P6/5 work with Dunoon Community Radio

DPS Community Radio 1As part of this term’s enterprise project to set up and run a 60s themed pop-up shop, the children in P6/5 contacted the local radio station to see if they could record a radio advert. Victor and his team were only too willing to help and the class have had two fantastic workshops to learn about the necessary information to be included in the advert and the recording process. Yesterday, the children were very excited to record their advert and Victor and Dave will now take this back to the studio and add the 60s backing tracks before the advert is launched.

The children hope to visit the radio station in the coming weeks and perhaps take part in a live interview to further promote their pop up shop. Thank you Dunoon Community Radio for your support and we hope everyone tunes into 97.4fm to listen to our ad!

DPS Community Radio 2

One thought on “P6/5 work with Dunoon Community Radio

  1. What a lot of work has gone into this Mrs Munro, well done P6/5 are thrilled. Cant wait for your Pop Up Shop!!

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