Tag Archives: Kilninver

Legion Scotland Primary Schools Competition 2014/15 – Stories of WWI’s Families

Port Ellen tuscania loganBoth Kilniver and Port Ellen Primary School are through to the voting stage of the Scottish Legion story writing and photo competition. Schools who entered this competition investigated how the outbreak of World War One impacted on the families in their local communities and the effect that it had on the day-to-day lives around them. Ten children from the winning school will receive a unique VIP experience at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo!

Continue reading Legion Scotland Primary Schools Competition 2014/15 – Stories of WWI’s Families

Oban Burns Committee

P7 Pupil council members from 3 schools in the Oban area have formed committee and are now in the process of organising a day of Burns for children in the local area.
Children from Barcaldine, Rockfield and Kilninver have followed the same basic format as last year. They have been involved in the practical tasks that setting up an event for 200 children involves including booking a theatre group, hiring the venue, ordering medals, designing certificates and making rosettes for the event.

News from Kilninver Primary School

Kilninver go camping
Maps, compasses, questions, challenges, songs and marshmallows round the campfire, sunny days and no midgies.
Kilninver primary went camping overnight on Kerrera with Stramash and returned with rosy cheeks.

Continue reading News from Kilninver Primary School

Highlands and Islands Music and Dance Festival

Kilninver Primary had great fun preparing for and taking part in the Highlands and Islands Music Festival. The Whole School including some of the staff took part in the Instrumental Ensemble, they sang and played Daydream believer .

Pre 5 and P1-3 took part in the Action Song. They dressed up as Little Peter Rabbit and had the audience in stitches with their actions to the chorus……. Powderpuff and curly whiskers. Continue reading Highlands and Islands Music and Dance Festival

Oban Schools Orienteering Competition

Grace and Hugo who are both in P4 @ Kilninver Primary were delighted to win 2nd and 3rd place at the Oban Schools Orienteering Competition. “It was so windy I went round at double speed and that is why I won 3rd.” said Hugo.

We would like to thank everyone who helped to organises this day for us – we had a great time.

Burns organising committee

On the 5th Feb the organising committee for the Local schools Burns event met for the second time to confirm their plans for the day. The representatives from Rockfield, Lochnell and Kilninver’s Pupil councils printed certificates and organised nametags and presentations. Hopefully the arrangements we have made will ensure that the day runs smoothly.

Good Luck to everyone who is planning to take part….break a leg.

rural schools athletics final

On the 7th March our P4&5 children were chuffed to bits to qualify for the Oban schools athletics competition.

This is the first time we have made it into the final. Some of us jumped and threw further than we have ever managed before. with a bit of training who knows, we might make the medals next year.

Continue reading rural schools athletics final

heartstart assembly

On the 12th March we held our Easter assembly, we based it around the theme of helping your neighbour.

The children demonstrated how to phone for an ambulance, put someone into the recovery position and do CPR if necessary. The parents followed the instructions the children gave them and asked lots of questions about the Heart Start programme.

Continue reading heartstart assembly

News from Kilninver Primary

On the 5th March we emptied the Rag bin and have managed to raise £99. This is our highest total yet. We set our team of organisers the challenge of making the bags weigh as close to 5Kg as possible. As you can see from the photos we weighed the bags to make sure that they were round about the same size.
If they were very heavy we shared their contents among the smaller bags.
In the new term we are going to buy new playground toys with the money raised. Continue reading News from Kilninver Primary

Burns Competition at Kilninver

On 11th Feb over 200 children from the Lorne area came together to compete in a range of Burns competitions that had been organised by the pupil councils of Rockfield, Lochnell and Kilninver Primary schools and over 400 entries were received.

The event was held in the Argyllshire Gathering halls and the adjudicators came from the local Burns club who had donated £500 towards the costs of the day.

Continue reading Burns Competition at Kilninver

Rednose Day at Kilninver

On the 15th March children at Kilninver Primary raised £30 for Comic Relief.

The pupil Council organised a day of hilarious activities. We built houses for our dinosaur noses from K’nex, designed placemats and played a whole school game of pass the parcel to tell a joke.

We had a lot of fun and know that the money raised will go to help a good cause. Continue reading Rednose Day at Kilninver

Barcaldine Burns Competition winners!!

Barcaldine Primary School along with many other local Primary Schools participated in Kilninver Primary School’s Burns Competition. Barcaldine school children were very productive and sent entries in for poems, stories, pictures (hand-drawn and computerised) and powerpoints.

We achieved a 1st Prize in P5 Poem and a 2nd prize in the P7 Poem categories and also 5 Highly Commended certificates for powerpoints, poems and pictures.
Well done!!!!!

Rabbie Burns visits Kilninver

Rabbie Burns was the latest famous Scot to venture into Kilninver’s time machine.
The children learned many interesting facts about his life and works when Mr Jim Robb, a Burns enthusiast from Arduaine came to visit.
He is standing at the back of this photo and if you look really closely you will see Tam O’Shanter twice!
The first Tam is in the painting hanging in the background and the other is on our visitor’s head.

Kilninver Time Machine

Our second visitor stepped out of the time Machine this afternoon.  From the clues he gave us we worked out that He was Dr David Livingston.  The story of his visit is on our school website if you click on the link you will be able to read the whole story. http://www.kilninverprimary.com/news_detail.asp?Section=8&Ref=860 

Which famous Scottish character is going to drop in on us next?

Swimming Success

Calum made us all very proud today when he scooped the silver medal for the boys 50m backstroke at the Oban schools swimming Gala.  He is only in P5 and is chuffed to bits with his achievement because there were lots of P7 boys in the race.  He knows this is his strongest stroke and puts his success down to the fact that his goggles fit really well and that he has lots of stamina so can keep going for ages and ages when lots of other people have given up.

Well done Calum! – Kilninver Primary School

Halloween Celebration

The parent Council at Kilninver Primary organised a super spooky party to celebrate Halloween.  Mums, Dads, boys and girls, members of the wider community and visitors from other schools dressed in their most ghoulish outfits and put their hearts and souls into participating in the hilarious games and activities that had been organised.  Local celebrity Witch Candyfloss kindly judged the best pumpkin and costume competitions.  The children would like to thank everyone who helped to make the evening such a great success.  We all think this is the best way yet to have your tea. Continue reading Halloween Celebration