P4/5 have been working very hard on their letter formation in handwriting over the last few weeks. We made the most of the lovely weather this afternoon and took handwriting outside. Great effort P4/5. Fab peer evaluation too.
Category Archives: Class Learning
Primary 2 Community Walk
Day 5 Christmas Songs
Day 5 Christmas Songs are from P4/5 and P5. We hope you enjoy.
There are 2 different versions of P4/5 video the reason for this was on the first day of recording, several of the children were absent(you will notice smaller class size)and we wanted to try and include as many of the children as possible.
Day 4 Christmas Songs
Day 4 Christmas Songs are from P3/4 and P3. We hope you enjoy.
Day 3 Christmas Songs
Day 3 Christmas Songs are from P6 and P2. We hope you enjoy.
Day 2 Christmas Songs
Day 2 Christmas Songs are from P6/7 and P1/2. We hope you enjoy.
Day 1 Christmas Songs
Day 1 Christmas Songs are from Primary 1 and Primary 7. We hope you enjoy.
One Planet Picnic
Dalbeattie Primary has just held its One Planet Picnic, an initiative encouraged by Eco Schools Scotland to build awareness of locally sourced food items in order to help with working towards sustainability and reduction of our carbon footprint. For our ‘One Planet Picnic’ we not only created our own home baking using home grown produce but we encouraged the children to bring in their own morning snacks, which were locally sourced, to tell their classmates about at morning breaktime at ‘Snack and Chat’ time. We are very grateful for everyone at home for supporting this event so well. We were amazed by the amount of snacks children brought which had been locally sourced in some way. There was everything from home grown apples and carrot sticks to items baked locally together with local cheese and pate. There were some wonderful ideas of things to bring in. Meanwhile, on the same day, the Eco Schools Group had been busy, along with Mrs Houston from the High School’s Hospitality Department, baking individuals carrot muffins using home grown vegetables. The cakes were delivered to the classrooms later on the same day for our pupils to enjoy, following on perfectly from Mrs Duncan’s Harvest Assembly earlier in the day. Primary 6 also had a go at baking bread using some of their own home grown wheat.
Moving on from Nursery
Thank you Miss Allen for creating this fantastic memory for our pupils in nursery. Boys and girls you are all amazing and it wonderful to see what your ambitions are for the future. I can’t wait to see you all again soon in Primary 1. Mrs Duncan
Celebrating Home Learning 19.6.20
Primary 3/4 pupils have been doing some fantastic learning about a country of their choice. They have been researching traditional food for their chosen countries and have prepared some super themed meals.
Niall’s French meal:
Rory’s meal from Madagascar
Freya’s American meal:
Primary 1 do like sharing their home leaning with Mrs Fitzsimmons.
P3 and P3/4 have picked different countries to learn about this week. They also created a menu and cooked a meal for families from their chosen country.
STEM Learning Taking Place in P6/7