We have been learning about the vikings. We found out our viking names, my one was Robstaf the Wise. The vikings were great sailors.  The Vikings came from Denmark, Sweden and Norway and they made their clothes from wool and leather fron animals.  They also washed their clothes in cow pee!


Welcome Back Everybody!

Hope everyone has had a great holiday and is settling down to the new term in school. We have already hosted the Islay book festival, where we were visited by author Ruth Rendell! We also enjoyed some interesting talks by children’s authors Allan Burnett, John Fardell and Cathy Macphail. Thanks to the book festival organisers for providing us with such great events.
Coming up this term is a visit from Kilmartin Museum to discover all things Viking, and a Gaelic awareness day on the 30th September. Keep in touch to find out what the pupils think.


In p45 we have been learning all about electricity and what a wonderful thing it is.  We have made lots of electrical circuits, created our own games using switches and found out what fun you can have with a balloon, some hair and a knowledge of the movement of electrons in an atom.  A great explanation of many of these items can be found on Youtube under Bill Nye Science Guy, so check him out!  Next week we are going to take all we know about electricity and use it to design and build an electrical Christmas Gizmo DoohDaah.


Martin Rae, a coach from the Scottish Football Association, visited Port Ellen Primary on  3rd December.  He came to train us  and tell us how to not get mad if the other team wins.  We were dribbling and passing the ball, and we played a game where there are two defenders and there are strikers, and the defenders have to get the ball and touch it.  You then had to put the ball up over your head and stick your feet out, and another person kicked a ball through your legs and said nutmeg to let you go free.  We went in to teams and played a game of football.  Robbie scored a hat trick and then he won a ball for the school.  It was great fun and I hope he comes back again.
By James

Welcome to our Learning Blog!

Every week a different group will be adding to the learning blog, talking about their learning, interests and achievements. I hope you enjoy finding out what is happening in our school!

This term P45 have been learning about the sea around Islay.

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