Stephen Baron

Stephen Baron came to the school of Port Ellen primary  to tell us about Haydn a very famous composer and it was very interesting. We played games with Stephen Baron and we danced to the music and it was very fancy and I want to do it again. My favourite part was when we played instruments with him it was very noisy. And I personally think that it was a great idea that Reece(The Prince) died of old age in the acting and I was a great woodpecker. Just as I said I think that the acting was very good  from everyone and so was the music, he could really play the piano. We had to listen to the music and if if it changed music we had to do our actions.  Mrs Macdonald said the school piano had never been so happy!

What We Did On Holiday

On my holiday I went to England, Bracknell and I had a great time.  We stayed at my Auntie Ann and I went to Lego land on the first day of our holiday and it was very  fun, we got soaked because went on lots of wet rides plus it was raining at the end of the day.  We went to see Matilda on the Theater and it was so good, we also went in to a place called Windsor to do some shopping and it was the best shopping experience ever and I really want to go again.

By Emily

My Review on the Selfish Giant

I am going to give you my review on The Selfish Giant. On the day of the play no one forgot their words and everyone’s acting was brilliant. I felt very nervous when I was just about to walk onto the stage because I had forgotten some words in dress rehearsal, but it was fine in the end.  We did have a down side to our play, just when everyone had sat down the person playing the giant became ill. Eleanor was very clever, she was the puppeteer for the giant and she stepped in at the last minute, even though she hadn’t learned all the words she seemed to know them.  There was only one time that Eleanor didn’t know what to say but Harry knew the words so that was a big help. Other than that the play was great and everyone enjoyed it and after the play all the mums, dads, grannys, grandpas were allowed to go up and have a cake that we made and a cup of tea.
By Maisie

Science Week

We have just done our science week competitions, there were a lot of problems along the away.  There were 4 competitions and my group won nothing though but everyone had fun and none of the pupils were sad because we all had fun. 🙂

by Helen

World Maths Day in P1/2

P1/2 have been very busy celebrating world maths day. We started the day with a mental maths quiz then we got into groups to work on different maths activities.

We were doing direction work with Beebot. Ellie

We were on the computer playing the world maths day game. Eva

We were trying out different maths games like matching times up and dominoes. Matthew

We played a money game. Taylor

We played a new beebot game on the computer. Kaitlyn

We had a shop to play in. Natalie

We were making up 100 squares and colouring in different tens and units numbers.Kaya

We did lots of clock activities on the promethian board. Ruaraidh

We gave each other directions to move on the roamer mat. Natalie

Healthy Tuck

P6/7 are doing the healthy tuck shop to help with our profit and loss maths topic.We get £5.00 and have to make everything ourselves. It’s quite tricky trying to think of different things to do. Everything has to cost 35p and we have to try to make a profit. Please come to the tuck shop!

By Elinor Baker.

The Mod

The mod is good because we all have fun and we won.  It’s too bad that the big girls and boy are leaving.  I learned that singing is fun but singing in Gaelic is AMAZING!!!!!!!
By Elizabeth.


Today we were visited by port Charlotte and Keills school because we were having a visit from Kilmartin Museum.  We were doing woodworking, viking food, weaving and spinning, runes on clay and Viking music.  We were were chopping wood with an axe and turning wood with a pole lathe, and I liked making the wood round on the lathe.  I learned that Vikings used some horns for blowing to make music and had a spinning bone that made music.


Islay Book Festival

For the Islay book festival this year we had lots of visitors and authors.  One was Ruth Rendell and another Allan Burnett, also John Fardell and Debbi Gliori.  I went to see Allan Burnett and brought three books and got them all signed.  I got to dress up as Columba again.  I learned how to be an author and I love Allan Burnett’s books.  Thank you to the Islay book festival.


Allan Burnett at Port Ellen Primary School

Allan Burnett was at Port Ellen primary school and he was talking to us about his history books.  These are some of his books Columba,  Wiliam Wallace, Mary Queen of Scots, Bonnie Prince Charlie,  Rob Roy,  Robert Burns,  Robert the Bruce and Invented in Scotland.  Oliver dressed up as Columba and looked like Darth Vada.  It was great fun!


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