Kilnartin jogging 4The children in P5-7 at Kilmartin P.S. are beginning to enjoy the benefits of running a daily mile first thing every morning. The class heads out with their teacher and carry out a few warm-up stretches before heading along the Coach Road that runs from the school to the village.

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Strone Primary Attends Taste for Tourism Conference.

Strone PS Taste for Tourism eventAs part of their Food for Thought project, funded by Education Scotland, Strone Primary School took five P5-7 pupils, Mackenzie, Romily, Millie, Duncan and Theo to the Taste for Tourism Conference in Oban last week. Two other Argyll schools, Ulva Primary and Ardrishaig were also presenting work at the event. Strone pupils organised their own stall, with a presentation of their work about local produce, and took baskets of delicious Apple and Bramble flapjacks they had made, to sell at the event.
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P6/5 work with Dunoon Community Radio

DPS Community Radio 1As part of this term’s enterprise project to set up and run a 60s themed pop-up shop, the children in P6/5 contacted the local radio station to see if they could record a radio advert. Victor and his team were only too willing to help and the class have had two fantastic workshops to learn about the necessary information to be included in the advert and the recording process. Yesterday, the children were very excited to record their advert and Victor and Dave will now take this back to the studio and add the 60s backing tracks before the advert is launched.
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Hermitage Primary Technology Challenge

Hermitage PS Technologies challenge 2015Bringing their interdisciplinary topic to a close, Primary 7 pupils at Hermitage Primary School took part in their Technology Challenge presentation evening on Wednesday 4th November.
Incorporating Technologies, Maths, Language, Science and PSD, the Technology Challenge required pupils to work in cooperative groups to plan and design a working electrical vehicle which was supported by a good business plan. Their progress had to be recorded in form of a booklet and a Keynote presentation.
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Authors Live at Rothesay Primary

RPS Authors 1This time round, Authors Live was all about the author Liz Pichon, who is a favourite writer at Rothesay Primary. Ever since P4 opened their book shop last year, Liz Pichon’s books about the school boy Tom Gates have been flying off the shelves – so you can imagine our excitement when we found out she would be on Authors Live! With sketch books at the ready, we listened as the author told us how to draw the characters and patterns. Liz Pichon was even wearing clothes that she had drawn on – her dress, her shoes, even her belt – she looked amazing!

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Primary 1 Transition at Rothesay Primary

RPS Apple tree 1Last week Primary 1 welcomed back their Key Workers from Apple Tree and Rothesay Primary Pre5. At nursery, the children had been learning about the ‘Gruffalo’ and had carried this learning on at school, looking at other books by Julia Donaldson. The nursery staff heard all about the ‘Stick Man’ and the ‘Smartest Giant in Town’ and even how to get the fruits of the ‘Flum Flum Tree’. They found out that Patricia at the local library had been helping us find interesting stories and had come into school to read them to us.
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Halloween Fun at Rothesay Primary

RPS Halloween 2015 4Last week everyone had a spooktacular time at Rothesay Primary. Primary 4 – 7 had a special disco arranged by the Parent Fundraising Group. There was a tuck shop, light up toys, prizes for best-dressed and best scary mover to tunes by DJ Chrissy! The secondary XL Group came along too with special sweetie boxes shaped like coffins they had made for us. Then at 8.00pm the Spooky Corridor opened for those who dared to walk along it (nearly everyone!). Thanks to all the staff and S5 and 6 pupils who were in the corridor – it was fab!
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Small Schools Football Festival

Strachur PS Football FestOn Thursday 5th November Active Schools in partnership with Strachur Primary School ran a football festival for P4 and P5 pupils from the smaller primary schools within Cowal, at Strachur Park. The event was well attended with teams from Strachur, Strone, Tighnabruaich, Lochgoilhead and Kilmodan Primary Schools. The competition was based on a round robin with all the teams playing each other. The pupils were all very excited as for many this would be their first competitive football playing against other schools.
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Salen Primary School Sponsored walk

Salen PS Sponsored Walk 2Singing in the rain!

One very rainy day in September, Salen Primary School and Pre-school children cheerfully set off on their sponsored walk led by mascot Labrador, Sonny Bill, who was celebrating his 3rd birthday.

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West of Scotland ensemble championships in Kilmarnock

Lochgilphead musicFive Lochgilphead High School pupils competed in the West of Scotland ensemble championships in Kilmarnock last weekend. Jessica Tanner (trumpet), Freya Corner (trumpet), Sioned Phillips (tenor horn), Alistair Cupples (euphonium) and Gavin Johnson (tuba) competed in the under 21 class.

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St. Mun’s Pupils and Staff Have Their Voices Heard

St Muns Elections 2015 2After last Terms IDL on the Scottish Parliament, where the children of Primary 7/6 researched how a democracy works and how elections are run, the children and staff of St. Mun’s went to the polls to cast their votes on who should represent the School for the session 2015/16.

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Drumlemble & Carradale Primary Schools – 2015 Campbeltown Museum Exhibition

Drumlemble  & Carradale CM Primary School Exhibition 2015 2In late spring of this year, pupils from Drumlemble and Carradale Primary Schools took part in an innovative project created and delivered by the Kilmartin Museum education team. The main focus of the project, was the Campbeltown museum objects of the Iron Age/Early Historic period. The pupils enjoyed many days of input from the team and field archaeologist Roddy Regan as well as professional workshops with Lucinda Hopkinson, Sian MacQueen, Philip Price, Mandy Haggith and Jenny England.

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P7’s at Kirn explore My World of Work

Kirn PS World of Work 1Kirn Primary School’s P7 pupils were invited to visit the Job Centre in Dunoon last week to learn how to develop their career skills and think about different jobs in the World of Work. Mrs Bancks, the Manager of the Job Centre had organised some thought provoking activities for everyone to take part in.

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DGS Auschwitz 1On Wednesday 29th October, S6 DGS students Tylor Bracey and Simone Peter set off on a one day trip to Auschwitz in Poland, along with their History teacher, Mr Darkins. This life changing trip was part of an experience organised and part funded by the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET), designed to keep the memory of the Holocaust alive and to educate younger generations on the lessons of the past.