Throughout this week the classes have been taking part in a range of maths and numeracy activities. These have been both indoors and outdoors. Some of the classes have also taken part in live lessons linked to maths and numeracy. It has been fantastic to see the range of knowledge skills being developed throughout each session.
Mrs Lumsden Primary 6 played two different strategy games. Fifteen was played outside and in call today the children played a game called Nim, a strategy game using 20 counters. Sofia and Sophie managed to fit all the shapes into the area allowed. Well done girls.
Mrs Mr Mclean – P6 have participated in a webinar with the Royal Botanic garden to find out how to measure weather, collect rainwater from plants etc. they then completed follow up task about rain water calculations. Unfortunately their maths fashion webinar got cancelled but they use 2D shapes to create and design their own patterns that could be used for ties or t-shirt designs.
Primary 2/3 created some maths adventures tries featuring eat maths week mascot Finn Finity.
P4/5 have been busy learning about 2D and 3D shapes, and angles. We have played group games, made nets of shapes, iPad games, and lots of outdoor shape and angle activities!
Primary 4/5 have also been carrying out different calculations using a variety of numbers and operations.
Primary 4 have been outdoor creating symmetrical patterns and shapes as well as linking facts about themselves to numbers.
Primary 6/7 had a live lesson, worked collaboratively with P1 to create maths stories and created their own maths comic strip. Throughout all their learning they were thinking about what met-skills they had been using.