Category Archives: Class Learning

Eco Schools Project Edina Bulbs

The Eco Committee and their buddies (4 from each class) have been planting the daffodil and crocus bulbs which we have received as part of the Edina Science Project. We discussed a fair test and how every plant pot had to be planted in the same way.  We planted 59 pots – each with one daffodil and one crocus bulb, clearly labelled.  A further 20 bulbs are being planted directly into the ground. Starting from next week, we need to start recording the weather and inputting this into a database. By the end of the project, all the information from all schools taking part, across the UK,  will be pulled together and conclusions drawn about how levels of sunshine or rainfall have had an impact on the growth and flowering of the bulbs.


Head Teacher’s Awards

Today, on the last day of term we were pleased to present Head Teacher’s Awards to more successful role models and successful learners. Well done all! Two children, Sofia and Leah were also recognised for their effort in fundraising for our sponsored walk. The school has now raised over £2400 which is a super amount and a significant amount of this was raised by these two girls.  However, our thanks go to all our young people  who worked so hard to help raise this excellent amount, which will help with future school trips and other resources. Many children were also recognised for their participation in a  recent Sumdog competition.

P5D Teambuilding Skills

Primary 5 pupils developed their teambuilding skills during the Cross the Swamp challenge. Each team had to use their problem solving skills and communication skills to travel across the swamp without falling off their pathway. Mrs Dyson was pleased to see how well the teams worked together to discover the most effective way of moving. Pupils continued to use positive language to encourage and support their team members. Well done everyone!

PC Blacklock Visitis P1/2

P1/2 enjoyed a visit from PC Blacklock where they learned about the role of the police, their vehicles, how to contact them and their uniform. They had the opportunity to ask lots of questions to help with their topic work in class. Their favourite part was getting to dress up in items of uniform; perhaps we have some future Police Officers in our class.