All posts by Mrs Duncan

Author Visit

We were lucky enough to have been picked to receive an author visit through Wigtown Book Festival and the Big Dog Schools Tour. Today author Chad Strathie visited P1-P4/5 and shared his books Dear Dinosaur and Gorilla Loves Vanilla with the classes. There was lots of humour, hilarity and noise throughout the visit.  Can you  spot the food dinosaur and the disgusting ice cream the children created with Chae? Creativity and imagination in abundance.



Great to start our second block of gymnastics this term with P5 pupils. Today we worked on some basic skills and introduced the vault as this was a first time for some pupils at gymnastics. Those that have bit of experience were fantastic at supporting with demonstrations and also keen to build on their own skills and challenge themselves. Amy and I are looking forward to working with the group over the next 3 weeks.

Play Leaders

Our Sports Captains and Vice Captains have been working with Amy from active schools over the last few weeks on becoming Play leaders for the school.  Today the leaders put their skills to the test by setting ups session for P1/2. Amy shared that the leaders had done a fanatic job and they were a credit to the school and themselves. Well done everyone. I can’t wait for you to deliver some of these session in the playground at breaks and lunchtimes for different classes.


Assembly and HT Awards

Today we listened to extracts from  the songs we will be singing in church on the last day of term at out Christmas service.

Awards were also presented. Lots of our school values being demonstrated this week. Commitment to learning, including others being a good friend. effort with daily writing and settling into a new class were some of the reasons for awards today. Well done to. all our achievers.

Christmas Songs Church Dec 2024

Christmas Songs Dec 2024

Two Thousand Years Ago

Away In a Manger

While Shepherds Watched

We Three Kings

This Christmas Time




P4 Gymnastics Final Week

It has been great to see the progress our P4 gymnasts have made over the last 4 weeks. They have developed jumping,balancing and rolling skills. Their precision and techniques have progressed so much. Those that have knowledge and additional experience of gymnastics have also been super at sharing their knowledge and skills to support others. This week we worked on balancing skills on the bean and jumping/shapes on the trampette.