Category Archives: After School Activities

The Big Friendly Read

This year’s Summer Reading Challenge for children is The Big Friendly Read.  It will start in every library and mobile library across Dumfries and Galloway at the beginning of the summer holidays on Saturday 11th June and finish on Saturday 3rd September.

To complete the challenge children need to register at their local library and then visit the library 4 times over the summer holidays and read six books of their choice. Staff at the library will ask them about the books they’ve read and then give them a Roald Dahl Collectors Card to add to a special Big Friendly Read Collector’s folder. They receive incentives along the way and when they finish they will receive a medal and certificate.

The Big Friendly Read will encourage reading on a giant scale and highlight six key themes -invention, adventure, mischief, word play, child champions and friendship – that are explored in Roald Dahl’s most famous books, and will encourage children to expand their own reading by exploring similar themes, fantastic facts, characters and stories across the best contemporary children’s writing.

Dalbeattie Primary Football Trophy 2016

The first game of our Dalbeattie Primary School Trophy was played today after school in Colliston Park. Mr MacDougall has organised this event for P6 and P7 pupils who attended after school football training. The children have been split into 4 teams Jaguars, Lions, Panthers and Tigers. Over the next six weeks the teams will play each other once. This weeks winners were the Lions who beat the Jaguars . The score was 6 to the Lions 3 to the Jaguars.

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Paul Jones Second Round

Dalbeattie Primary football team participated in the second round of the Paul Jones Tournament yesterday at Dalry. The team are working very well together and are certainly following coaching advice and tips from Mr MacDougall and Mr Cathro. Keep up the great work boys. The next round of the tournament is at Meadow Park in Castle Douglas on Wednesday 1st June. Supporters welcome to come along and watch the matches.

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Sea Cadet Inspection Night and Parade

On Tuesday 3rd of May Mrs Duncan attended the Dalbeattie Sea Cadet Inspection Night and Parade. The Cadets  and Guard were inspected by Inspecting Officer : Captain Peter Adams RN. Captain Adams said that the cadets all looked very smart and he was impressed with their drill movements. The  senior cadets shared a PowerPoint called “A Blast from the Past” about the history of the Dalbeattie Sea Cadet Unit. After Stand Easy (refreshments) the junior  and senior cadets then carried out a First Aid demonstration with equipment purchased from funds donated  by Dalbeattie Rotary Club. At the end of the evening the cadets ended the night with evening colours  and a presentation of trophies to achieving cadets.

By Junior Sea Cadets : Andrew Miller, Leon Pipe,Logan Bond and Ryan McGinely

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First Aid Demonstration


Andrew taking charge of Division at Evening Colours

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Dalbeattie Sea Cadets

Rotary quiz

On Tuesday 19th April, teams from the cluster schools assembled to take part in the annual rotary quiz, hosted this year at Dalbeattie Primary. All children involved were fantastic sports and showed superb general knowledge across all areas of the curriculum. Throughout the quiz the running scores were very close between all 4 teams however our deserving Dalbeattie area winners this year were Kirkgunzeon Primary, who scored exceptionally well throughout. Our team from Dalbeattie Primary worked extremely hard and gained a close second. Well done and thank you all children, staff and rotary members involved.



Mrs Burn and I are very proud of our Dalbeattie team!


The History of Dalbeattie Primary School Project

The History of Dalbeattie Primary School Project Group and The Children’s After School History Club are delighted to announce that all their research, resulting from a project which has now spanned two years, has now been published. All of the groups’ findings have been brought together in an 80 page hardback book, with accompanying DVD.

The idea for the project came about because Dalbeattie Primary School will be moving to a new building in 2017, to be co-located with Dalbeattie High School on land adjacent to the existing secondary school on Haugh Road. It was felt that the current school site’s history should be researched and documented for future generations, before the Primary leaves it current site on Southwick Road. (It is interesting to note that when the current granite primary school opened in May 1876, it was actually a school for both primary and secondary pupils until the High school opened in 1958. In 2017, primary and secondary pupils will come together once more)

During the scope of the project, there have been large community events to encourage the local community to engage with the research. An ‘all day coffee morning’ in January 2015 saw a huge turnout of people coming along to Dalbeattie town hall to look through and help to name and date hundreds of old school photographs provided by Dalbeattie Museum. Then, in September 2015, the school itself held an ‘Open Doors’ event where the local community were invited to come along to  reminisce during tours of the buildings and to consult old plans to advise on how they remembered different rooms being used over the school’s life since 1876 and  until the present day.  On both these occasions, the parent Council provided refreshments.

Throughout the length of the project, the After school club has also been busy interviewing people about their memories of being former pupils, teachers and head teachers. The children were particularly interested to find out from former teacher, Mrs Pettigrew, that she had once taught current head teacher, Mrs Duncan in her Primary 6 class at Dalbeattie Primary! The children also enjoyed a visit to the Archive Centre at the Ewart Library in Dumfries to consult the old school log books.The book has also been the result of much support from many other organisations and contributors, who are detailed in the book. Much work has also gone into the accompanying DVD which contains a great number of old class photographs from the early the 1900s until the 1990s. This involved many hours of scanning by Dalbeattie Museum volunteers. We are very grateful to Angus Leigh, previous school photographer for his support in this.

The distribution of the research will begin very soon. Current staff and parents of pupils are being invited to request a copy. Thereafter, the local community will have the opportunity to obtain a copy at Dalbeattie Museum, starting from Friday 25th March (Good Friday) when it opens for its 2016 season. Although the book is being given away free, we do ask that people fill in a request form so that the project group can keep a record of where all 3,000 copies end up going. The book is free of charge, thanks to funding of £10,000 from the Heritage Lottery’s ‘Sharing Heritage Fund’ and £650 from the William Heughan Associated Special Trust. These funds have covered expenses involved in researching the school’s history, events, transport and the publication of the research. The project group is very grateful for this support.

If folks don’t get the chance to obtain a copy at the Museum, they will get another chance to pick up  a copy at an event which will celebrate the publication of the research at another major date in the school’s calendar in May 2016. On 5th May, the school will celebrate its 140 year anniversary. This will be marked in school, on the day, with the pupils. However, on Saturday 7th May, we shall be having a major community event- a Victorian Afternoon Tea. Information and more details of what will be happening on the day will follow nearer the time, but in the meantime, do keep the date! What better way to celebrate the publication of the school’s history than on its 140th Anniversary!

ph 4 outside the Ewart Library Visiting the Archive Centre

ph 10 children group open day ph 9 mrs pettigrew open day  ph 6b town hall looking at photos

Open Day Events in school and at Dalbeattie Town Hall.

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The Completed History Book.

Family Learning at Dalbeattie Primary

Roots of Empathy

Mrs Dunlop’s P3 Class have just finished ‘Crying’, the 2nd of the 9 Themes of our Roots of Empathy Programme. The programme aims to build caring, peaceful and civil societies through the development of empathy in children and adults.  By learning to understand other people’s feelings, as well as our own, we hope to reduce levels of bullying and aggression and promote children’s pro-social behaviours.

Sandy Brown, Family Learning Co-ordinator, is facilitating the programme with the help of a local family – Baby Jack and his Mum, Lisa Ashton, who kindly volunteered to visit the class 9 times between October and June.  Baby Jack and Mum Lisa have now visited the class twice, and the children have been learning about human development, feelings, and temperament by observing Jack, asking questions, and studying the loving relationship that is growing between mother and child.

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‘Let’s Cook from Scratch’

Seven P6 & 7 Pupils, 1 Grandmother, 1 Dad and 5 Mums have been participating in 6 x Family Learning ‘Let’s Cook from Scratch’ after school taster sessions. Richard Lines from the NHS Health Improvement West Team ran the sessions.

Families discussed basic kitchen safety, practiced safe knife skills, prepared raw ingredients, learned several core cooking methods and made healthy nutritious meals using fresh ingredients. They were all challenged to prepare and cook at least 1 of the dishes, made during the sessions, for their families, and share their feedback about the experience to the group.

All 7 pupils are keen to arrange more sessions to build their knowledge and skills, and confidently help their parents prepare and cook nutritious meals at home.

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