Assembly and HT Awards 20.9.24

Another busy assembly this week with a wide range  of badges and certificates handed out to celebrate lots of success throughout school this week.

The value of committed was our focus this week. All the classes shared what committed means to them. We had confident individuals come out to the front and share these thoughts with the whole school.

Being committed also featured in lots  of our awards today. We had committed learners in numeracy , literacy and PE. Being sensible and  reliable in class was another reason for an award today as well as for being a responsible citizen and well mannered communicator.

P7 pupils who participated in their bike ability level 1 training  at the start of the week were presented with their certificates and badges. They all achieved the outcomes of level 1 training and are ready for their level 2 training after the October break.

Eco Councillors, Pupil Councillors, House and Sports Captains were also announced today at assembly. Unfortunately some of the pupils were not with us today to get their badges or photos taken so will make sure we get further photos once everyone in each group is back with us. Well done to all our school and class representatives.

House Captains and Vice Captains

Colliston – Captain  – Korey

Dalmun  – Captain  – Mollie  Vice Captain – Amalie

Craignair – Captain – Keira-Lee

Screen – Captain Jack  Vice Captain Dominic

Sports Captains and Vice Captains

Dalmun – Captain – Lucy  Vice Captain – Kai

Collision – Captain Lily. Vice Captain – Harris

Craignair – Captain Callum  Vice Captains Sammy and Lexie

Screel – Captain – Isla

Junior Road Safety Officers were also named today and presented with packs to help them carry out their jobs. Well done to Evie, Logan and Sophie.

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