Friday 3rd April


Good Morning Group 6

Here are some activities to choose from for Friday’s timetable:

Morning Routine – Today is Friday, did you identify it from your symbols? Can you tell some-one what the ‘date’ is? What month have we just moved into?

Emotions – Nikki tells me you are looking at the emotions you feel when you take part in various activities throughout the day. Can you identify how you might feel if you had an ice-cream? How might you feel about going to the Zoo? How are you feeling about being at home? Remember if you are feeling sad about being at home we have a story to read again that might help

Movement – Try Joe Wicks again if you haven’t visited for a while……he is still motivating the nation! Type in PE with Joe on Youtube!

Literacy – Can you read the instructions below to make a sandwich? Choose your favorite sandwich and send me a photo of the finished product!


Social Studies – Check out Linda and Ana’s posts for an activity that you would like to try😊

Story – A story for you to enjoy….or read a favorite book from home.

Find out what happens when What a Mess thinks he has discovered a monster.

Sign of the Day with Lorna

Food Technology – try out one of your favorite recipe’s from our very own Pinewood Recipe Book. There are plenty recipes here to keep you going over the holidays!

ICT/Technology – You have worked hard, choose a favourite game on the device or game console of your choice – It’s Friday after all!!

Music – Have a sing song with Connie and Gordon from one of their posts.

Remember, here are some activities you can look into over the holiday period

I hope you all have a good Easter Break….and do have a break. You have all worked so hard at home school. I have been so happy to hear of all the creative ways you have been learning at home and adapting to school closing. I have been really happy to hear that you are okay, and see some lovely photos of you smiling at home.

Splash in the puddles, look for rainbows and bears, continue to dance and sing with your families.

Keep going… are all wonderful!!

Happy Easter

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