All posts by Mrs Dyson

Primary 5 French Breakfast

Primary 5 pupils enjoyed practising their French conversation during our French Breakfast. They ordered breakfast items for each other and enjoyed tasting a selection of traditional breakfast items. Mrs Dyson and Primary 5 pupils  would like to say a special thank you to Mrs Kinghorn for organising the event. Merci Madame Kinghorn! As this was Mrs Kinghorn’s final session in our class, we surprised her with a special thank you card.



P5D Singing at Dalbeattie Day Centre

Great enthusiasm and a responsible attitude were shown by pupils in Primary 5D who performed to visitors at Dalbeattie Day Centre. The class have been working with musicians from Feis Rois to learn a variety of Scots songs. They have also learned to play rhythms on the taiko drums to accompany the song “Hey Donal”. Pupils performed a selection of their favourite songs as well as sharing their drumming skills. Mrs Dyson was delighted by the great attitude shown by all pupils when performing and in their conversations with the visitors afterwards. We would like to say thank you to the visitors of Dalbeattie Day Centre for being a wonderful audience, to the staff for the juice and biscuits afterwards, to the adults who accompanied us on the walk and also to Kate and Peter from Feis Rois who have worked so enthusiastically with us!


Code Club Celebration!

Congratulations to all our Code Clubbers this week! To celebrate learning, we invited family members to our final Code Club session this term. Code Clubbers talked confidently about the animations and games they had created using their coding skills. Certificates were awarded to all, including  Mr Muirhead who has been a great help at our Code Club. Miss Purdie, Development Officer, joined us to make a short movie about our Code Club. She is hoping to use this to show other schools how much fun Code Club is and hopefully encourage them to start one too!  I would like to thank all parents who joined us today in this celebration. It has been a delight to run Code Club this year and work with such an enthusiastic and motivated group of pupils. Well done everyone!   Mrs Dyson





P5D Artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy

We have been learning about the artist Andy Goldsworthy and have been amazed at some of the sculptures he created. We especially loved his artwork using ice, snow and leaves. We were inspired by his work and were keen to create our own nature artwork. Mrs Dyson was very pleased with how well we worked with others to create our art and how confidently we spoke about our creations.





Pitch Pulse and Magic!

Pupils from P4, P4/5 and P5 enjoyed a visit from two more musicians as part of the Pitch, Pulse and Magic initiative. We were amazed at the playing techniques of the musicians and recognised some of the classical musical pieces from films like ‘Harry Potter’. Pupils worked with the musicians to explore Pitch and we even created our own performance piece linked to an atmospheric poem. This was another great visit and we look forward to exploring ‘Magic’ next term.





P5D visit RSPB Mersehead

Primary 5D enjoyed our outing to RSPB Mersehead to learn about the journey of  Barnacle Geese. We were amazed at the journey the geese make from Svalbard in the Arctic to Scotland each year. We had great fun creating our own beach art using natural materials. After lunch, we learned about the lifecycle of the Natterjack Toad. This rare and amazing toad is currently hibernating at Mersehead. We visited the bird hide and used binoculars to spot wildlife. Although the weather was wet and windy, we had a great day!





Enjoying a Fairtrade Break!

Since achieving FairActive status by the Fairtrade Foundation, Dalbeattie Primary School continues on our journey to raise awareness of Fairtrade. Following on from the successful Fairtrade Breakfasts of last year, Primary 5D pupils and class teacher Mrs Dyson organised and ran a Fairtrade Tuck Shop for staff and pupils. They offered toast with Fairtrade jam, Fairtrade bananas and a selection of Fairtrade cookies and oaty biscuits. They wish to thank the Co-op in Dalbeattie who gave their support and generously donated the bananas. Many thanks also go to Mrs Connel, Mrs Cox and Mrs Ross who prepared the hot toast for everyone. The Fairtrade Breaks were very successful with pupils from all classes and staff showing support and enjoying a Fairtrade snack. Mrs Dyson was once again very proud of the efforts of everyone in promoting Fairtrade.









Promoting Fairtrade

At Dalbeattie Primary School, we are continuing in our work to promote Fairtrade. A representative from Kirkcudbright Fairtrade Group, Mrs Van Zwanenberg, spoke at our whole school assembly about how we can help others by choosing to buy Fairtrade products like Fairtrade bananas. Primary 5D pupils explored the items in her shopping basket by finding out where the Fairtrade ingredients came from. They also watched a short film and discussed the benefits of Fairtrade. At assembly, Primary 5D pupils performed a short play to introduce the theme of a Fairtrade Break which the class will run next week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, P5D pupils will run a Fairtrade Tuck Shop offering toast with Fairtrade strawberry jam, Fairtrade biscuits and Fairtrade bananas. We appreciate all support in raising awareness of Fairtrade and involvement in our Fairtrade Break event.

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