Category Archives: Class Learning

Promoting Fairtrade

At Dalbeattie Primary School, we are continuing in our work to promote Fairtrade. A representative from Kirkcudbright Fairtrade Group, Mrs Van Zwanenberg, spoke at our whole school assembly about how we can help others by choosing to buy Fairtrade products like Fairtrade bananas. Primary 5D pupils explored the items in her shopping basket by finding out where the Fairtrade ingredients came from. They also watched a short film and discussed the benefits of Fairtrade. At assembly, Primary 5D pupils performed a short play to introduce the theme of a Fairtrade Break which the class will run next week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, P5D pupils will run a Fairtrade Tuck Shop offering toast with Fairtrade strawberry jam, Fairtrade biscuits and Fairtrade bananas. We appreciate all support in raising awareness of Fairtrade and involvement in our Fairtrade Break event.

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P5 Scottish Wildlife Projects

Primary 5D pupils created 3D models of Scottish mammals and birds and presented interesting facts about their chosen animal. Mrs Dyson was very impressed with how much effort pupils made with this homework task and was amazed with how different each model was. Well done everyone! Pupils gave a presentation to the class then shared their research and models with pupils from P4/5. All models are now on display outside our classroom and have received lots of praise from staff and pupils.

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Heart Start Training

Pupils from Primary 6 and 7 classes have recently participated in Heart Start training a British Heart Foundation Initiative. The pupils learned about emergency life support- as the motto stated,  ‘ Simple Skills Save Lives ‘. Training was delivered by members of the Dalbeattie First Responders team supported by the local Fire Brigade. Thank you to all volunteers who attended training to support with pupils learning.

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