Assembly and Head Teacher’s Awards 13.9.24

Today at assembly we heard from Meadow and Aiden about the Fairtrade activities that the Eco group are going to be undertaking as part of Fairtrade fortnight. Mrs Howie will be sharing more detail in due course. Well done Meadow and Aiden for being confident individual to stand up and share this information

In Friday Focus today the group spoke with me about our school value of being kind. This continued into assembly where I asked the children to think about what being kind means at Dalbeattie Primary. We certainly do have kind children here at Dalbeattie Primary.

We also spoke about the lost property trolley in assembly and the amount of items on this. I have asked the children to try and be more responsible with their property and try to collect it and keep it safe.

Awards were give out today for a fantastic range of reasons. These included being committed to learning, being confident in PE and working collaboratively, working really hard in maths, building fluency in reading and for being a super role model. Well done to all our award winners.

Have a good weekend everyone.

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