All posts by Mrs Fitzsimmons

P1 Christmas Craft Sale

On Monday afternoon P1 invited family and friends to come along to their Christmas Craft Sale.  The previous week they had been very busy making various items using lots of glitter, tissue, snowflakes and pompoms!  It was very busy and everything was sold out!  We would like to thank all the parents, relatives and friends for coming along and supporting us!  We are pleased to announce we have raised £174.12 which will be going towards a class trip.

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P1’s Outdoor Learning

This term P1 have been learning about forces through our topic on Toys.  We enjoyed a great afternoon outside working on various activities involving forces.  At two of the stations we had to work in a team or with a partner to make objects move by pushing and pulling.  It was quite tricky at times and we really had to think how we could use some of the materials given.

Here is how P1F got on!

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Look how well  P1Y worked!

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P1F – What have we been getting up to?

P1 recently learned about the importance of hand hygiene.  We put ‘pretend’ germs on our hands, washed them and then looked to see how well we had actually washed them by looking in the ultra violet light!  We learned you should wash your hands for 15 seconds and germs are hard to get rid of!!

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We also had a visit from Paula Muir from Child Smile who gave us lots of advice about looking after our teeth.  We all brushed our teeth for 2 minutes and enjoyed listening to a story.

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At the end of last term we had an open afternoon to share or learning and play lots of phonics games with our parents and grandparents.  We had great fun and would like to thank them all for coming!

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P6 and P2 Reading Together

On Wednesday morning P6 went to work with P2 in the infant building as we thought it would be a great idea for P6 to read some of P2’s favourite stories to them.  Both classes were very enthusiastic to meet up again and had a great time sharing books.  P6 were very impressed with P2’s reading and it was great to see everyone enjoying their stories.  P2 are looking forward to seeing their P6 friends in the upper playground next year!

Here are some thoughts from the children:-


“I thought my P2 was really good at listening”


” I thought my P2 had really good expression”

” I thought my P2 was great at changing tone when asking questions”


“My partner helped me to read my favourite dinosaur and monster  books”

“My P6 was really nice to me”

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P6F Sharing their Learning with P2

On Friday P6 invited P2 to their classroom in order to entertain them!  They shared their learning regarding the Caribbean and compared this to Scottish Culture.  Two groups ‘performed’ T.V. shows they had produced while all P6 sang ‘The Banana Boat Song’ and then had a dance with P2.  P6 were super hosts to a very good audience and Mrs McLean even got a mocktail!!

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