Category Archives: Class Learning
Lockerbie 27.2.18
A few more pics from yesterday
Lockerbie Pics
Lockerbie Manor
Piping in P1!
Last week P1 were lucky enough to have a visit from a very talented S4 pupil. To finish off our Scottish topic work Shannon McMinn came along and played the bagpipes for us! We all thought she was fantastic and I think a few people around the school just might have heard her too!!
We also performed our own Scottish dance, ate some tasty shortbread and shared some work we produced comparing the Island of Coll and the town of Dalbeattie. Last but not least, Jessica performed her winning poem.
Scots Poetry Assembly
Today, we heard all our winners from Primary 1 to Primary 7 recite their poems which they had been practising recently. The quality was excellent and it was clear why they had all earned first places in the recent competition.
Primary 1-3 winners
Primary 4-7 winners
Presentation of certificates to pupils missing from last week’s photo.
Primary 7 second and first place winners of the Burns collage competition based on Tam O Shanter
….and another prefect was presented with her badge.
Primary 7 Scots Poetry and Art Competition
Judging took place on 15th of February for P7 Scots Poetry finalists and Art competition. Mrs Cathro and Mr Roan from Dalbeattie Burns Club visited school to carryout the judging. Once again standards amongst finalists was very high and the gentlemen didn’t have an easy job with the judging. In fact all finalists received 5/5 for effort. Standards in the art competition were also very high with lots of variety in the compositions.
Art – Runner – Up Joe Winner Yvie
Poetry 3rd Place Millie 2nd Place Kiera Winner Grace
Healthy Eating in P1F
P1 have been learning about healthy eating with Miss Yousaf, our student. We have been tasting various different fruits and even found some we hadn’t tried before! Next we learned how to carefully cut and chop some vegetables which we then made in to a delicious healthy snack. Now we are all very keen to help prepare snacks at home!