Category Archives: confident individuals

Assembly and HT Awards

Our pupil council presented information to the school about their plans for Children in Need next Friday. It was the first time for some of the pupils presenting to the whole school nd they all did really well.  Thank you Mrs Howie for organising this with the pupils.

The 2nd focus in assembly today was about Remembrance. I shared a lovely assembly powerpoint from the RBL with the children about the poppy and the importance of Remembrance. Some of our house captains will join me at church and the Remembrance Service in the Park on Sunday.

Head Teacher’s Awards were also given out. We had a couple of family awards which are alway great. It is lovely seeing  much pride siblings take when they see each other receiving awards.

Awards were given for lot of reasons today these included collaborating in play, showing initiative in helping peers, being a role model, showing improved understanding of meta skills, displaying the school values of included and responsible and super poetry writing. The range of achievements across the school are always amazing and it is a pleasure to hear from the teachers about pupils every week when they speak about them during assembly.



Assembly and HT Awards 11.10.24

Today in assembly we reflected on our value – Responsible. The Friday focus group shared their ideas and then representatives from each class shared what responsible means to them.

We also thought about harvest and things we have to be thankful for.  Thank you to everyone that provided donations for the community pantry. These will be handed in during the holidays.

Awards were also given out for a variety of reasons some of these included being a good captain in the rugby festival, always listening well during teaching time, showing commitment to learning, being determined to succeed at maths and always being kind to others.

Our house captains came out to the front at assembly today to present the awards which was fantastic. they were all confident individuals. Well done Keira-Lee, Jack, Amalie, Korey and Mollie.

CPR and Defibrillator Training

Primary 7 had a visit from Amanda, Community First Responder for the Scottish Ambulance Service, on Thursday. She taught us the importance of assessing danger, checking the airway and placing a individual into the recovery position. She highlighted the steps that the children would take if they found an unresponsive patient that wasn’t breathing. The children participated in performing CPR and learned about how to use the defibrillators that are located in our local community. All of Primary 7 displayed great resilience by continuing to perform CPR even when they got tired!

Great work Primary 7!


Assembly and HT Awards 4.10.24

Unfortunately we didn’t manage to have a Friday Focus group today but class teachers did discuss with their classes our school value of being included today. The children brought lots of lovely ideas to share at assembly. Some very thoughtful answers as well that really made us think and reflect.

Awards today were given as always for a variety of reasons. Some of these included demonstrating meta-skills, being a responsible member of the class, over coming worries about presenting to the class, putting in great effort across the term in all areas of the curriculum, embracing 3rd level maths and being a super role model. Well done to all our award winners.


Lunchtime Football

Well today at lunch time we had three football games going on at once. Never has this happened before! The Sports Captains and Vice Captains  were amazing and took responsibility for playing with, encouraging and supporting both P1 and P2 so that both year groups had the opportunity to play football. So proud of how they have taken on these leadership roles and responsibilities.

P6 were with myself for football and I did compliment them on how well they had played today. We do have some skilled players across the school but when we play football at school we are very mindful of the variety of skill levels we have and always try to encourage everyone to do their best, show sporting attitudes at all time. These qualities were definitely shown by P6 today. Well done.

Maths Week Scotland

Throughout this week the classes have been taking part in a range of maths and numeracy activities. These  have been both indoors and outdoors. Some of the classes have also taken part in live lessons linked to maths and numeracy. It has been fantastic to see the range of knowledge skills being developed throughout each session.

Mrs Lumsden Primary 6 played two different strategy games. Fifteen was played outside and in call today the children played a game called Nim, a strategy game using 20 counters. Sofia and Sophie managed to fit all the shapes into the area allowed. Well done girls.

Mrs Mr Mclean – P6 have participated in a webinar with the Royal Botanic garden to find out how to measure weather, collect rainwater from plants etc. they then completed follow up task about rain water calculations. Unfortunately their maths fashion webinar got cancelled but they use 2D shapes to create and design their own patterns that could be used for ties or t-shirt designs.

Primary 2/3 created some maths adventures tries featuring eat maths week mascot Finn Finity.


P4/5 have been busy learning about 2D and 3D shapes, and angles.  We have played group games, made nets of shapes, iPad games, and lots of outdoor shape and angle activities!

Primary 4/5 have also been carrying out different calculations using a variety of numbers and operations.

Primary 4 have been outdoor creating symmetrical patterns and shapes as well as linking facts about themselves to numbers.

Primary 6/7 had a live lesson, worked collaboratively with P1 to create maths stories and created their own maths comic strip. Throughout all their learning they were thinking about what met-skills they had been using.



Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards 27.9.24

A full assembly again today. PC Blacklock and her colleague PC McCormick visited us in assembly to remind the children about the importance of the emergency services and appropriate use 999 number for emergency purposes. It was great to see PC Blacklock in school today and she will be popping back into see P1 as part their topic this term.

We spoke today in Friday Focus about our 3rd Value Respected and continued this in assembly. Some confident individuals sharing what respected means in their classes.


Head Teacher’s awards for lots of different reasons. As always lots of hard work and great learning taking place across the classes. Being committed and contributing to class discussions, taking on challenges in writing, excellent work in maths. a great attitude to learning and giving 110% effort were just a few of the reasons for awards this week. Well done to all our award winners.