Category Archives: School trips

Snapberry makes Nature of Scotland awards shortlist

On Tuesday 18th June representatives from the Snapberry group attended a reception at the Scottish Parliament for the RSPB Nature of Scotland 2013 awards. Various groups and individuals were nominated in several categories from across Scotland and Snapberry were absolutely delighted to be placed in the finalists’ shortlist in the Community Initiative category – a real testament to how the project has evolved to include the school, SNH, ArtMap Argyll and the Lantern Parade over the last five years. Continue reading Snapberry makes Nature of Scotland awards shortlist

Snapberry Project

Lochgilphead High School have had two exciting developments for their Snapberry project in recent weeks.

Kilmartin House Museum has asked to display and sell a selection of the students’ images from the last five years. The photos are on display at the Museum and monies raised will help the students support the work of Lochgilphead’s ARMS centre. Continue reading Snapberry Project

Port Charlotte learn about the Lords of the Isles

On Thursday the 16th of May Port Charlotte School went on an excellent trip to Finlaggan and Dunyveg. P5/6/7 went with Mr Mackie, Mrs MacTaggart, Mrs McLellan and Mrs Coughlin. We went because our topic is the Lords of the Isles and we wanted to know more about them.
We found out that the Lords of the Isles were only MacDonalds, they could not be MacLeans. Women couldn’t be Lords of the Isles either in those days. They ruled right down the west coast.

Continue reading Port Charlotte learn about the Lords of the Isles

Rothesay Primary winners dine with style.

On Friday 7th June, Primary 6 of Rothesay Primary School were in for a treat when we were served a delicious lunch made by the wonderful school kitchen at the joint campus. We had won a menu competition as part of the eatBute festival last month/ the competition was judged by Jeremy Lee, presented of the Great British Menu. Jeremy, who loved going around the country, was at Mount Stuart for the prize giving and to teach people about foraging. Continue reading Rothesay Primary winners dine with style.

S2 History pupils get the chance to dig up the past!

On Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd May a return visit of around forty S2 Lochgilphead High School History pupils took place at Dun Muirich medieval fort at Tayvallich to take part in an actual archaeological dig, thanks again to the generosity of Kate Moody of Kilmartin House Museum and Roddy Reagan, the archaeologist in charge . The weather was good over the two days, and the minibus swiftly took four runs back and forth to the site, accompanied again by either Mr Wire or Mr Kemp of the Social Subjects Department.
Continue reading S2 History pupils get the chance to dig up the past!

GARELOCHHEAD PRIMARY SCHOOL – Awesome Ardroy Adventures!!

Last week pupils from Garelochhead Primary went to Ardroy Outdoor Education centre, Lochgoilhhead for a residential trip.

Working towards their ‘John Muir’ award, they focussed on the adventurous discovery and exploration of wild places, and actively conserved areas of woodland.
Other outdoor activities included gorge walking, abseiling, night orienteering and negotiating their way through a labyrinth.
It was a super weekend, thank you Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre! Continue reading GARELOCHHEAD PRIMARY SCHOOL – Awesome Ardroy Adventures!!


Our Primary 2/3 class visited the SS Glenlee last Friday. They had a great day dressed as pirates and learning about life on the ocean waves as a pirate. At the end of the afternoon they were sent on a treasure hunt and all came back to school with a “pocket of gold”. Well worth a visit if you are looking for an exciting day out for your class.

Continue reading PRIMARY 2 & 3 VISIT THE SS GLENLEE

Kirn Primary P7 are the Music Business at James Watt College

Kirn Primary P7 are the Music Business at James Watt College We have been working on mixing our own music in school using Garage Band for our space topic, and on Friday 31st May Kirn Primary P7 pupils had an exclusive tour around the Music Department at James Watt College in Greenock. We visited the subterranean drumming studio, the hi-tech mixing studios and the DJ studio to see how music is created and crafted. Continue reading Kirn Primary P7 are the Music Business at James Watt College

Kilcreggan Primary School Visit Glasgow Science Centre

Our Primary 4, 5, 6 & 7 classes visited the Glasgow Science Centre on Wednesday 29th May and had a very exciting day. After spending the morning looking at exhibits they went in to the laboratory and learned all about how to extract DNA. Each child came back to school with a unique necklace containing a sample of their DNA!

Continue reading Kilcreggan Primary School Visit Glasgow Science Centre

Macbeth at Kilmodan Primary School

Last week Kilmodan Primary School had another successful tearoom. We have been running a tearoom for the last three years. This year we are raising money for our school to go to Edinburgh for two days. While we are there we will be going to the zoo, Edinburgh Castle and we hope to go to the cinema. The children do home baking for every tearoom and serve the tea and coffee. It is a great time for the whole community to get together.
Continue reading Macbeth at Kilmodan Primary School


25 Years of Scottish–German Friendship and Exchange
Dunoon Grammar School – Hardenberg Gymnasium 1989-2013

As long ago as 1988, when Mrs Lesley Clark, Principal Teacher of German and French in Dunoon Grammar School, applied for funding to start an Exchange with Germany, she could never have imagined that she would still be organising the same Exchange in 2013.


News from Dalintober Pre-5 Unit and Primary School

Dalintober Pre-5 Unit Sports Day

Dalintober Pre Five Unit held their Sports Day in the school gym on Wednesday 29th May. The children all enjoyed the day and here are our Pre School and Ante Pre School Champions.

Continue reading News from Dalintober Pre-5 Unit and Primary School

News from Kilninver Primary School

Kilninver go camping
Maps, compasses, questions, challenges, songs and marshmallows round the campfire, sunny days and no midgies.
Kilninver primary went camping overnight on Kerrera with Stramash and returned with rosy cheeks.

Continue reading News from Kilninver Primary School

Car Boot Sale at Dalmally Mart

“Dalmally, Taynuilt and Kilchrenan Primary Schools held a wonderful Car Boot Sale on Saturday at Dalmally Mart, raising over £1118 for their annual p6/7 trip to Lcohgoilhead. The sun shone on the ‘car boots’ and the stalls (causing some of the icing to slip off the cakes on the baking stall!) and a great time was had by all. The local fire brigade came along to help with the Car Wash, there was a Bottle Stall, Raffle and Baking stall as well as activities such as ‘Throw the Wet Sponge’ and a Duck Race.”
Continue reading Car Boot Sale at Dalmally Mart

Ulva School make Flowers in the Forest

The children and staff from Ulva Primary School had a brilliant time making big flowers and ‘planting’ them in the woodland at Calgary Art in Nature.
We were pleased to see the sun was shining on Friday as we headed off to Calgary with our waterproofs packed in our bags. When we arrived we met Symon and Kim from Vision Mechanics who were going to show us how to make the flowers. We had a lovely walk around the woodland looking at the Giant Heads and the other sculptures in the Forest.

Continue reading Ulva School make Flowers in the Forest

Port Ellen Pre 5 Unit, Our Lighthouse Topic

Port Ellen Pre 5 unit have thoroughly enjoyed their Lighthouse topic. The topic was based on the well known book The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch by Ronda and David Armitage. The topic was packed with numerous learning opportunities. The children planned and build their own lighthouse, they enjoyed making lunch for each other in their very own Mrs Grinling’s kitchen, we planned and built seagull proof picnic baskets and many more fun activities.

Continue reading Port Ellen Pre 5 Unit, Our Lighthouse Topic

Innellan Primary Health Week

Week beginning 13th May saw the start of Innellan Primary School’s Health Week. This was to be a week of very exciting opportunities and a chance to learn about health matters.
On Monday 13th May the pupils all went to The Velvet Path Trekking Centre. The children all got the chance to ride a pony and had a tour of the Centre.
Tuesday 14th May saw the pupils learning about Golf!
Continue reading Innellan Primary Health Week

Islay and Jura Primary Schools Trip to Stirling

All the P6/7 children of Islay and Jura got together for a fantastic trip to Stirling last week! New friendships were made and old ones were resurrected as the children spent four days together learning about the history of Stirling Castle, the Wallace Monument as well as enjoying the engineering wonder of the Falkirk Wheel! The views over Stirling were magnificent.

Continue reading Islay and Jura Primary Schools Trip to Stirling

Tayvallich’s Medieval Mayhem!

Tayvallich Primary School and Kilmartin House Museum hosted a medieval day of fun, for their Northern Irish friends from Mill Strand Integrated Primary. We did a round robin of activities, which included medieval cooking outside (which tasted fantastic!), a tour of Dun Mhuirich (where we showed everyone the medieval house which had been discovered), made a graveslab each for a medieval soldier with clay and we learnt some Scottish Country Dancing with Mary and John Gillies (which came in useful later!). Continue reading Tayvallich’s Medieval Mayhem!

Portrush Pupils Have Landed

Last week Mill Strand Integrated Primary School from Portrush, County Antrim came to visit Tayvallich Primary School for 3 days as part of our shared Heritage Lottery Funded Project-where we are re-establishing our links between Argyll and Northern Ireland.
On their first evening, they came to our community exhibition about Dun Mhuirich, that we held with Kilmartin House Museum. Continue reading Portrush Pupils Have Landed