International Mud Day at Tighnabruaich Primary

We were pleased to see the rain on the last day of term because it guaranteed lots of MUD for us to wallow in during International Mud Day.  Pupils wanting to take part had to write and return their own permission slip and bring in a complete change of clothes.

The children competed enthusiastically to see who could get muddiest – it was a hard one to judge.  We brought some mud back into the playground and made a mudslide down a tarpaulin before standing in line to be hosed down before lunch. 

Dirty, happy children left school laden down with soggy, filthy clothes. There’s bound to be some good drying weather tomorrow – it’s the holidays!

9 thoughts on “International Mud Day at Tighnabruaich Primary

  1. This is my favourite post so far… by far !
    Am going to print it out & show it to the pupil council on our return in August.

    Is International mud day set, or can any day join in?

  2. Google International Mud Day – great stuff! Why don’t we go for an Argyll-wide event next year? We could set a day during the week that suits?

  3. Looks fantastic – a normal day in the playground?!!! We could do a puddle splashing day anytime of the year.

  4. I think it would be a great idea to have an Argyll & Bute wide Mud Event. I wonder if any Staff would be up for it – I certainly would! The children look as if they had a ball.

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