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Group 4 YPI winners 2024 😊

Group 4 were delighted to win our YPI competition yesterday with £3000 being awarded to our charity OPAL Cyrenians. The charity supports older people in the community by running a range of groups and activities. The charity are going to use the money to create a hub area where they can have coffee mornings and other events at their offices in Bathgate.

It was a fantastic afternoon with some great presentations from all the groups involved. Well done everyone!

Do Bigger Hands Hold More Cubes.

Group 1 have been measuring different lengths this week. They have used cubes and rulers to measure their hand lengths. Next they counted how many cubes they could hold and investigated if bigger hands could hold more cubes. They stood in order of hand length then stood in order of how many cubes they could hold. One pupil also plotted the results in a graph.


Yellow Class Literacy Fortnight

Yellow Class have enjoyed lots of literacy themed activities to celebrate literacy fortnight. We walked to Blackburn library and looked for books that interested us. We learned that some books in the library are in alphabetical order by author and some use a numbering system. These helped us to find the books we wanted quicker!

Back in school we loved the World Book Day character hunt where we had to find the hidden characters all around the school.

Noisy Nativity 2023

What a fantastic nativity performance our pupils put on this year! Well done to all the pupils and staff who made it such a fabulous show! Here are some of the highlights from the performance and preparation: