All posts by Tom McLaughlin

Planning for Choices and Changes

Materials to support Planning for Choices and Changes and Career Education Standard

My World of Work Partner and On-line learning resources for First Level through to Senior Phase

Early, 1st and 2nd Levels   Advice to parents

All Levels                                   SDS Update Margaret Bennett

S4-6                                              SOS Employment and Social Media

All Levels                                    CES 3-18 reflection tool L Entitlements and infographics

All Levels                                    dyw2-career-education-standard-0915DYW Self-evaluation – Master 19

S4-6                                               Learner Journey Review

Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical Wellbeing

Healthy environments

Healthyville SHINE   For primary school children – how healthy is your area?

Fire Safety

Materials for primary and secondary pupils from Scottish Fire and Safety

This includes:

Fireworks & Bonfire Safety Presentations –  PRIMARY SCHOOL (P6-P7)

Lesson plan for above presentation – PRIMARY SCHOOL (P6-P7)

Fireworks & Bonfire safety Presentations SECONDARY SCHOOL ?

Fireworks & Bonfire safety Presentations – SECONDARY SCHOOL –

Merseyside Junior film (P6 to P7)

Merseyside Senior film (S1 to S6) This Video is included in the


Mental Health and Self-esteem

SeeMe Their ‘What’s on your mind?’ pack (see below) is designed to help teachers and young people to learn about mental health and to develop skills and confidence to tackle stigma and discrimination

DOVE SELF ESTEEM PROJECT a series of resources that promote self-esteem and positive body image

Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) This is a whole-school, curricular pre-school and primary level programme that aims to develop emotional literacy and social problem solving skills.

whats-on-your-mind-full-pack designed to help teachers and young people to learn about mental health and to develop skills and confidence to tackle stigma and discrimination – developed by SeeMe.

Hands On is a resource developed by Fife that provides help and practical advice for supporting children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing.

‘I am me’ a charity that produces a range of resources that raise awareness of disability bullying and hate crime

Headstrong provides workshops and individual support on a range of issues from bullying, self-esteem, goal setting and employability to resilience and attitude

Living Life to the Full, FRIENDS for Life, The Decider life skills.  These provide training and other resources based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).Samaritans A long-established Charity that provides mental health and resilience support to schools throughout the UK through prevention services, lesson plans and school talks. Their Deal resources for use by teachers for young people 14+ are free to download.


resilience-toolkit This Emotional Resilience Toolkit produced by NHS Glasgow provides practical guidance in promoting the resilience of young people as part of an integrated health and wellbeing programme. The resource is designed to be used by workers and volunteers working with young people aged 10 and over.

hwb-resilience-alphabet   A series of messages about resilience and good emotional health set up during the pandemic but could be adapted to other contexts.

resiliencealphabetfinal (3)


thejourney       A series of activities and reflective questions aimed at young people with relevant to Covid19 crisis but could be adapated to other contexts.


Anti Bullying

RESPECT-FOR-ALL-FINAL  National Anti-bullying Policy produced by the Scottish Government in 2017

Anti-bullying Policy July 2019  Argyll and Bute’s updated policy July 2019

20190918 – Letter re anti bullying policy  Letter to schools from Heads of Service issued September 2019

Level 1 & 2 anti-bullying survey




Policy-throught-to-Practice-2017   Toolkit for creating your own school policy produced by respectme

Guidance on delivering safer technologies in schools    Scottish Government Guidance  on Developing Policies to Promote the Safe and Responsible Use of Mobile Technology in Schools

Addressing Inclusion: effectively challenging homophobia, biphobia and transphobia (respectme LGBT Youth Scotland, Smarter Scotland). Very comprehensive document with useful links to support schools in tackling homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.

respectme video resources
Short  films from respectme that highlight for children and young people what they can do if they are being bullied. See also the leaflet of the same name from respectme.

Bullying…a guide for parents and carers (respectme, 2016). Provides parents with a definition of bullying and offers many tips on how to support their children.

Visibility Matters. From this organisation you can purchase packs (Celebrating the ‘L’ in ‘LGBT and Talking Transgender) which promote LGBT equality and raise awareness to help prevent homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying.

Police Scotland ‘Pitchin’ In’ SOS is a programme of lessons and activities developed by Glasgow City Council Education Services and Police Scotland . Aimed at  S2 or S3 stage but can be appropriately delivered across the Secondary school curriculum.

Violence Prevention, gender equality 

Mentors in violence prevention (MVP) a programme that raises awareness of bullying and gender violence.  Aimed at secondary pupils.

No knives, better lives a Scottish programme that promotes personal safety and raises awareness of knife crime

NSPCC Offers assemblies and workshops for primary school children as part of their Speak Out. Stay Safe programme as well as teaching resources, free training for schools on Child Protection and workshops for parents on online safety. The Assembly lasts 30 minutes and is for children aged 5-11. The additional hour-long workshop is for those in primary 6 and 7.

Police Scotland One punch campaign seeks to raise awareness of keeping yourself safe and the impact of violence.

Gang Life (BBC) Three clips telling the stories about how gang violence has affected the lives and families of young people.

Power Up Power Down  Domestic abuse. Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland/Women’s Aid). Resources, including powerpoint and videos that support children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse, including raising awareness of court-ordered contact.

Zero Tolerance The aim of this Scottish Charity is to raise awareness of gender inequality and violence against women.

Asylum Seekers – The Glasgow Girls –  BBC film based on  the experiences of seven 15 year old school girls from Drumchapel High School in Glasgow whose liveschanged for ever when one of them, Agnesa Mursulaj, was removed in a dawn raid carried out by UK immigration authorities.

Waverley Care Scotland’s HIV and Hepatitis C Charity. The Charity also offers training for teachers, workshops for children, young people and parents on Sexual Heath and Equality and Diversity. There is also individual support for young people who are, or who think they might be LGBTQ+. They also provide ‘Tartan Ribbon’ resources and support and information for World Aids Day.

Racism and sectarianism

Black-Lives-Matter-powerpoint  Powerpoint lesson created by the British Red Cross for S4 to S6 pupils to raise awareness and generate discussion about the history of Black Lives Matter and the recent tragic events that have given rise to protests throughout the world.

Black-Lives-Matter-session-plan   Lesson plan to accompany the powerpoint above.

Black Lives Matter media resources

Show Racism the Red Card An anti-racism education charity that provides training for educational professionals, school workshops and materials both free and to purchase.

Show Racism the Red Card Film and education pack  Costs £20 and is for second level through to S6.  Covers an introduction to racism, history of racism, dealing with racism and celebrating diversity.

Travelling Communities Guidance produced by the Scottish Government in November 2018 on Improving educational outcomes for children and young people from travelling cultures

Scottish Traveller Education Programme (STEP) This site provides resources, toolkits and information to support new approaches to learning for the children, young people and families of the traveller families and communities

No Place For Hate  Sense Over Sectarianism resources for pupils in Third and Fourth Levels  and Senior Phase

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood

RSHP Education Scotland powerpoint training presentation on the RSHP resource

Best Lesson Ever Poster showing collation of views from pupils in a range of schools in Midlothian, East and West Lothian and Edinburgh on what constituted their best PSE lesson.  Useful for self-evaluation.

The stages of normal sexual behaviour NSPCC

Gender-based violence and bullying

Mentors in violence Prevention  policy links v2 2019

Bystander Theories and MVP


Bystander Theories and MVP

Speak Out. Stay Safe NSPCC training

speak out stay safe Summary document

Letter to Parents – Before the visit


Stonewall Scotland’s home learning packs for all stages.

LGBTQ+INFO FOR SCHOOLS   Information and guidance on LGBTQ+ inclusive education for all Argyll and Bute schools











stonewall_star_outlines primary










Substance Misuse: Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking

ASH Befreeachievemore both this and Charter for a Tobacco-Free generation provide useful aids for teaching about smoking and about becoming a smoke-free school.



Tobacco Strategy Group Statistics update smoking statistics from NHS Highland December 2019

Teacher.Lesson Plan  NHS Highland Lesson Plan for World No Tobacco Day (WNTD)for S2/3.

Key messages.doc-WNTD  Main facts and information to accompany World No Tobacco Day lessons for S2/3 (NHS Highland)

WNTD Lesson choices  Lessons for S2/3 from NHS Highland.  Includes virtual adaptations

Take the quiz: Quiz to accompany NHS Highland S2/3 lessons

Quiz Answers  Answers for Quiz above

Buzzin Film clips and resources on substance misuse created by Re-Solv. Video clips and teacher guide are available for free. Aimed mainly at secondary pupils.

Choices for Life  A set of resources created by Police Scotland in association with Young Scot on drugs, alcohol, smoking and peer pressure. Includes three short dramas and resources appropriate for level 2 through to senior phase

What Works in alcohol and drugs education in schools (Scottish Government, 2016). A useful guide on the best approaches to teaching and learning about substance misuse.

Charter for a Tobacco-free Generation both this and Befreeachievemore provide useful aids for teaching about smoking and about becoming a smoke-free school

Count 14 resources for 16+  A set of resources recommended by Argyll and Bute Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (ADP) for S4 to S6 and adults.


Pre 5-P1 Transition Projects

Virtual Learning Spaces for Transition


 The Gruffalo Pre-5/P1 Transition Project

Talking Pen sound files for Gruffalo Stick Puppets

Gruffalo Stick puppets  Gruffalo Stick Puppets Instructions

Simplified French Gruffalo Text   Talking Pen sound files for simplified French Gruffalo Story


The French Pre-5/P1 Transition Project

Resources to accompany the Rainforest Quest DVD


Sound files for Warm up song Flashcards

Use start Arrow  13         Set A labels  A143-A165

Sound files for prinable version of Story

Use start Arrow  14        Set A Labels A166-A198

Rainforest Characters’ dialogue for stick puppets 

Use start Arrow 15        Set A labels A199-A234

Naval Families Federation – The Experience of Parental Absence in Royal Navy and Royal Marines Families

Being a parent and raising children is exciting and rewarding, but it can be tough at times for any family. The amount, patterns and types of parental absence faced by Naval Service families present additional challenges that are not routinely experienced by most civilian families.

To view, please click on the following link:

Transitions for Armed Forces Families

Moving around is a way of life for many Armed Forces families.  It can often be exciting, but sometimes it can be difficult to find your feet in a new location.  It can be unsettling for children and young people who are in education as they leave behind old classmates, make new friends and face a different curriculum or exam system.

This leaflet aims to help make the transition as easy as possible for families who are moving to Scotland, or who are already here but relocating to another part of the country.  To view, please click on the following link:

Forces Children’s Education

The Scottish Government, Local Authorities and Schools are working hard to ensure that moving to Scotland has a positive effect on the educational outcomes of children from Armed Forces families. This website has been created in order to bring all these efforts together and put the resources that parents and the education professionals who support their children need, together in one place.

To view, please click on the following link

Argyll and Bute Welcome Booklet

Our leaflet aims to provide information for Armed Forces families about schools, early learning and childcare provision in the area, such as advice on the transition to the Scottish Education system, a detailed explanation of how our 3 – 18 education system works and how to identify their catchment school. It also provides a guide on how parents can enrol their child, even when they are awaiting allocation of service family accommodation.

To view, please click on the following link:

MoD Support

This section contains MoD Support resources for staff.  Please click on one of the following links to access a resource, or read the text below for an overview of the Armed Forces context in Helensburgh and Lomond, and the MoD Education Support Fund.

For further information, please contact:

Emer Flett, Service Pupil Advisor

Tel: 01436 658921 | Email: | Facebook:  Service Pupil Advisor Helensburgh & Lomond

Armed Forces Context within Helensburgh and Lomond

Her Majesty’s Naval Base (HMNB) Clyde, at Faslane, is a major local employer for both civilian and Service personnel and has a direct impact on the number of Service children currently enrolled within Helensburgh and Lomond Schools.

HMNB Clyde is home to the United Kingdom’s Strategic Nuclear Deterrent and the Astute Class submarines. However, it is also the base port for the First Mine Countermeasure Squadron (MCM1), the Faslane Patrol Boat Squadron (FPBS), the 43 Commando Fleet Protection Group Royal Marines and the Northern Diving Group (NDG). It also has significant numbers of Armed Forces personnel involved in training, engineering support, personnel support, administration and medical roles.

The ships, submarines and support organisations and their differing roles means that there is a constant cycle of, often unpredictable, deployment patterns. Depending upon the particular role being conducted, there can be times when contact between Service personnel and their families is extremely limited, often for extended periods.

Our Service children and young people often experience situations and challenges that their civilian counterparts may not. Particularly coping without a parent during deployments can have an impact upon children from Armed Forces families. Mobility within the Services may also mean that children change schools and geographical locations more frequently, adding extra pressures.

Education, from early years through to higher education, can provide the stability to help children and young people through these times.

MOD Education Support Fund

2011 saw the launch of the Ministry of Defence’s Education Support Fund. The Fund was £6m per annum until 2017/2018 and has been made available to assist publicly funded schools throughout the UK, to mitigate the effects of exceptional mobility or deployment of their Service communities, Regular and Reserves.

In light of the ongoing drawdown from Germany and to provide time for the educational authorities across the UK to bring in longer-term provision for Service children, the Secretary of State for Defence in July 2018 announced the extension of the ESF, on a limited basis, for an additional two years.  The fund consisted of £3 million for 2018/2019 and £2 million will be available in 2019/2020.