CALL Scotland RTC Launch

To launch our new status as an Apple Regional Training Centre, specialising in iPads and Additional Support Needs, CALL is hosting a free half-day conference at Moray House School of Education on Friday 9th May. Speakers include Steve Bunce, Jenni Robertson and David Ryan. There will also be parallel workshop presentations on using iPads for:

– Literacy and Creativity (Jenni Robertson)
– Pupils with Dyslexia and Reading / Writing Difficulties (Paul Nisbet)
– Pupils with Communication Difficulties (Sally Millar)
– Pupils on the Autistic Spectrum (Sue Fletcher-Watson)

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Rhu Primary School, Primary 3 ? Roman Day

Primary 3 in Rhu Primary School have been learning all about the Romans this term. They looked at the Roman Empire, how Rome was founded, what their lives were like and how they have influenced our lives today. As a celebration of their learning the children took part in a Roman Day. They dressed up as Romans, joined in with different games and activities, such as playing merels, making a bulla, making a scroll, designing a laurel leaf crown and even ate like Romans.

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Rockfield Gaelic classes launch books

Before the Easter break, children in Rockfield’s Gaelic classes hosted an open afternoon to celebrate the launch of their very own books. The event was a really enjoyable way to end a very productive term and to involve parents, carers and peers in the children’s learning.
P2/1G based their books on their topic ‘Air an Tuathanas’ (On the Farm) and P4/3G created imaginative stories about ‘Na Lochlannaich’ (The Vikings). The children were really inspired by the book-writing project and produced some excellent work.

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P2 Viking Open Afternoon

Primary Two at Rhu Primary recently held an Open Afternoon with parents, to celebrate the completion of their Viking topic. Pupils enjoyed showcasing their learning, which included literacy, art and technology work. They also displayed their musical talents, performing Thor the Thunderer and Odin’s Daughters! Parents joined in with various activities including food tasting, internet research, interactive games, map work and decoding Viking runes. It was a very exciting end to a very successful topic!

The Great Escape at Rhu Primary

Primary 1 at Rhu lovingly made and decorated teddy bears, as part of their Toyland topic. The children were delighted with the results and couldn’t wait to take them home.
However, those teddies had other ideas and kept escaping. One day they just disappeared. Imagine the pupils’ surprise when their teddies turned up at ‘Helensburgh Toy Shop’. Fiona was happy to look after the teddies but was exhausted chasing after them and trying to serve customers at the same time.
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Orienteering Medals!

Barcaldine Primary School sent six children along to the annual OLI Interschool’s Orienteering competition on Friday morning. Dunstaffnage in Dunbeg was the location and we were very thankful for the lovely dry weather, it makes all the difference when it is dry!!! One of our six was unable to take part in the orienteering competition as he had a sports injury but he was photographer and supporter for the rest of the troops all day long. The other five impressively came back to school with a medal each. Continue reading Orienteering Medals!


Pupils in P1-P7 at Kilcreggan Primary School recently entertained parents and friends with their wonderful production of The Big Green Adventure. The musical show had an eco message. Scenes and songs gave messages about recycling, being transport aware, switching off unneeded electrical appliances and caring for our environment. All classes participated in the song and action part of the show with P5-7 pupils taking on the speaking parts. Pupils amazed their audiences at both performances with their great acting. Continue reading THE BIG GREEN ADVENTURE

Young Art Talent Emerging in DGS

Corrie MacDonald, S2 pupil at Dunoon Grammar School proudly presents Head Teacher Mr. Mitchell with a piece of original artwork to hang outside his office. Corrie finds some aspects of the curriculum very challenging and does a lot of his learning in the learning centre. But, amongst other things, Corrie has a real talent for art.

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DGS pupil Shannon Brings Sunshine to Kirn Nursery

One of the four focuses (or capacities) of The Curriculum for Excellence is to encourage pupils to become effective contributors to their communities. What better way to do this than to volunteer some time to help out at a local nursery school. This is what Shannon Lyon, S5 pupil at Dunoon Grammar School and full time pupil in the learning centre, has been doing since August 2013.

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Sponsored cycle at Small Isles

In the Easter holidays almost all the children from Small Isles Primary on Jura took part in a sponsored cycle ride from Craighouse to Lagg. It’s a seven and a half mile cycle with some challenging hills, and everyone managed to do it, even our Primary One person. It took two hours for everyone to get there.

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Bunessan Easter Fun Run

Children in the P5,6,7 class of Bunessan Primary School have been busy raising money to restore the local war memorial which stands just outside the playground. They decided to take part in the local Easter Fun Run and raised money by collecting from spectators. The children have been quite overwhelmed by the support they have received for this project and are well on the way to eventually exceeding their target. Their hard work and dedication will ensure that the memorial survives into the next century.

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Zoolab visit Barcaldine PS

Barcaldine Primary School recently had a visit from an ‘Eco Investigator from Zoolab’.

Anthony from Zoolab descended upon us with a huge big box in tow to discuss with us our environment and what creatures and animals require from their environment to survive. The children got to touch, feel and handle the various animals but there were a few we didn’t dare touch!! Some of the animals had to stay inside their boxes but we did get a chance to see them when they appeared from their hiding place! Continue reading Zoolab visit Barcaldine PS

Dalmally Daffodil tea

The children from d Dalmally Primary School organised and held a ”Daffodil Tea” with all proceeds split between Marie Curie Cancer Care and MacMillan cancer Support.
We had a fantastic turn out and raised £170 in only one hour!

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‘Be our Guest’ at Dunoon Primary!

Dunoon Primary School Choir hosted a superb Daffodil Tea entitled ‘Be Our Guest’. The afternoon show was attended by members from various senior citizen groups within our local community and it has indeed become an annual event. The children began the programme with a medley of Scottish songs including old favourites like ‘Red Yoyo’, ‘Skyscraper Wean’ and ‘Loch Lomond’. The solo singers sang so sweetly and clearly wowing the audience both at the afternoon tea and in the evening, much to the pleasure of the very proud parents!

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Generation Science Visits Islay

Islay and Jura Primaries Bright Sparks project was enhanced by a truly engaging and fascinating ‘Power from the People’ show and workshop brought to the pupils of all five schools by the Generation Science Team from the ‘Edinburgh International Science Festival’.

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P.7 Science and Technology Day at Islay High School

In conjunction with the ‘Bright Sparks’ joint science project, Primary 7 children across Islay and Jura spent the day at Islay High School involved in a range of learning experiences working with pupils from different schools.  ‘Bright Sparks’ was the name given to a project planned and implemented by teachers of senior pupils across the five primary schools. In collaboration with Mr Phil Kitching and the rest of the Science Department at the High School, a variety of exciting activities and challenges were organised. Continue reading P.7 Science and Technology Day at Islay High School

Rockfield’s Got Talent

Over the last eight weeks pupils of Rockfield Primary School have been organising a spectacular show. Primary7/6/5G and Primary 6 have put on an amazing school talent show for the community. The acts wowed the judges (Mr Degnan, Miss McKerrell and Mrs MacIntyre) with their huge amount of talent. We had a brilliant host from Oban High School and his name was Mr McKenna. We filled in application forms, stating which group we would like to be in.

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Dunoon Grammar School – Loch Fyne Oysters Visit

Two S3 Hospitality classes visited Loch Fyne Oysters and saw where the oysters and mussels were produced and packaged ready for sale locally and around the world. The classes then visited the Restaurant and Oyster Bar where they enjoyed a presentation and an opportunity to try different varieties of smoked salmon, bradan rost and oysters.

The photograph shows pupils being shown the machine that sorts the mussels out in relation to their size.