Monthly Archives: April 2020

Group 5 Circle Time Friday 3rd April

Hello Everyone,

Today I feel like Mr Happy. It is Friday, the Easter Holidays start tomorrow and it is going to be sunny today. I am feeling happy!

Mr. Bounce Jumping Animation by Percyfan94 on DeviantArt

How are you feeling today? Remember to ask someone in your house too.

The weather today is forecast to be sunny. Might you go outside today? Perhaps into your garden? Maybe you could spot some birds>

Garden GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

For Movement today I am going to do some yoga with Adrienne. Why not try it too?


Friday is cleaning day in my house. What could you do to help clean your house today?

For Literacy today check out the recent posts in the Language Skills section.

There should be some updated activities in the Social Studies / RME section.

Remember to have a break. Perhaps outside?

After break it is story time. The story today will be Percy the Park Keeper – After the Storm chosen by Leah. Check the Blog at 10.30 to hear and see this story.

After the Storm (Percy the Park Keeper) - book, teaching resources ...

Look out for the Sign of the Day posted by Lorna and then check out Hazel’s tasty ideas in Food Technology.

After lunch it is time for ICT and Music so check out Steve’s posts for ICT and Connie’s for Music.

Remember to let me know how you are getting on. Have great days.


Friday 3rd April


Good Morning Group 6

Here are some activities to choose from for Friday’s timetable:

Morning Routine – Today is Friday, did you identify it from your symbols? Can you tell some-one what the ‘date’ is? What month have we just moved into?

Emotions – Nikki tells me you are looking at the emotions you feel when you take part in various activities throughout the day. Can you identify how you might feel if you had an ice-cream? How might you feel about going to the Zoo? How are you feeling about being at home? Remember if you are feeling sad about being at home we have a story to read again that might help

Movement – Try Joe Wicks again if you haven’t visited for a while……he is still motivating the nation! Type in PE with Joe on Youtube!

Literacy – Can you read the instructions below to make a sandwich? Choose your favorite sandwich and send me a photo of the finished product!


Social Studies – Check out Linda and Ana’s posts for an activity that you would like to try😊

Story – A story for you to enjoy….or read a favorite book from home.

Find out what happens when What a Mess thinks he has discovered a monster.

Sign of the Day with Lorna

Food Technology – try out one of your favorite recipe’s from our very own Pinewood Recipe Book. There are plenty recipes here to keep you going over the holidays!

ICT/Technology – You have worked hard, choose a favourite game on the device or game console of your choice – It’s Friday after all!!

Music – Have a sing song with Connie and Gordon from one of their posts.

Remember, here are some activities you can look into over the holiday period

I hope you all have a good Easter Break….and do have a break. You have all worked so hard at home school. I have been so happy to hear of all the creative ways you have been learning at home and adapting to school closing. I have been really happy to hear that you are okay, and see some lovely photos of you smiling at home.

Splash in the puddles, look for rainbows and bears, continue to dance and sing with your families.

Keep going… are all wonderful!!

Happy Easter

Easter challenges for the Purple Class

I am in the Hub again tomorrow so sending this early to you

297 Best Happy Easter images in 2020 | Happy easter, Easter ...

It is Friday so it will be assembly – if not then please go to Connie’s Easter Singalong as we would have been at the church service.

Over the Easter I would like you to make me a Spring garden – some of you might remember we did this in class last year – my old class made an edible one! If you could take a picture that would be great 🙂

Year 2 Easter Gardens | Manby Lodge

PEEPS® Easter Garden Cake Recipe -

Can you complete one of your Reflection sheets? what have you enjoyed over the last two weeks? what haven’t you enjoyed? have you managed to help more at home?

Another Easter challengeICT/Technology can you go a whole morning without technology….can you go a whole day without technology? You might need to plan a very different day but have a go! I am going to try this out!

Easter challengefood technology – can you enter the cake competition that Laura sent you the details of? we just need a photo – maybe you could photograph each stage so someone else could make the cake after you and we can add it into our recipe book? Have a look on the right hand side of the blog for our recipes (you had a copy in your packs).

Another Easter challenge – dance – can you teach someone in your family one of the Just Dance routines? I did the Ghostbuster one TWICE today as was in two different classrooms…

Sign of the day – go back and see if you can remember them – maybe test one of the family!

Easter challenge – Story Can you record yourself reading a favourite story ! could you add props or sensory experiences like we have in class?

Easter challenge – egg hunt check out my blog entry that I set for Group 1,2,4,5 – can you manage it?

and finally…Science – have you seen yeast make the dough rise? could you make your own bread? I know ingredients have been not easy to find but if you can I would love to see how you have made your own bread – it’s great to try new ways of making it – try soda bread if can and curdle your milk with vinegar!


Maybe you could make hot cross buns! that was what we were going to make in class over the three weeks before Easter and try different recipes – my favourite is the one with cherries in


Take care, keep safe and I look forward to hearing about how you are getting on with all my Easter challenges


Shaving foam Easter eggs – Art

Here is a wonderful way to decorate some eggs for Easter! Enjoy 🙂

Materials Needed:

  • hard-boiled eggs
  • food colouring
  • Shaving foam
  • tray
  • plate
  • spoon/spatula
1. Squeeze shaving foam into a tray covering most of the tray with a layer of foam.
2. Drop some little drips of food colouring into the foam. You can use one colour or a mixture of different colours.
3. Use the back of a spoon or fork to swirl the colour through the shaving foam.
4. Gently place your eggs into the foam and using a spoon or spatula again gently cover the eggs entirely.
5. Leave them sitting in the foam for 20 minutes.
6. Carefully remove the eggs with a spoon and either pat dry gently with a paper towel or gently rinse under cold water.
Here is the link to a video showing you how this can be done:

Create an Easter Garden

An Easter garden is more than just a pretty centre piece for your Easter lunch, it is a way to help teach children about Jesus and how he died for us and rose into Heaven.

For your own garden you will need:

  • A tray
  • Soil
  • Grass seeds or moss
  • Small stones
  • A large stone
  • A piece of small white cloth
  • A small flower pot
  • 6 sticks to make into 3 crosses
  • String


  1. Place your flower pot on its side on the tray (this will be tomb) and cover half the tray (including over the side of the flower pot) with soil, this will make a hill side.  On the other half put your small stones.
  2. If you are doing this with over week before Easter you could always plant some grass seeds in the soil and watch them grown.  If like us you don’t have that long find some moss that is growing on a wall and peel it off to cover the soil area.  We also dug up some pansies that were growing between some paving stones in the garden to add some colour to our garden.
  3. With your sticks use them to make three crosses and secure them with bits of string. Stick them into the top of the “hill”, if you have one cross that is bigger than the others, place it in the centre of the three crosses to represent the cross which Jesus was crucified on.
  4. Finally with the piece of white cloth, fold it up and put it in the tomb and place the large stone in front of the entrance to the tomb.  On Easter Sunday roll the stone away to show that Jesus has risen.

Even if you aren’t religious this is a simple activity to do to teach children about different cultures and religions.

Here is a link to a youtube video showing you how it can be done:

Silver – Thursday 2nd April

Good morning!

Hope you’re all up out of bed and ready to start your day 🙂

Circle Time

Usual circle time routine that’s on the blog page! Maybe next week we could try a video chat for circle time?!

Life skills

Can you try doing your own breakfast dishes today?

Maths have lots of fun maths games for all ages! Have a look and see what you can find 🙂 They also have an app for iPads and Android tablets.

Fiddly Fingers


Have a look at these challenge cards and pick another one to complete 🙂


Keep your eyes peeled for Nicole’s story massage today! You’ll find it under “Blue class” on the right hand side.

Sign of the Day

Lorna’s sign of the day video. My favourite daily routine 🙂


Have a look at Gordon and Connie’s lovely music posts. Select “music” on the right hand side!

Sensory time



Again, look for the “dance” button on the right hand side!


Have a good day everyone!
