Daily Archives: May 5, 2020

Gold Class Tuesday 5th May

Good morning everybody. What a lovely sunny day. There is no timetable today because it is a INSET day for the staff,  but do have a go at the challenges below and then check back here tomorrow when we go back to normal timetabled activities.

  1. Can you have a go at  the story quiz?


2 Can you spot the difference? Click on the picture to enlarge it.


That is all for today.


Tuesday 5th May

Morning Every-one

If you want to try and keep a bit of structure to the day, here are our Morning Routine slides


I thought today it would be nice to keep up with the Tuesday Challenge from the  staff in

Group 6.

Today’s challenge is from Shaunna. Just click on the Sway below to see what she has in store for us today………get ready to be active!!


Here is another little challenge for you to do with your family for a bit of fun, see if you an guess them all?

Happy Tuesday!!