CALL Scotland RTC Launch

To launch our new status as an Apple Regional Training Centre, specialising in iPads and Additional Support Needs, CALL is hosting a free half-day conference at Moray House School of Education on Friday 9th May. Speakers include Steve Bunce, Jenni Robertson and David Ryan. There will also be parallel workshop presentations on using iPads for:

– Literacy and Creativity (Jenni Robertson)
– Pupils with Dyslexia and Reading / Writing Difficulties (Paul Nisbet)
– Pupils with Communication Difficulties (Sally Millar)
– Pupils on the Autistic Spectrum (Sue Fletcher-Watson)

The day starts at 9.30 for registration and Gillian Penny will kick off the event at 10am followed by presentations from Steve Bunce and Jenni Robertson. After a break for coffee there will be a choice of 4 parallel workshops (sign up on the day and first come gets first choice!). The morning will finish with presentations from David Ryan and overview from Paul Nisbet

Book a place online at

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