent friend. well done to all our award winners this week.

4 Capacities – confident individuals,successful learners, effective contributors.

Values – Commitment, Kindness, Responsible

SHANARRI – Achieving,Including,Responsible


Church Service

What a lovely way to end the term with our Christmas visit to Church. The theme of the service was the Christmas  story told through the contest of some special Christmas Crackers. The P7 pupils shared the message through readings and poems.  Singing from all classes was rousing and filled the Church with Christmas cheer.

Thank you to Mrs Howie and Alison Irving for helping with the set up for today.

4 Capacities– Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors

SHANARRI– Included,Responsible

Values – Committed,Included,Responsible

Lights, Camel, Action

A huge well done to P4,P4/5 and P5 classes today on their fantastic performances of the show Lights Camel, Action. There was singing ! There was dancing! There was humour and we certainly had confident individuals in all the classes.

Thank you to all the staff for their involvements in putting the show together. Thank you to our audiences for coming along to watch and support the children.

4 Capacities – Successful leaners, Confident individuals, Effective Contributers

SHANARRI – Achieving

Values – Kind,Responsible, respected,Included,Committed

Author Visit

We were lucky enough to have been picked to receive an author visit through Wigtown Book Festival and the Big Dog Schools Tour. Today author Chad Strathie visited P1-P4/5 and shared his books Dear Dinosaur and Gorilla Loves Vanilla with the classes. There was lots of humour, hilarity and noise throughout the visit.  Can you  spot the food dinosaur and the disgusting ice cream the children created with Chae? Creativity and imagination in abundance.


Assembly and HT Awards

Today we listened to extracts from  the songs we will be singing in church on the last day of term at out Christmas service.

Awards were also presented. Lots of our school values being demonstrated this week. Commitment to learning, including others being a good friend. effort with daily writing and settling into a new class were some of the reasons for awards today. Well done to. all our achievers.

Children in Need Week

There‘s been a major focus on fundraising for Children in Need this week at Dalbeattie Primary. And it’s all been organised by The School Pupil Council who have brought their ideas to how to make it a little different this year.

Firstly, we saw the return of the Spotty Ball Pit. The pupils have been bringing in donations for drawing ball numbers from the ball pit for a chance to win a Pudsey goody. The numbers were drawn on the actual Children in Need Day and the lucky winners were: Calum Brown, Kyla Waller, Ed Parr, Skye Johnstone, Beth Blackstock, Leo Hastings,  Harrison McVinnie (missing from picture,) Charlotte Gale, Reggie Murray and Isla Whalen.

Meanwhile, another competition also ran through the week. Pupils had the chance to enter a competition to design a new eye patch for Pudsey or a bow for Blush. The entries were amazing! Perhaps we shall need to share them with the BBC. It was a very tough job for the School Pupil Council to judge the entries but they eventually came up with winners of the Pudsey Patch as: Eva Tinklin, Niamh McCormick, Ava Corson, Jasper Burns, Elise Wixon, Connor Houston, Alex Davidson, Joey McKerlie and Olivia Carson. The Blush Bow winners were: Ellie Tinklin, Mollie Watson, Esme hicks, Evie McGougan, Eilidh Brown, Liam Geddes, Kelsey Copland, Allie McMinn and Aurla Ferguson.

And, finally, on Friday in school, we had a non uniform day when the children could wear something either yellow, spotty or simply bright and colourful. Donations brought in on this day were split between Children in Need and the Janice Jamieson memorial Fund to sponsor a young person’s education in Malawi.

The amount raised for Children in Need is still being totalled but it is thought we will reach a figure of at least £300, which is an amazing figure! Well done all and thank you for supporting our School Pupil Council in this valuable fundraising activity.

On top of all this, there has been lots of learning activities going on in classes too with the pupils learning about how Children in Need helps other young people in the UK.

Please see the previous post for our school councillors in action helping with all the fundraising throughout the week.

Children in Need Part 1

Remember, tomorrow is non uniform day for Children in Need. A suggested donation of £1 will be collected in and the total amount will be split between Children in Need and the Janice Jamieson Memorial Foundation to sponsor a young person’s education in Malawi.
Earlier in the week, the School Pupil Council has been organising other fundraising activities for Children in Need. Wow! What an amazing amount of entries we have had for our ‘Design a new Pudsey Patch or Blush Bow’ competition. The School Pupil Councillors had their work cut out judging them. Each councillor was given a number of cubes and asked to place them on their seven favourite designs in each category and these were counted to decide the winners. The winners and runners up will be announced at tomorrow’s assembly together with drawing the lucky ball pit numbers. For this too we have had an amazing response with approximately 300 balls pulled from the spotty ball pit ahead of tomorrow’s lucky numbers being pulled from the hat. Thank you all for supporting these activities.

Assembly and HT Awards

Our pupil council presented information to the school about their plans for Children in Need next Friday. It was the first time for some of the pupils presenting to the whole school nd they all did really well.  Thank you Mrs Howie for organising this with the pupils.

The 2nd focus in assembly today was about Remembrance. I shared a lovely assembly powerpoint from the RBL with the children about the poppy and the importance of Remembrance. Some of our house captains will join me at church and the Remembrance Service in the Park on Sunday.

Head Teacher’s Awards were also given out. We had a couple of family awards which are alway great. It is lovely seeing  much pride siblings take when they see each other receiving awards.

Awards were given for lot of reasons today these included collaborating in play, showing initiative in helping peers, being a role model, showing improved understanding of meta skills, displaying the school values of included and responsible and super poetry writing. The range of achievements across the school are always amazing and it is a pleasure to hear from the teachers about pupils every week when they speak about them during assembly.



CPR and Defibrillator Training

Primary 7 had a visit from Amanda, Community First Responder for the Scottish Ambulance Service, on Thursday. She taught us the importance of assessing danger, checking the airway and placing a individual into the recovery position. She highlighted the steps that the children would take if they found an unresponsive patient that wasn’t breathing. The children participated in performing CPR and learned about how to use the defibrillators that are located in our local community. All of Primary 7 displayed great resilience by continuing to perform CPR even when they got tired!

Great work Primary 7!