All posts by Mrs Howie

Kippford RNLI Poster Competition Update

RNLI poster competition update…
Today is Kippford Lifeboat Open Day. The station is looking forward to welcoming people to Kippford RNLI on Saturday 6th July between 11am and 2pm. You’ll be able to visit the boathouse, enjoy tea and a cake and browse the shop.
The school poster entries are displayed on the station walls. The winner will be notified once the school holidays are over and will be invited along to a station tour, then, to receive their prize.
In the meantime, do pop along to the open day. Weather and operational commitments allowing, they hope to have Kirkcudbright RNLI Lifeboat Station, Workington Lifeboat, Nith Inshore Rescue and HM Coastguard Portling Search and Rescue there too.

Remember Future Museum tomorrow 3.15-6pm Tuesday

Come along and look at our exhibits to see what our young people thought of the plastic objects which were found on a recent beach clean.  This has been an activity in which the whole school P1-P7 took part, working collaboratively together.

£1 entry  is for  juice and biscuits and a short quiz sheet. There will be  a chance to vote for your favourite team name and also the team with the best imagination. There will be prizes for the winners and for three lucky entrants whose sheets are pulled out of the hat. Prizes will be given later in the week.   Do pop in for a visit.

Sports Champions and House Shield

This is our second post from our P4-7 Sports, this afternoon when the Championships were announced as well as the House team who won the most points to be awarded the shield.

Well done Fallon McGimpsey for becoming the Girls’ Champion and Cameron Hitchell For being the Boys’ Champion. Runners up were Chelsea O’Neill,  Alfie Hughes and Rory McCormick

The winner of the 300m Girls’ Cup was Chelsea O’Neill and the runner up was Fallon McGimpsey. The winner of the 300m Boys’ Cup was Rory McCormick  and the runner up was Cameron Hitchell.

The Sports House Shield was won by Dalmun.

Well done all!

Thank you all for coming along and cheering. Well done sports captains and vice captains on encouraging your teams. Thanks also to John and Ross from Active Schools and our High School sports leaders.



P4-7 Sports Post 1

Here are the first few pictures of our sports today. These pictures are from the morning and the first part of the afternoon. More  photos to follow in other posts. Well done all; there was some super sportsmanship shown  and some lovely encouragement by our P7 sports captains.

RNLI Fundraiser and Water Safety Talks Event

Thank you all for your wonderful support today. We do not yet know, exactly, the amount raised but we think it will be at least £40. We used 200 coins to write the number 200 and kept adding layers of coins until we had some quite high stacks. This fundraiser was for Kippford Lifeboat and also to mark the 200 year anniversary of the RNLI. Well done everyone. Thank you School Pupil Councillors for organising this and to Kippford RNLI for supplying the stickers. Thank you to local lifeboat volunteer Keith who came to give us water safety talks today. P.S Remember the lifeboat poster competition. To see the details again, read further below the pictures form today. Thank you


For the poster competition for Kippford RNLI, here are the details again:

2024 is the 200th anniversary of the existence of the RNLI. In recognition of this milestone event, Kippford Lifeboat Station will be running a competition for children to design a poster celebrating 200 years of saving lives at sea.

The competition will run until June. All completed entries must be received by Thursday 27th June. The competition is open to any child. There will be three age categories with prizes for first, second and third in each category as follows – 3-4 years, 5-7 years and 8-11 years.

All entries must be A4 size. RNLI and 200 must appear somewhere on the design. Any medium can be used, e.g. pen, pencil, crayon, paint, collage as desired. The child’s name, age, school attended and parental contact number must be clearly displayed on the rear of the poster. Completed entries can be handed into the RNLI shop in Kippford or Dalbeattie Learning Campus for the attention of Mrs Howie.

The posters will be judged by members of the lifeboat crew and winners announced in early July. It is hoped that prizes can be presented to the winning entrants at the Kippford Station Open Day on 6th July.