Wider Achievements


Meadow competed in a gymnastics competition at Cumbernauld on Saturday. Although she didn’t get a place, she showed fantastic resilience after she had a bad fall on her beam and still found the courage to get up and complete her routine. We are all very proud of her đź’™.


Niamh won the 8-11 year old shield at the Dalbeattie produce show. Her entries were a Lego creation, a vegetable penguin and a painting of a gymnastic.  What a talent!


Olivia sat her Grade 1 Ballet exam just before the end of term and had to patiently wait 8 weeks for results.  She was delighted to receive her High Merit result just before the start of P5.  Well done Olivia 🩰!

26.08.24  ⚽  Football Success  ⚽

Layton and Mitchell travelled to Sunderland on Sunday to play in a football tournament. They won all the group stages with some great football being played and winning the final on penalties.
Football Success – Summer Holidays
4.8.24  Brodie Gilmour joined the 2014 Dalbeattie Star team and some of the 2015 team to play a tournament in Motherwell. They were the only team from our area and they played extremely well.
Some amazing team work and goals from the boys, especially after an early start as we had to be there for 8.30am.
Football Success 24.6.24
Mitchell and Layton had a busy weekend with their football team Little Tekkers. They attended a football camp with their team at Ibrox over the weekend. Both the boys said they had a great time and enjoyed the experience.
Swimming Success 24.6.24
Well done to Esme on achieving her level 6 swimming award.
Gymnastics Success 18.6.24
Lexi and Katie both took part in their club gymnastics competition.
Lexi was 2nd on bars and 2nd vault.
Katie was 2nd overall, 1st in Vault and 2nd on floor in the 12+ category
Football Success 18.6.24
Mitchell was nominated a parents player of the year for his club Little Tekkers. Well done Mitchell.
Archery Success 18.6.24
Ella has recently taken up the sport of archery and on Sunday passed her first phase by reaching over 252points at 10yards – moving up to 15yards this week. Well done Ella.
Gymnastics Success 17.6.24
Well done to Eilidh, Lucy, Isla, Erin and Niamh on taking part in their gymnastics club competition at the weekend.
Eilidh – 1st Beam,3rd vault and 3rd overall.
Niamh – 1st floor,1st vault,1st overall
Lucy – gold overall, 1st floor, bronze vault and bars, gold beam
Isla- 1st beam, 3rd overall,3rd vault,3rd bars,2nd floor
Erin – 3rd floor.
Hill Walking 17.6.24
Well done to Munro for climbing Ben Nevis on Saturday with his family. Fantastic achievement Munro.
Tennis Success – 17.6.24
Fallon had a busy weekend playing tennis for the South of Scotland. There was 6 County’s playing over 2 days. Fallon played number 1 seed and had some tough competition. Fallon won all but one match which went to tie break. The whole team played amazingly and came 3rd overall. Well done to Fallon and her team.
Beavers Wider Achievements D – Day Service
Mrs Leslie Beaver Leader shared how well the Beavers had done at the D – Day service in the park on 6.6.24. They listened well and were very respectful throughout the service. Fantastic everyone.
Tennis Achievements 4.6.24
Well done to Fallon on success in the Dumfries and Galloway Junior Tennis Championships on Saturday. Fallon won the 12u singles and came 2nd in the 14u doubles. Fantastic achievements Fallon.
Tennis Achievement 3.6.24
Well done to Layton on successfully defending the title that he won last year in the Under 9s section of the Dumfries and Galloway Junior Championship. Fantastic achievement Layton.
5k Park Run – 25.5.24
Well done to Erin who completed her first 5k Park Run at Carlingwark Park in Castle Douglas today with her mum.

Gymnastics Success 18.5.24
Well done to Lucy who competed in a gymnastics competition with her club in Edinburgh at the weekend.  Lucy achieved two 4 th places and a 5th with her team overall. Fantastic achievements Lucy.

Hillbilly Duathlon Success 11.5.24
Well done to Katie on competing in the Hillbilly Junior Duathlon on Saturday at Kirroughtree. Kate came third in her class. A fantastic achievement Katie.
Football 28.4.24
Lovely to spend the afternoon in the sunshine watching the Dalbeattie Star 2012s Youth team playing at Collision Park this afternoon. A great 3 – 1 win to the team.
Ice Hockey 29.4.24
Well done to Alfie for being picked as star  of the day at his cross ice games this weekend.
Tennis Achievements
Well done Layton on winning an Lawn Tennis Youth Competition. We love hearing about all your tennis achievements Layton. well done.
Rugby Achievements
Well done to Layton, Jasper, Noah on winning the P4 section of the rugby tournament that their team participated in today(21.4.24) at the Stewartry Rugby Club.
Tennis Achievements – March’24
Well done to Layton and Fallon on their tennis successes over the Easter break. Layton was selected to play for the South of Scotland tennis team over the Easter holidays. Layton played some excellent tennis and won all his matches. Fallon was asked to help out the Ayrshire team for the inter district competition in Strathallan which was a residential 3 night stay. Fallon and her team mates won all their games and played some amazing tennis.
Pictures show Layton and Fallon with their teams at each event.
Solway Sharks Under 10’s
Well done to Alfie on being picked to play for the Solway Sharks Juniors  under 10’s ice hockey team.
Taekwon-do 18.3.24
Well done Henry on achieving his yellow belt over the weekend in Taekwon-do.
Rugby Competition 3.3.24
Miss Dooley attended a rugby tournament at Dumfries Rugby club on Sunday and saw several of our pupils participating and representing their clubs. Well done to everyone that participated in the competition.


Cycling Success 3.3.24
Well done to Samuel who competed in a cycling competition at the weekend at Ae Forest. Samuel came 3rd in his race at the weekend and 3rd overall in the cycling series. Wonderful achievements Samuel.
Gymnastics Success 3.3.24
A few more pictures of our gymnasts for the competition yesterday. Well done everyone.
Netball Success
Well done to Layton on being named player of the month at skills school.
Taekwondo Achievement(18.12.23)
Well done to Henry who has achieved his black stripe belt in Taekwondo.
Swimming Achievement(18.12.23)
Well done to Esme who has achieved her Octopus 3 swimming award.
Tennis  Achievement 
Well done Layton on a great achievement.

Sports Council Awards 17.11.23
Well done to Fallon on being presented with an award at the Sports Council Awards on Friday 17th November for her achievements in tennis.
Helping Out at The Stables 20.11.23
Over the weekend, Brodie has been helping out his Nana Zoe with the horses. As a reward for all his help, they also went out a hack together. Brodie has made the commitment to help out every Wednesday when he goes to Nana’s for tea. Well done Brodie for taking on this responsibility.
Tennis Achievements 5.11.23

Well done to Layton on his achievements at the County Tennis competition over the weekend. Layton enjoyed playing with his team mates to represent his team.

Player of the Month -9.10.23

Well done to Layton on being recognised as player of the month by his football coaches.

Junior Hardrock Challenge 9.10.23
Well done to pupils from Dalbeattie Primary who participated in the Junior Hardrock Challenge on Saturday.

Dalbeattie Star Mascot-2.10.23
Well done to Rory for being Dalbeattie Star mascot on Saturday.

Dalbeattie  Star Youth Football- 2.10.23
Well done to the 2018 teams who played in their first tournament at the weekend. Thank you to Alex and  Eilidh for bringing in your medals to show the class.

Mascots for Stewartry Sirens -17.9.23
Well done to Erin and Annie being mascots  for Stewartry Siren yesterday at Greenlaw.

Tennis Achievement – September 23
Well done to Fallon who won the under 10s girls section at a recent tennis competition at Dumfries Tennis Club. Fantastic.

Tennis Achievement – September ’23
Well done to Layton on winning the under 8s and under 9s sections at a recent tennis competition at Dumfries Tennis Club. Fantastic.

Believe and Achieve

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