Tag Archives: Tighnabruaich

P4/5 Football Tournment

On Friday 10th March Strachur Primary participated in a football tournament organised by Active Schools, at Strachurmore Pitch. Primary 4 and 5 pupils took part from 10am until 2pm and played really well. All the small schools from the Cowal area were invited and Strachur came second, Tighnabruaich Primary won the tournament.

Continue reading P4/5 Football Tournment

Five Pipers Piping at Tighnabruaich Primary

TIGHNABRUAICH PipersFive very excited young pipers were delighted when their instructor, Craig Campbell, arrived at school with not one set, but FIVE sets of bagpipes. They were extremely proud and relieved that they were able to get a sound out of them after much huffing and puffing.
When they got home…..
Jodie’s mum and dad were very proud of her for “up-levelling” – starting out on a wooden chanter, moving on to the black chanter and now the pipes. Continue reading Five Pipers Piping at Tighnabruaich Primary

Small Schools Football Festival

Strachur PS Football FestOn Thursday 5th November Active Schools in partnership with Strachur Primary School ran a football festival for P4 and P5 pupils from the smaller primary schools within Cowal, at Strachur Park. The event was well attended with teams from Strachur, Strone, Tighnabruaich, Lochgoilhead and Kilmodan Primary Schools. The competition was based on a round robin with all the teams playing each other. The pupils were all very excited as for many this would be their first competitive football playing against other schools.
Continue reading Small Schools Football Festival

Mud day celebrations – revisited

Pupils once again decided not to let the rain get them down on the last day of term. International Mud Day is officially the 29th June, but nobody felt like coming to school on Saturday to take part – what’s a day between friends? The fun started with a muddy burn walk, then a ‘hit the moving target’ session on the rope swing. The water pistols were an attempt to keep things clean but, like most plans, it didn’t quite work that way! Mrs Finnie certainly wasn’t any cleaner by the time she’d had her turn. Continue reading Mud day celebrations – revisited

Early Years Igloo at Tighnabruaich

“At Tighnabruaich Early Years Class we have been building an igloo by using 2 litre used plastic milk bottles. Parents and the community alike donated their empty bottles for a few months and the result (thanks to George our Janitor mostly)! was a brilliant play house for the Early Years Class to enjoy.
All built with recycled materials!”

crofting connections Strachur

Tighnabruaich, Toward and Strachur Primary schools had an amazing day at Strachur Memorial Hall taking part in a Crofting Connections day.
There were various activities such as felting, quilting and willow and paper weaving. We enjoyed tasting fish and sea food and learning about the salmon’s life-cycle. We found out how to ‘waulk’ the cloth, card wool, use drop spindles, weave, and learned lots of sheep and wool facts. Continue reading crofting connections Strachur

Mud Kitchen installed at Tighnabruaich Primary!

The Early Level class has been enjoying its newly installed Mud Kitchen. It is fitted with all mod cons (sink, microwave, pots & pans etc.) and using only the very finest ingredients the children have been busy making spicy soup and apple & mud cake. Best fun is going to the local supermarket (the nearby unfinished path) to collect the basic ingredient.
P1 parents visited last week and are off to look out more fixtures and fittings.
Today’s great excitement was the frozen mud and investigating the beautiful patterns it made.
You can find out more about Mud Kitchens at www.muddyfaces.co.uk where the book can be downloaded. Or request it by email; info@muddyfaces.co.uk. It’s FREE! Continue reading Mud Kitchen installed at Tighnabruaich Primary!