Happy New Year everyone.
We held our first assembly and HT awards of the new term and New Year today. I was great to have all the children back with us this week.
In assembly we spoke about friendships. What qualities make a good friend, what qualities do the children have that make them good friends and what friendship means to them. We also spoke about things that are maybe not such good qualities in a friend. Please ask your children about this and see what they can tell you.
We had several class awards today as the children have come back in this week and settled really well to their learning and been motivated and engaged. Some of our pupils have been gaining confidence in mental maths, using critical thinking skills in numeracy when learning about fractions, being effective contributors and great learning partners. well done to all award winners this week and I look forward to sharing more awards and achievement over the e course of this term.
4 capacities – Confident individuals, Successful learners, Effective contributors.
Values – Committed, Responsible
SHANARRI – Achieving, Responsible, Active