Category Archives: Primary 3

A great week of learning in Primary 3 and 3/2!


This week in numeracy we have been learning about capacity. This is how much something can hold. With a partner we made containers with a piece of card and filled them with rice. Then we used scales to see how much our containers could hold!

We learnt about Ascension Day. This is when Jesus went up to Heaven after 40 days on Earth.

In literacy we have been learning about writing narrative texts. This needs a title, orientation, complication and resolution.

In spelling this week we went outside. We drew the alphabet with chalk and played jumping games to spell our words.


For our Ancient Egyptian topic, we have been learning about hieroglyphs. It has so many characters! We tried to write our names.

Thanks for reading our blog this week! See you next time 🙂

Our week in P3 and P3/2

Another busy week in P3 and P3/2. Read all about it below.

In numeracy, we have been learning about length.  We have been measuring different objects and lines.  We know that you measure in millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres.  We know that millimetres is the smallest unit of measurement. We measured lots of art straws and tried to create a picture with them.

In literacy, we have been continuing to learn about writing narrative pieces of writing.  This week we wrote about a Pharaoh in a desert. We have also continued to learn about speech marks and when to use them.  We have also been spotting the silly word this week in a passage.

This is health week for us and we have been trying to do the daily mile. We also had a taster session of Judo which was great fun. This week we also thought about things that we are grateful for. Then we worked together to create a poster about what is most important to us in St Nicholas.

In Fun Start Fitness, we were learning about the importance of Water.  We know we need to drink 2 litres a day and that it is the most important resource on earth. We enjoyed playing team games and encouraging each other.

In RERC, we have been learning about the importance of Mary and other names that she is called.

In our Egyptian topic, we started to find out about some of the Egyptian Gods.  We also presented our group posters about the Egyptians to our class.

We are looking forward to our Monday holiday. Thank you for reading our post.


Our week in P3 and P3/2

What a busy week we have had in P3 and P3/2.  Read all about our learning below.

In literacy, we were learning about speech marks and speech bubbles.  We know only the words that a person would say out loud goes inside the speech mark.  This week we started to learn about Narrative writing.  We know that it needs a title, orientation, complication and resolution.

In numeracy, we have been learning about more about fractions.  This week we were focusing on tenths.  Lots of people think a tenth would be a bigger number but it is actually a smaller amount of an object or a number as it has to be split into ten equal parts.

In art, we created an Egyptian pyramid drawing.  We painted the background to create the sunset then we drew the pyramid following instructions.  We then stuck the pyramids onto the background.  We think they look great.

In health and wellbeing we were thinking about things that we do for ourselves.  For example, reading, drawing, going outside and playing music.

In RERC we were thinking about Mary and why she is important.

In PE this week we were doing high jumps. We had to jump very high.  P3 started Fun start fitness this week with James Pegg.  We were learning all about encouragement and the importance of team work and communication.  The games we played were fun.

In our Egyptian topic we were doing some research this week using books, Ipads and laptops.

Thank you for reading our post!

First week back in P3 and P3/2

We are all glad to be back at school after a lovely break. Read all about our busy week below.

In literacy, we have been making predictions. We know we might not always get it correct but we should use what we see and hear to help us with our predictions. We have been learning about the difference between fact and opinion.  We know facts are true and have evidence to back them up.  An opinion is something we feel or think.

In numeracy, we have been learning about fractions.  This week we learned about halves.  We know how to find half of a shape or number. We have also been doing some esti mystery challenges were we need to estimate what we think we can see then we get clues to help us with our answers.

In health and wellbeing, we have been talking about trusted adults.  We updated our trusted adults so that we know who we can speak to in school if we have any worries.  We also talked about who is in our ‘backup team’.  We know we can have people from our family, friends and clubs we go to.  We also made a worry box and calm corner in our classroom for us to use.

Our new topic is the Egyptians.  We talked about what we know and what we would like to learn. We can’t wait to learn all about the Egyptians.

In art, we used cotton buds to create a cherry blossom tree.  They look beautiful as we used different shades of pink.

In PE, we have been playing dodge ball and eliminator and started some races as we are doing athletics this term. In Music, we were singing a song about categories. We were learning about rhythms and using our body to make sounds.

Primary 3 and 3/2.

Lets hear a bit about our learning this week!

On Monday we had our outdoor learning lesson. We planted sweet peas in pots with soil or cotton wool. We are going to see which grows the fastest.

In numeracy this week we have been counting by 5s and 10s. We have been learning our multiples of 5’s and 10’s. We have been learning different strategies to do this; arrays, number line jumps, making groups, and more.

In literacy this week we practiced our spelling words, handwriting, and reading.

In PE this week we were playing dodgeball and hoola hooping.

In IT this week we learnt how to make PowerPoints. We learnt how to add a title, pictures, choose a design, create a new slide, and then save it.

We did a fun Art lesson called still life. We used different materials; paint, chalk, and pencils.

In music we learnt about high notes and low notes.


From P3 and 3/2.

A week in P3 and P3/2

In PE we were working on our teamwork skills by playing Dodgeball.

Yesterday, we learnt about St Patrick and we created some mosaic shamrocks using tissue paper in different shades of green.

We wrote fantastic beginnings this week working on making sure we included who, what, where and when in our introduction to an imaginary piece of writing.

We were working on putting things in alphabetical order and working on our dictionary skills finding different words and their meaning.

In Maths we were working on the 4 times table, learning how if we multiply by 2 we can find our answer to the 4 times table by doubling it. We were making arrays to help us too.

We also practised rounding numbers up or down to make them friendly numbers. This makes it easier for us to add or subtract.

Some of us went to Mass this week, and practised for making our Sacrament of Reconciliation which we are making on Tuesday night. This week we have been learning two songs to sing during this.

In Music, we were learning different actions to songs.

In Spanish, we were practising our numbers up to 20 by singing songs.

We continued reading our class novel, The Twits.

In our topic lesson, we found out about the Greendykes Bings and we were discussing the different jobs to do with shale mining. We were acting out characters with different jobs and guessing what character our classmates were, by asking them different questions such as how many hours do you work and how much are you paid a week?

Our week in P3 and P3/2

We have working hard in P3 and P3/2 this week.

We have been continuing to learn about time.  We have been learning about quarter to and quarter past on a digital and analogue clock.  We also learned about 5 minute intervals on the clock.

We have been learning about verbs.  We know they are action and doing words, for example running, jumping and swimming.  We played some games.  We enjoyed playing verb charades.

This week we have been learning about friends.  We thought about what makes a good friend and then wrote acrostic poem.  We know acrostic poem do not need to rhyme.

In RERC, we learned about the parables stories of the lost coin, sheep and son.  We discussed how we would feel if we lost something and how we would feel when we found it.  We also thought about the message from the parable stories that God loves us all.

In outdoor learning we made photo frames using twigs.  We worked well with a partner.

In health and wellbeing we have been learning about the yellow zone of regulation.  We know we can be feeling silly, nervous, excited or frustrated. We talked about what our face and body would be doing and how people around us would be feeling.

We also learned about the phases of the moon.  We know the moon takes 28 days to change. We know the names of some of the phases of the moon.  For example, new moon, crescent, wanning gibbous and last quarter.

Thank you for reading our blog post.




A week of learning from P3 and P3/2.

This week in Numeracy we recapped o’clock and half past. We learnt about quarter past and quarter to.  We used gameboards, dice, counters, and analogue and digital clocks to help us.

In Literacy we have been learning about poetry.  We were remembering the famous poet ‘Rabbie’ Burns who was born on 25th January. We learnt some Scottish poetry and performed it. We learnt that poetry needs emotion, rhythm, rhyme, and pattern.

This week in Outdoor learning we looked at different birds for big garden bird watch.  We also refilled the bird feeders that we made last week.

In Music we sang a Scottish song about Katie Birdie.

We have been doing activities about getting fit in PE.  We have been doing a lot of skipping! We learnt different types of skipping; jogging skipping, front skipping, backwards skipping, and 3 part skipping.

For our topic we are doing the Sun, Moon and Stars. We learnt about about how many minutes it takes for the suns light to reach the earth (8 minutes!) and shadows. We went outside and we drew around our partners shadows. They were much taller than us! This was because the sun was low in the sky.

Thankyou for reading our blog. Goodbye.


Happy New Year from P3 and P3/2

This week P3 and P3/2 have been very busy.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about time.  We have been learning about how long many minutes/hours/days/years are in a given time.  For example we know that 1 minute is 60 seconds and there are 52 weeks in one year.

In Art, we have been learning about hot and cold colours. We know red, yellow and orange are warm colours and blue, purple and green are cold colours.  We created a background of a sky using either hot or cold colours.  Next week we will add to the background

In Literacy, we have been learning about a and an.  We know we use an when words start with a vowel – a, e, i, o and u.  We have been continuing to learn about cursive script. We have been joining letters together.  F is tricky. We started to read the owl who was afraid of the dark.  We will use this book for literacy lesson and it links to our new topic about sun, moon and stars.

We have started our new topic which is sun, moon and stars.  We thought about what we know and what we would like to learn. We can’t wait to get started next week.

We have completed some assessments this week so that we can see what we remember and what our nest steps in learning will be.

In PE we were learning about fitness.  We completed lots of circuits.

In Music, we were learning about Scottish music.  We will be singing the songs soon.  We also looked at percussion instruments.

Thank you for reading our blog.  We have enjoyed being back at school.


Quick week in P3 and P3/2

Primary 3 and Primary 3/2 have been working hard again this week.  We have been using our snapshot of learning jotters this week so that we can share our learning at home.  We can’t wait to bring our jotters home to show off our hard work.  Read all about our learning below.

In Literacy, we have using our mighty writer board to  write a story about an alien.  We have been trying to use adjectives and good openers. We have also been working on our comprehension skills after reading our class reading book.  We are working very hard on our cursive script.  We have tried to use lines in our  snapshot jotters this week so we can show our family our hard work.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about tessellation.  We know that tessellation is tiling with shapes and that there should be no gaps in the tiling. We created a tessellation using numicon, cuisenaire rods, on the laptop and on paper.

In Science, we have been learning about sound. We had to listen carefully to some sounds and guess what was making the sound.  We got some of them correct but some were tricky.

In Art, we have been learning about using line to create a pattern.  We created an image of a face with crazy hair to show all the different types of lines we could create.

In RERC we have been learning about St Andrew as it was the feast day of Saint Andrew this week.  Ask us about some facts we know about St Andrew.

In our pupil participation groups we have created a image or mascot for our group.  We had to work together to create the image.

This week we have also started to learn some new songs for a carol concert.  We are very excited as we will get to share these songs with our school community and parents.

Our Week In P3 and P3/2 – Week Commencing 22.11.21

Here is a roundup of our busy week in P3 and P3.2. We have enjoyed learning about:

Handwriting: In handwriting we have been working on our joined-up cursive letters. This week we even gave some joined-up words a go. “I was finding the joined-up words easy because I have been practising all my letters.”

Writing: In writing we have loved using the mighty writer board. We wrote a story all about a mermaid. The mighty writer mat helped us to keep track of our stories and include a beginning, middle and end. The stars on the board helped remind us to add interesting adjectives to our stories too.

Number: In number we have been rounding up our learning on addition and subtraction. We know how to add and subtract using the number bonds strategy, the empty number line, number families, partitioning, our hundred square and the doubles and near doubles strategies.

“I think the empty number line strategy works best for me because it reminds me to do the tens first”.

“I like to do the number bonds because I know them quickly and can use them for harder sums.”

RE: We began to learn about advent. We know that advent is beginning on Sunday. Advent helps us count down to Christmas. We learned about the advent wreaths. We know that it has 5 candles, 3 purple, 1 pink and a white one for Christmas day.

Catholic Education and Scottish Book week in P3 and P3/2

We have had another busy week in P3 and P3/2. Read all about our learning below.

In Literacy, we have been making predictions.  We watched a video of a girl walking along a beach and finding bubbles then we predicted what we thought would happen next.   We thought about where she might go and who she might meet. We also read  a mystery book and we had to guess what the title and front cover would look like.

In Numeracy, we have been using our knowledge of fact families to find addition and subtraction facts.  If we know one fact we can work out the other 3 facts.  We have played different games to practise our skills.

This week is Catholic Education week and we have been learning about St Margaret whose feast day was on Tuesday.  We have also been learning about making good choices.  We made beautiful prayer cards to thank God.

In our Pupil Parliament groups we have been discussing what makes a good team, how to improve teaching and learning, how to improve the school and community and how we celebrate success and achievements. We worked hard on this task and added it to a padlet.

We have also been designing a bedroom for a book character and thinking about what they would need.  Then we designed their bed covers and wallpaper.

On Monday we took home our Read, Write Count packs and we enjoyed looking through them.

What a quick week!

Our week in P3 & P3/2 (8.11.21)

We have had another busy week in P3 and P3/2. Here is what we have been up to:

Number: In number this week we have been learning about the empty number line. We have been using this strategy to help us solve addition and subtraction problems.

“I have liked learning about the empty number line but sometimes it can be hard to use with big numbers.”

“I like using the empty number line and it makes my adding and taking away feel easy for me”

Literacy: In literacy this week we have been learning how to write an information report.  We know that an information report needs to have lots of facts and only some opinions. We have also been adding adjectives to make our writing more interesting. We chose to research and write about tigers this week because we were learning about the tropical climate zone.

Science/Topic: We did a cactus experiment to help us learn about the desert climate zone. We made cactus shapes out of a sponge and we left them in some water. When we checked them a few days later we found that the cactus sponges had soaked up all the water and were holding on to it just like a real cactus would do in the desert.

Remembrance day: We made poppies using lots of different kinds of red paper to help us learn about remembrance day. We had a 2-minute silence to help us think about and remember all the people who died in the world wars.



P3 and P3/2 are working hard

This week in P3 and P3/2 we have been working very hard on lots of different things.  Read all about our learning below:

In Literacy, we have been continuing to learn cursive script.  We even tried to join letters together this week. We have also been continuing to learn our spelling patterns.  In PM writing we have been learning about information reports.  We know that they need a title, general statement, description and evaluation.  We tried to write about fireworks after we completed some research on the laptops.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about doubles.  We know they are a quick way to add two numbers together. WE have also looked at near doubles as we know that 6+7 is the same as double 6+1.

In HWB, we have been looking at ways to make the planet happy again.  We know we should try to look after plants and animals and save water and energy. We created posters about all the different ways we can help the planet.

In RERC, we look at St Francis of Assisi and how he cared to the animals and nature.  We know that we should care for them too.  We also looked at the story of creation this.  We know God created a beautiful world for us and we should look after it.

In Art, we created firework pictures using black card and oil pastels.

We watched the Lorax theatre show on Monday. It was very good and was all about the environment and trees.  We know that COP 26 is happening in Glasgow and we climate change is important for our future.

Short but busy week in P3 and P3/2

This week in P3/2 and P3 we have been very busy.  Read all about our learning below.

In Literacy, this week we have been learning about writing a character description.  We know we need to use adjectives to describe what the person looks like and how they act. We made our own characters and then wrote our descriptions.  We also completed our free writing Friday task and lots of us tried to use describing words.  In P3 we also got introduced to Accelerated reader this week and we had a look at some of the books in this programme.  We continued with our cursive script handwriting this week and learned another few letters.  We also tried a spot the silly word passage this week were we had to pick out the words that did  not make sense and change them to a sensible word.

In Mathematics, we have been learning about symmetry.  We know that the picture or shape has to be identical on both sides of the line of symmetry.  We tried to create our own symmetrical pictures and played different games about symmetry.

In topic work this week we created a picture of 4 of the climate zones to show the different environments in these areas of the world. We learned about temperate climate zones and completed a quiz.

In RERC we learned about Joseph and his coloured dream coat.  We know that Joseph’s brothers were not very nice to him and that he was given a coat of many colours by his father. We listened to a story and had to colour in the stripes on his coat with the colours we heard in the story.

In PE, we were working with partners and using tennis balls and hoops. We played different games.

In Music, we were a song about pumpkin and making actions to the song.

Today we are enjoying our dress down day and are looking forward to P6’s assembly.

Our week in P3 and P3/2

We have had a busy last week in P3 and P3/2. Here is what we have been up to:

Budgeting : In maths we have been learning about budgeting, which means that we need to try and keep our spending to the limit. We were also learning about cheap and expensive. We know that cheap means something that costs a little money and expensive means it costs a lot.

Mixed up sentences: This week we were practising our mixed up sentences. Our teachers wrote sentences on the board that were wrong and we had to find and fix the mistakes. We were looking for spelling mistakes, missing full stops and capital letters!

Handwriting: This week we have done lots of handwriting, we have been practising our cursive k, l, m, n, o & p. We thought that n and o were the easiest and that k was a bit trickier!

Autumn walk, writing and matching artwork:  On the Autumn walk we found signs of Autumn.  We found leaves that were falling from trees and changing colour. Our walk was cold and we needed our jackets.  We used our senses to write about our walk and used cotton buds and paint to create an Autumn picture to match!

Tropical climate zone: We know that the tropical climate zone is in the rainforest. It is warm there and there is lots of rain. We know that monkeys, parrots, slow loris, sloths, elephants and tigers like this climate zone. We used oil pastels and watercolour paints to create some fabulous parrot artwork.

We are now ready for the October holidays! 😀

A quick week in P3 and P3/2

P3 and P3/2 have had a busy but very quick week.  Keep reading to find out what we have been up to.

In Literacy, we have been learning about alphabetical order.  We know the order of the alphabet. In writing, we wrote our learner statement. We thought about what we have learned this term so far in school and about our personal achievements.  We have added our learner statements to our profile.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about money.  We have been counting coins to find a total and also thinking how to use the least amount of coins. We have tried lots of different activities this week.  We will be continuing with money next week.  P3 made an art shop in class.

This week had our class Mass.  We learned about the archangels – we know three of them are St Michael, St Raphael and St Gabriel.  We had a lovely Mass with Father Jeremy. Thank you Father Jeremy.

This week we were learning about the tropical climate zone in our topic work.   We completed an experiment to see what happens when the rain falls and how the clouds get heavier.

In RERC, we listened to the story of the Good Smartian.  WE know that he stopped and helped the injured man when others ignored him.  We are going to try to be like the Good Smartian and be a good friend to others.

We also tried to rewrite the school aims in our own words. P3/2 made a video and P3 made a poster with the school aims.

This week we also had our learner conversations with our teachers about what we are good at and what we need to work on.  We also picked out our latest and best piece of literacy and numeracy work for our profiles.  

What a fun but busy week!

A busy week in P3 and P3/2

This week we have been very busy learning lots of different things.  Keep reading to find out more about our learning.  

In Literacy, we have been writing predictions about a story of a girl who lives in a clock tower.  We had to predict who was in the tower, why they were in the tower and what would happen.  This week we have been continuing to learn to our cursive script and have been writing letters e and f.  F was very tricky.  We have been reading lots of different books this week and thinking about our favourite characters and parts of the story.

In Numeracy, we have been continuing to learn to about place value.  We have been learning how to make the biggest and smallest number.  We have tried lots of different activities.

In RERC, we have been learning about Noah’s Arc.  We know that God made promises to Noah.  We have started to create a display for the area about the promises we wish to make to God.

In our topic, we learned about the names of all the different climate zones.  We looked at where all the different climate zones are in the world.  We know that we live in a Temperate climate zone which means we get warmer summers and colder winters. We found where we live on a map.

In HWB, we thought about how to make ourselves feel better.  Some ideas included – going for a walk, playing with our favourite toys, listening to music and watching a film.

In Music, with Mrs Nicoll we have been learning a song and with beaters we have been keeping the rhythm.

In P.E, we were learning ball skills.  We have been using the basketballs. We played different games.  We have also completed the daily mile.

In Spanish, we have been learning some classroom instructions.  We also do our register in Spanish.

Another busy week for us.

Our Week in P3 and P3/2 3.9.21

We have had a very busy week of learning in P3 and P3/2 . Here are some of the things we have enjoyed:

  • In number this week we have been learning about place value. We have been learning how to make numbers and that they are made up in hundreds, tens and ones. Our favourite games were the online basket ball game and the beanbag toss.
  • We have been working really hard to practise our cursive writing during handwriting time.  We have been enjoying the challenge and found the letter d trickiest of all!
  • We have been reading Fantastic Mr Fox together as a class. We made wanted posters for Mr Fox because he had been stealing food from all the farmers.
  • In art we have been learning about the work of Kandinsky. He used a lot of colours to make abstract paintings. We had a go at making these ourselves too.


Good start in P3 and P3/2

P3 and P3/2 are off to a great start this year.  We have been working very hard. Keep reading to find out what we have been learning.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about different ways to show a number – we can use numicon, rekenreks, tens frames, coins etc. We have been playing lots of different number games.  We also revised odd and even numbers.  We know even numbers end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.

In Literacy, we have started reading Fantastic Mr Fox.  We have been drawing a character description of Boggis, Bunce and Bean. We also completed a ‘picture it’ for the setting of Mr Fox’s house.  We have also completed some spelling and reading checks to see what we can remember from before the summer holidays.

In HWB, we have completed our check in and selected our trusted adults in school and at home. We also revised SHANARRI indicators and what they all mean.  We know they are Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Responsible, Respected and Included.  We have also thought about our hopes and dreams for this term.

We have also made our class charter. P3 selected the theme of animals and P3/2 selected Minecraft. We have revised our rights as a child.

In RERC, we have read the story of Noah’ Ark and created pictures of the animals.  We have also thought about how Father Jeremy is like the Good shepherd and looks after us.  We drew pictures of Father Jeremy. We also created prayers for the year ahead.

In PE, we were playing games and learning to work together.

In Art, we created a self portrait to decorate our classroom doors so that everyone knows who is in our classroom.

We also created a welcome poster for anyone who is new to the school.  We told them about the school rules, where things are and what they need to wear to school.

We have enjoyed our first two weeks back at school and we are working hard.

P3/2’s busy week

This week in P3/2 we have been very busy.  Keep reading to find out more.

In Maths, we have been  have learning about capacity and volume. We know we can measure liquids in millilitres and litres. We know there are 1,000ml in 1 litre!

In Literacy, we have written recounts of our fiction books this week. We enjoyed creating these. In handwriting, we have been using the cursive script to write the days of the week.

In RERC, we have been learning about Jesus’ miracles. We have read the stories Jesus heals Peter’s Mother in Law and Jesus heals the Blind Man. We know Jesus was able to perform miracles as He is the Son of God. The people had great faith and trust in Jesus.

In Science, we have continued our Energy topic. This week we discussed light energy and why we need to look after the environment.

In Art, we have made Fathers’ Day cards this week, we enjoyed making these and following an Art Hub for Kids video. We also created a football art work where we drew different line patterns on a football using a handwriting pen. We used lots of different patterns.

In P.E, we enjoyed our potted sports events in our Sports Day. We all had lots of fun.

In STEM, we worked as a team to create a model of the Forth Road Bridge.  WE had to make it 3D.

Some highlights from the week have been the school barbeque, watching the P1 and P2/1 Assembly and watching the Scotland game on Monday.

P3’s Busy Week! w.b. 14.6.21

Maths- We have been continuing our measurement topic. This week we have learned about capacity and volume. We know we can measure liquids in millilitres and litres.

Literacy- We have written recounts of our fiction books this week. We enjoyed creating these. It was challenging to put the plot into our own words.

RERC- We have been learning about Jesus’ miracles. We have read the stories Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother in Law and Jesus Heals the Blind Man. We know Jesus was able to perform miracles as He is the Son of God.

Science- We have continued our Energy topic. This week we discussed light energy and why we need to look after the environment.

Art- We have made Fathers’ Day cards this week, we enjoyed making these and following an Art Hub for Kids video.  Linked to our learning about the Euros, we created football art work where we drew different line patterns on a football using a handwriting pen.

PE- We enjoyed our Potted Sports events in our Sports Day. In our PE lesson we practising skills we have learned in a range of games.

Some highlights from the week have been the school barbeque and watching the Scotland game on Monday.

Fun in the Sun in P3a! w.b. 31.05.21

We have had another busy week in P3a!  Keep reading to find out what we have been doing.

In Literacy, we have been learning more about information reports. We know we need to use present tense when we are writing an information report. We have continued to learn more about cursive script and have been trying to write some capital letters this week. We have been learning how to use contractions.  We know you use a apostrophe to replace the missing letters. For example do not =don’t, could not = couldn’t.
In Maths, we have been learning to use the empty number line strategy. We have tried lots of different subtraction sums. We have been putting a 100 square together and using our knowledge of number to work out where all the parts go.
In RERC, we talked about the Eucharist and how we need to be thankful. We tried to write a thanksgiving prayer to God. We thanked him for our family, friends, nature and His love.
We have used the laptops this week to help us learn to type and find the keys on the keyboard using a game called Dance Mat Typing- we had great fun!
We had the first part of our sports day this week.  We had to race against our year group in lots of different races. It was a fun and lovely morning. Please check the school app or our Twitter page to see pictures of the winners of each race. We cannot wait for part two!
In Science, we were learning about fossil fuels in our Energy topic. We know that coal and oil are found underground and that they have a range of uses. We use energy everyday.
In Expressive Arts, we looked at the artist Piet Mondrian. He painted pictures with lots of different squares and rectangles. He could make lots of different pictures out of the shapes. He used primary colours in his art work.  These are red, yellow and blue.  We created our own picture using a ruler and the primary colours.
In HWB, we were thinking about how we can make the world a better place to live in.  We thought about the sustainability goals and how we can help the world.
This week have been presenting to our class about our hobbies.  We have learned all about football, dancing, hiking, gymnastics, roller skating, swimming and Lego building.  The talks were fantastic! Thank you for all of your support in helping your child to create them.

Fun and learning in P3/2

Another busy week in P3/2. Keep reading to find out what we have been doing.
In literacy, we have been learning more about information reports. We know we need to use present tense when we are writing an information report. We have continued to learn more about cursive script and have been trying to write some capital letters this week. We have been learning how to use contractions.  We know you use a apostrophe to replace the missing letters. For example do not =don’t, could not = couldn’t.
In numeracy, we have been using the empty number line strategy. We have tried lots of different subtraction sums. We have been putting a 100 square together and using our knowledge of number to work out where all the parts go.
In RERC, we talked about the Eucharist and how we need to be thankful. We tried to write a thanksgiving prayer to God. We thanked him for our family, friends, nature and His love.
We have used the laptops this week to help us learn to type and find the keys on the keyboard.
We had the first part of our sports day this week.  We had to races against our year group in lots of different races. It was a fun and lovely morning. We cannot wait for part two!
We were learning about fossil fuels in our energy topic. We know that coal and oil are found underground. We use energy everyday.
In Expressive Arts, we looked at the artist Piet Mondrian. He painted pictures with lots of different squares and rectangles. He could make lots of different pictures out of the shapes. He used primary colours in his art work.  These are red, yellow and blue.  We created our own picture using a ruler and the primary colours.
In HWB, we were thinking about how we can make the world a better place to live in.  We thought about the sustainability goals and how we can help the world.
This week have been presenting to our class about our hobbies.  We have learned all about painting, football, cricket, gymnastics, roller skating, swimming and cars.  The talks were fantastic!

Lots of work in P3/2

In Literacy,  we have been learning about the features of an information report. We know that an information report needs a title, general statement, a description and an evaluative statement at the end.  In Grammar, we have been learning about irregular past tense verbs. We know that you cannot just add ‘ed’ to the end of these verbs. An example would be swim and swam.  We are continuing to learn how to form our cursive script.
In Maths, we finished our money topic this week, rounding off by learning to use an empty number line to calculate change. We also created some money posters to show what we have learned about coins and change. We have started to learn about rounding to the nearest 10. We know that if the number has a 1,2,3,4 in the ones column we round down to the ten before the number and if there is a 5,6,7,8,9 in the ones column we round up to the next tens number. We enjoyed playing lots of rounding games such as bingo.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have continued to learn about regulation strategies which is the yellow cog. We thought about our worries (triggers – the blue cog) this week and chose a regulation strategy that we could use when we feel these worries.  We know that we can have big and small worries and we can think of different strategies to help us with these worries.

In RERC, we have learned about Pentecost. We know this is when the Holy Spirit came to the Disciples and blessed them with the gift of speaking all languages to share the good news of Jesus. We know that the disciples then spread the good news around the world.

In PE, we were playing team games to try to earn points.

In Social Studies, we have continued our learning on climate zones, focusing on the Mediterranean climate. We know about the countries, weather, food and languages that are spoken in this climate. We made tourism posters to advertise holidays in this climate. We also look at animals that live in the temperate zone and we tried to draw a picture of a hawk.

In Science, we have started a new topic about Energy. This week we have created a mindmap to show our understanding of the different types of energy we have in our world. We know energy makes things happen.

P3a Hard at Work! w.b. 17.5.21

P3a have been hard at work again this week! Keep reading to find out what we have been learning this week.

  • Maths- We finished our money topic this week, rounding off by learning to use an empty number line to calculate change. We also created some money posters to show what we have learned. We have also begun to learn about rounding. We know that 1,2,3,4 in the ones column we round down and 5,6,7,8,9 in the ones column we round up.
  • Literacy- We are learning about the features of an information report leading up to writing our own next week. In Grammar, we have been learning about irregular past tense verbs. We are continuing to learn how to form cursive script.
  • HWB- We have continued to learn about regulation strategies. We thought about worries this week and chose a regulation strategy that we could use when we feel anxious.
  • RERC- We have learned about Pentacost. We know this is when the Holy Spirit came to the Disciples and blessed them with the gift of speaking all languages to share the good news of Jesus.
  • Social Studies- We have continued our learning on climate zones, focusing on the Mediterranean climate. We know about the countries, weather, food and languages that are spoken in this climate. We made tourism posters to advertise holidays in this climate.
  • Science- We have started a new topic about Energy. This week we have created a mindmap to show our understanding of the different types of energy we have in our world. We know energy makes things happen.

What a week in P3/2

P3/2 have had another busy week. Keep reading to find out more:

In Numeracy,  we have been learning to calculate change. We have been using our subtraction strategies for this. We enjoyed playing lots of games to practise giving change. Our favourite game was on the laptop – it is called Toy Shop Money Game.

In Literacy, we  have  been learning about pronouns and wrote some sentences to practise using them correctly. In Writing, we have been learning about characterisation and we made a character profile for a Disney character thinking about their internal and external traits.  We have been continuing with our cursive handwriting this week.

In HWB,  we discussed all the different ways that we can keep healthy.  We know we eat healthy, drink water, sleep, brush our teeth and wash our hands. We also learned about the Yellow Cog (emotional triggers)  and identified strategies to help us.

In Science,  we have continued to learn about the skeleton and in art we made skeleton pictures using paint and cotton buds. We also tried to identify the bones as we painted.

In RERC we have been learning how to pray the Rosary this week. We have also discussed each Joyful Mystery of the Rosary.

In Social Studies,  we have been learning about desert animals and how they have adapted to live in their environment. We created a slide on our laptops about a desert animal and shared them with our class.

What a busy week.

P3 Hard at Work! w.b. 10.5.21

P3 have had another great week, keep reading to find out more:

  • Maths- We have been learning to calculate change. We have been using our subtraction strategies for this. We enjoyed playing lots of games to practise giving change.
  • Literacy- In Writing, we have been learning about characterisation, we wrote a character profile for a Disney character thinking about their internal and external traits. We also learned about pronouns and wrote some sentences to practise using them correctly.
  • HWB- We have discussed how to keep healthy such as brushing teeth and washing our hands. We also learned about emotional triggers (the Yellow Cog) and identified strategies to help us.
  • RERC- We have learned how to pray the Rosary this week. We have also discussed each Joyful Mystery of the Rosary.
  • Social Studies- We learned about desert animals and how they have adapted to live in their environment. We created a slide on our laptops about a desert animals.
  • Science/Art – We have continued to learn about the skeleton and we made skeleton pictures using paint and cotton buds. We also tried to identify the bones as we painted.

Another busy week in P3/2

Primary 3/2 have been working very hard tis week.  Keep reading to find out what we have been learning.

In literacy, this week we have been creating targets for this term.  This gives us a goal to work towards and we thought about how we can achieve this goal.  We also completed a narrative story about a lost polar bear.  We know all the different features of a narrative text.  We continued to work on spelling this week.  We also learned about past tense and know how to make a verb into a past tense verb.

In maths, we have been learning about measure. We have been measuring the length of things. We know that you measure length in millimetres, centimetre, metres and kilometres.  We know that there are 10 mm in 1cm and 100cm in 1m.

We have been learning about your skeleton and the names of our bones.  Our skeleton is important because it protects the organs in our body.  Without a skeleton we won’t be able to stand up, talk, walk etc.

We have been using pattern to decorate a vase this week then we used paints to create the flowers.  They look beautiful in the area.

This week we were learning to football rounders.  We were learning to work as a team and listen carefully to instructions.

We looked a climate zone and thought about facts we know about the area.  We researched the area and found out the weather of the area and animals that live there.

This week we set targets for numeracy and mathematics too.  We thought about an area we felt we needed to improve on  and how we could achieve our target.

First week back in P3/2

P3/2 have had a busy first week back at school after the Easter holidays. We have been busy learning lots of new things.

In numeracy, we have been learning all about Area. We know that area is the space a shape covers. We have used counters and cubes to measure the area.  We have also counted squares to measure the area.

In Writing, we have been looking at writing a Narrative story. We know the structure of a narrative and we have used this to help us write a plan for our story. We had a go at writing a story about a lost pet. We have been learning all about fact and opinion and we know the difference between them. A fact is something that is true and can evidence to back it up.  An opinion is something you think and can change from one person to another.  We also continued to learn more about cursive script.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been learning about self-regulation and coming up with our own calm down strategies when our emotions don’t feel so good.

In RERC, we have been learning about Jesus’ Resurrection. We listened to the story from the Bible and discussed it.

We started our new topic ‘Climate Zones’ and completed a KWL grid about what we already know, what we want to learn and how we would like to learn about climate zones.

We have learned an artist called Romero Britto. He used bright colours and patterns in his work. We enjoyed recreating his style in a lovely Spring picture of tulips.

We also looked at internet safety and why being safe on line is a right that we have and why it is important. We know it links to our right to privacy and safety.

In STEM, we created a new transport vehicle to move people or things around.  We thought about the problem, identified solutions and materials and then designed our model.

A Flying Start to the New Term in P3!

P3a have had a great first week back at school after our Easter holidays. Have a look at what we have learned.

Maths: We have been learning all about Area. We know that area is the space a shape covers. We estimated the area of some places in our classroom and we drew some shapes to find the area. We know to count the squares that the shape covers and then use cm2 to label our answers.

Literacy: In Writing, we have been looking at Narratives. We know the structure of a narrative and we have used this to help us write a plan for our story. We had a go at writing a story about a lost pet. We have been learning all about fact and opinion and we know the difference between them.

HWB: We have been learning about self-regulation and coming up with our own calm down strategies when our emotions don’t feel so good.

Social Studies: We started our new topic ‘Climate Zones’ and completed a KWL grid about what we already know, what we want to learn and how we would like to learn about climate zones.

RERC: We have been learning about Jesus’ Resurrection. We listened to the story from the Bible and discussed it.

Expressive Arts: We have learned an artist called Romero Britto. We know he uses bright colours and patterns in his work. We enjoyed recreating his style in a lovely Spring picture.

A Busy Term in P3a!

P3a have had a very busy and successful term after Christmas, keep reading to find out what we have learned!

  • Maths- This term we have learned about data handling where we have learned to read information and create our own bar and tally charts as well as pictograms. We have also worked very hard on division. We know that this is the opposite of multiplication so we have continued to practise our tables to help us with our division strategies. We have also been learning about time. We can read o’ clock, half past, quarter past and to on analogue clocks. We have learned to read these times on digital clocks as well. Some of us have learned to read 5 minute intervals on analogue clocks too!
  • Literacy- In Literacy we have continued to practise our reading skills through answering Blooms questions both orally and written. We have continued to use Reflective Reading to practise reading skills. Our favourite activity is Blankety Blank where we have to guess the missing words in a passage. We have also learned lots about poetry this term, focusing on rhyme and rhythm.
  • Health & Wellbeing- We have revised our Class Charter this term as well as learning all about the Sustainable Development Goals. We chose Goal 3- The right to good health and wellbeing, we thought of ways that we could improve this in our school. We have also been thinking a lot about friendship this term, linking this to Emotion Works. We have also been completing weekly tasks based on our right of the week.
  • Social Studies- We have been really enjoying learning about the Ancient Egyptians this term. We have prepared talks about Gods and have combined our learning with STEM challenges. Our favourite one was designing a model Shaduf, which was a tool used to water crops in Ancient Egypt.
  • Science- This term we have taken part in lots of STEM challenges, we have designed catapults and pyramids. We have also been learning about freezing and melting.
  • RERC- We have been preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation this term, to prepare for this we have been learning about the symbols of Baptism and forgiveness.
  • Expressive Arts- We have linked our artwork this term to our topic. We enjoyed creating portraits of a pharaoh using oil pastels. We focused on skills of line, form, shape and colour in this task.

P3/2 hard at work

P3/2 have had a busy term both at home and in school.  We have been working very hard since we returned to school.  Keep reading to find out what we have been doing.

In Numeracy and Mathematics, we have been learning about time over the last few weeks.  We have been reading the time on digital and analogue clocks. We took our learning outside and played times outdoors as well as indoors.  In number talks we have been trying to think of the most efficient strategy for addition problems.

In Literacy, we had been learning about poetry and the features in a poem.  We even managed to write our own poems about sounds. This week we worked with Mrs Scott to learn about Narrative story writing.  We know that you need a title, orientation, complication and resolution.  We created our own stories about a Little Hippo. We also learned more about self assessing our writing.  We know that we should check our writing targets and re-read our work to ensure we have covered all of our targets.

We have revised our class charter and discussed our rights as a child.  We know that we have rights and can list these rights. As a class we discussed Sustainable Development Goals and we decided that we would look at the Goal of Life on Land (number 15). We are going to try and make sure that we reduce litter in the playground. We thought if we continue to eat our snacks indoors that will reduce litter and we could organise a litter pick in the playground to keep the litter from building up in the playground.

We have been learning about the Egyptians this term.  We know why the River Nile is important, who Egyptian Pharaohs are, how they built pyramids and lived.  We also created a model of a pyramid and a shaduf as STEM challenges.  We have been reading books about Egyptians and mummies. We created beautiful art work of the pyramids and pharaohs.  We also learned to write our names in hieroglyphics.

In our RERC lesson we have been learning about choices, forgiveness and saying sorry.  The children in our class who are preparing for Reconciliation have been learning more about forgiveness and learning the Act of Sorrow prayer.

In Health and Wellbeing we have been learning about friendship.  We know the good qualities friends should have and what good friendships look like.  We discussed the importance of eye contact, turn taking and listening.  We played different games to help us with turn taking.



P3 and P3/2’s Busy Week!

This week P3 and P3/2 have been very busy! Keep reading to find out more…

  • Maths- We have been learning all about shape this week! We have been revising 2d shapes and learning more about 3d shapes. We know that 3d shapes have faces that are 2d shapes. We really enjoyed our 3d shape hunt, constructing models of shapes and drawing the shapes.
  • Literacy- We have been focusing on common words this week in Spelling and at home we have been revising sounds that we found tricky this term. We are enjoying using Seesaw to practice our words at home.
  • HWB- This week we continued to learn more about our Green Cog (behaviours and how my body shows them). We listened to a story called ‘The Recess Queen’ and sorted playground behaviours into positives and negatives. This helped us to recognise problems we could solve on our own and those which we need adult help to solve.
  • RERC- We have continued to learn more about Advent this week and have listened to the story of The Annunciation. We know this is when Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel to receive the news she would have a baby called Jesus. We know Jesus is the Son of God.
  •  In Expressive Arts, we listened to the song ‘When Santa Got Stuck Up the Chimney’. We then created a drama about when Santa got stuck up the chimney in the style of a news report, we interviewed Santa and some eye witnesses. We had great fun!
  • Digital Learning- We created a music video this week using the song ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ to develop our digital learning skills. We created actions for a dance routine and then drew pictures to insert into our video. We can’t wait to watch all of the videos from P1-7 next Friday at  ‘Strictly St Nics Does Christmas’!

Another busy week in P3 and P3/2!

This week P3 and P3/2 have been very busy! Keep reading to find out more…

  • Maths- We have been learning all about shape this week! We have been revising 2d shapes and learning more about 3d shapes. We know that 3d shapes have faces that are 2d shapes. We really enjoyed our 3d shape hunt, constructing models of shapes and drawing the shapes.
  • Literacy- We have been focusing on common words this week in Spelling and at home we have been revising sounds that we found tricky this term. We are enjoying using Seesaw to practice our words at home.
  • HWB- This week we continued to learn more about our Green Cog (behaviours and how my body shows them). We listened to a story called ‘The Recess Queen’ and sorted playground behaviours into positives and negatives. This helped us to recognise problems we could solve on our own and those which we need adult help to solve.
  • RERC- We have continued to learn more about Advent this week and have listened to the story of The Annunciation. We know this is when Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel to receive the news she would have a baby called Jesus. We know Jesus is the Son of God.
  • In Expressive Arts, we listened to the song ‘When Santa Got Stuck Up the Chimney’. We then created a drama about when Santa got stuck up the chimney in the style of a news report, we interviewed Santa and some eye witnesses. We had great fun!
  • Digital Learning- We created a music video this week using the song ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ to develop our digital learning skills. We created actions for a dance routine and then drew pictures to insert into our video. We can’t wait to watch all of the videos from P1-7 next Friday at  ‘Strictly St Nics Does Christmas’!

Another busy week in P3 and P3/2

This week in P3 and P3/2 we have been very busy.

  • We have been learning about St Nicholas.  The feast day of St Nicholas is on Sunday 6th December.  We know St Nicholas was a kind man who left gifts to help other people.  We drew pictures of St Nicholas.
  • We learning about Advent and the advent wreath.  We know there are 3 purple candles, one rose coloured candle and a white candle.  The white candle is lit on Christmas Day.  We know advent is a time of preparation.
  • We have been learning about fractions on a number and counting up in halves and quarters.  We know a half is less than a one.  We were counting apples and lemons and trying to work out how many parts we had. We found quarters quite challenging.
  • During outdoor learning we had a scavenger hunt for things around the playground.  We then made pictures of owls using things we found in the playground.
  • We have continued to learn cursive script and have been practising the letters we find most tricky.
  • We have also been continuing to learn more about writing a detailed description and this week we were writing a description of our mum or dad.
  • We have been reading our books and answering questions in our jotters and on the laptops this week.  We are getting good at answering in sentences and remembering to answer the full question.
  • This week we looked at riddles about nocturnal animals and tried to guess which animal the riddle was about.
  • We started to create winter scenes in art using chalk and collage materials.
  • In Health and Wellbeing we were thinking more about the green cog and we tried to show our emotions with our behaviour. We are very good at using our faces to show our emotions.

P3 and P3/2’s Busy Week!

This week P3 and P3/2 have been busy learning lots of new things across all of our curricular areas. Keep reading to find out more!

  • Maths- We have continued to learn about fractions. This week we learned to find halves and quarters of amounts. We have learned that we can draw pictures to help us solve these problems. We also learned about doubling and halving.
  • Literacy- In Reading this week we have enjoyed creating a new character for our books. We labelled our character and then wrote a description about them. In Writing, we have learned how to write a description. We know these tell us about a person, place or thing. They describe what they look like and what they can do.
  • HWB- We have learned about the right to privacy. We know this means that we can have a safe place. Adults have to help us protect our right to privacy, especially on the internet.
  • Social Studies- We have been learning about the phases of the moon. We know that this can appear as different shapes because of the way the light hits the moon. We also learned about shadows, we made shadow puppets and learned how shadows are created.
  • RERC- We have been praying for people who are special to us. We created memory crosses. We have also been thinking about what makes us special.


P3 and P3/2’s week

This has been another busy week for us. Keep reading to find out what we have been up to.

  • In handwriting we have been continuing to learn how to form letters correctly for cursive script.
  • We have been learning about being kind.  This is anti-bullying week so we have been thinking about how to show other people we care and are kind.
  • We have been continuing to learn more about ten frames.  we have been trying to use the mist efficient strategy to show a number.
  • This is Maths through Story Week.  we have been reading the story Pezzettino and learning about halves and quarters.  We can find halves and quarters of a shape and number.  We also designed our own characters.
  • We have been learning more about nouns, verbs and adjectives and can identify them and write sentences with them.
  • We been continuing to learn our spelling words and looking at different sounds.
  • We have been learning about recounts and wrote a recount about tidying our bedrooms.  We shared our tips with our friends! We are experts at tidying up!
  • In RERC we have been learning more about St Francis of Assisi.  We tried to write our own prayers to thank God for all the animals and creation in the world.
  • Father Jeremy visited us this week.  He came to talk to us about God and the Church.
  • We designed a road safety poster for a competition about park smart.
  • We also discussed the special talents and gifts we have.  We created a display about the talents that St Nicholas children have.
  • This week we have also been using the laptops to complete quizzes on our Accelerated Reader books.

What a busy week!

Snapshots of our week in P3!

This week P3 and P3/2 have been very busy learning lots, keep reading to find out what we got up to:

  • Maths- We have continued our Money topic this week. We have been learning how to estimate the cost of things. We know that an estimate is a guess. We have also learned to partition using ten frames e.g. 10 is made of 9 +1.
  • Literacy- In Reading we have been answering Blooms Button questions about our stories. In Writing, we have continued to learn about Recounts and we wrote our own about tidying our rooms and we will use this to help us at home.
  • Health & Wellbeing- We have been learning all about our emotions. This week we listened to a story called ‘My Many Coloured Days’ by Dr Suess. We then matched up the colours with emotions e.g. blue represents sadness. We created new characters that would fit in to the book based on the emotion we were given.  In PE, we played Eliminator and we also did some fitness drills.
  • Topic- We continued our Sun, Moon & Stars topic. We learned the way that the Sun, Earth and Moon orbit each other. We now know that this is the reason we have day and night.
  • Art- We created a picture of the Sun, Moon and Earth showing their sizes and their positions. We used oil pastels and focused on light and shade to show day and night on Earth.
  • RERC- We learned all about Remembrance Day. We know this is a day where we think and pray for those who passed away in war.
  • Music & Drama- Miss Doolan helped us to learn all about rhythm, we went outdoors and created rhythms using outdoor objects like sticks and stones.

P3 and P3/2’s week

This week we have been learning about:

  • In ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ we were learning about why dark is necessary.  We looked at diurnal and nocturnal animals.  We know some animals are awake at the daytime and some at nighttime. Owls are an example of a nocturnal animals.
  • We have been learning about money.  We were looking at a restaurant menu and trying to work out what we could afford to buy.  We looked at the cost of the items and the coins we would use to pay for the items.
  • We painted a pebble for Remembrance Day and then we placed them at the  foot of the statue at the Strathbrock. we know  Remembrance Day is on the 11th November.
  • We were continuing to learn about recounts and this week we write a recount of the main events from our reading book.
  • With our rekenreks we have been using the strategy part, part, whole.
  • This week we looked at bonfire and fireworks safety and we created information posters. We know posters have to have information  and they need to be bright and colourful.
  • This week we also learned about verbs.  We know they are doing words.
  • We have been learning more about our emotions and feelings.  We tried to list all of the emotions that we know.
  • We had PE outdoors and we completed the daily mile and some games where we had to listen and follow instructions.
  • We have also been looking at different ways to show a number – we know you can use coins, tens frames, tally marks, words and pictures.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Busy week in P3/2

This week in P3/2 have been very busy.

  • We have been learning all about barn owls.  We know that barn owls have fluffy wings and they are silent when they fly.  They swallow food in one gulp and they eat about 4 rodents a day.  They also do not hoot like other owls they screech.
  • We have also been learning about money.  We have been trying to make a sum of money using the least amount of coins.  We know that you can make an amount of money in lots of different ways.
  • In handwriting we have started to learn about cursive writing.
  • We designed a Christmas card for a competition for the Scottish Government and the theme was NHS.
  • In HWB we have been thinking about our emotions and thinking of things to do if we feel stressed.
  • We have been learning about a recount and learning the different features.  We know you use the words first, next, after and then. We also looked at nouns and plurals. We know plurals often  end in a ‘s’.
  • In Writing we wrote a potion for Hallowe’en. We used lots of different ingredients then wrote the instructions to help other people make our potion.
  • In PE we played some Hallowe’en themed games . It was fun.
  • This week we also said goodbye to Mrs Davis in the office.  We will miss her. We had Mass to celebrate all the work she has done in the school.

P3/2’s week

Here is some of the things we have been about learning about this week:

  • We have started a new topic – Sun, Moon and Stars. We started to read the story of ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’. We learned about Plop the baby barn owl who is afraid of the dark.  We looked a description of him and how the author used adjectives to describe him.
  • With rekenreks we have been learning about doubles and near doubles.
  • We have been continuing to practise our handwriting. We have been revising the letters p, h, u and r.
  • We created our own characters in writing. We had to use describing words (adjectives) to describe our characters appearance and how they behave.
  • In numeracy we have been learning about adding 1 , 10 and 100 to a number. We know that adding one changes the ones number, adding ten changes the tens number and adding 100 changes the hundreds number.
  • As this October we were saying a decade of the rosary. We know October is one of the months of Mary.
  • We were using the bee bots and the ipads to do some coding this week with Miss Gibson.
  • We used oil pastels to create an owl image on black card.
  • We had some PE outside and were playing listening games. We are trying hard to improve our listening.
  • In P3 science we thought about sounds we liked and disliked.
  • In P2 science we were learning more about forces and building ramps for toys.

We are looking forward to our October holiday.

Our week in P3/2

In P3/2:

  • This week we have been learning about Moses and the ten commandments. We know these are important rules that God gave to Moses to share with his people.
  • This week in STEM our challenge was to build a house. We discussed what a house would need and then we worked together to try and build a house using either lego or art straws.
  • We have been learning about fact families. We know that from one addition sum we can find 2 subtraction sums and another addition fact. We have been dice to play a game and a game on the laptops.
  • We have been practising our handwriting this week and practising the letters b and p.
  • We have been counting forwards and backwards in numeracy in 2s, 5s, and 10s.
  • We been looking at a picture and writing sentences about what we thought was happening in the picture. We had to use capital letters and full stops.
  • We have been making numbers  using our rekenreks and trying to calculate sums.
  • We created our own character and then wrote sentences to describe them.  we know we use adjectives  to describe a character in more detail.
  • The P3s were outside on Monday doing a science experiment with musical instruments. We had to think about when we could hear the noise.  We discovered the further away you are from the instrument the less you hear.
  • The p2s we were learning about forces and we were learning about twisting, pushing and pulling. we were using hula hoops to learn about forces.
  • This week we have also been raising money for Macmillan.  We have been guessing the number of sprinkles on a caterpillar cake, dressing down and designing a cup or cupcake.
  • This week we also learned about road safety and that we should be safe by following the rules – stop, look, listen and think.

P3’s Super Learning! (w.b.28.9.20)

Primary Three have had a super week with lots of fun learning. Keep reading to find out more!

  • Maths- In Maths, we have been learning about Addition. This week we have started to learn some fact families. We can do a mixture of adding and subtraction sums using a group of numbers. We learned that we can switch the numbers round when we add and we can get the same answer!
  • Literacy- In Writing, we have been learning to write descriptions. We created our own superheroes and we used wow words (adjectives) to describe them. In Reading, we read our books and completed a comprehension sheet about them.
  • HWB- We learned about road safety and keeping safe outside. We know about the green cross code and crossing the road safely.
  • RERC- We have been learning about the Moses. We know Moses was asked by God to give the Ten Commandments to the world. We know a commandment is a rule from God that we must follow.
  • Art- We have been learning about an artist called Claude Monet. Did you know that he was born in France and that he paints landscapes? We recreated the painting ‘Bridge over Waterlillies’. We used paint and sponges to make our own version.
  • Music & Drama- We went outside and collected some natural materials to build the witch’s house from the story.
  • Science- We were investigating how distance affects sound. We worked with a partner and played a musical instrument while changing the distance we stood at to investigate how loud or quiet the sounds were.

P3/2’s learning this week

This week we have reading more of Matilda.  We know about the newt and Matilda put it in a glass to frighten Miss Trunchbull. We were answering questions on the story and had to answer them in sentences.  We know that you must use a capital letter and a full stop in a sentence.  We have been making predictions and trying to guess what we thought characters were feeling in a story about a Marshmallow.

We have continued with Rekenreks and we were learning about how to show a number with 2 or 3 pushes. We are working very hard with our Rekenreks.

In art, we learned about Picasso and made a Picasso inspired face using different shapes. He used lots of shapes and ‘funny parts’ not always in the correct place in his art work. We love his pictures of faces.

We have been continuing  to learn about hundreds, tens and ones.  We were ordering numbers and can find the biggest and smallest number. We made a human number line in the correct order. We also tried to make the biggest number we could with some digits.

We have been learning about good and bad choices.  We know when we make a decision our decisions have an affect on others. We know that at times we can all make the wrong choice.

This is coding week so worked on a pirate activity were we had to create a pirate name then try to find the treasure. We then went outside and created a grid to code our classmates. It was fun to direct them to find or miss an object we found outside.

Another Busy Week in P3!

This week in Primary Three we have been busy with our learning!

  • We have continuing to learn about place value, we  spent some time looking at expanded form and breaking the number into pieces. We played lots of games this week to help us revise what we had learned. We enjoyed playing a dice game which helped us practice writing 3 digit numbers, We are beginning  to learn about ordering numbers, we played a game on whiteboards where we had to write some numbers biggest to smallest.
  • In Literacy, we have been learning how to complete comprehension questions, we are trying our best to answer in a sentence. We also did some comprehension questions based on our reading books this week.
  • In RERC, we have continued to learn about choices. We imagined a scenario where we didn’t make a good choice and we drew pictures of who the bad choice would affect and wrote about why they were affected.
  • In Science, we have been learning about Sound. We had fun guessing some household sounds from a clip then we completed a quiz about different animal sounds, we matched the sound to the animal.
  • In Art, we continued our Picasso artist study. We enjoyed making a collage based on faces. We looked at Picasso’s face pictures and used these for inspiration. We liked the fact they were angular, they had lots of shapes and colourful.
  • In Drama and Music, we learned about Goldilocks and the Three Bears, we enjoyed retelling the story in small groups to the rest of the class.

Another Busy Week in P3!

This week in P3 we have been working very hard, keep reading to find out more!

  • In Maths, we have been continuing to learn about Place Value. We can read, write and count 3 digit numbers. We have even began to learn about expanded form. We know that this is when you break a number into its parts.
  • In Literacy, we are continuing to practice our prediction skills, we know a prediction is a guess about what is going to happen in a story. This week we watched a clip called ‘The Clock Tower’ to help us with our reading skills.
  • In Art, we have been learning about the Spanish artist Picasso. We know that he used shapes and angles in his artwork. We enjoyed looking at his art and guessing what they could be. We enjoyed doing art outside by collecting outdoor materials (leaves, stones and sticks) to create faces.
  • In Health and Wellbeing, we designed dreamcatchers. We learned that the web catches bad dreams and the feathers at the bottom give us good dreams. We talked about how our emotions can be linked to our dreams.
  • In PE, we were using hula hoops to practise throwing and catching. We had fun playing lots of games to practise our skills.
  • In RERC, we learned about Mary and we celebrated her birthday. We have also been revising our school values, we drew a picture linked to our school values and wrote a sentence about a time when we followed our St Nicholas values.

Busy time in P3/2

This week in P3/2 we have been:

  • doing drama outside.  We were pretending to be Miss Trunchbull and Bruce Bogtrotter and thinking about how they felt and spoke to each other.  We then created a new ending to the cake scene.

  • In Numeracy, we have been learning more about place value. We have been playing different games including guess my number. We managed to guess Mrs Canning’s number more than once.
  • In Art, we were learning about Picasso and we went outside to create our own Picasso inspired faces using leaves, twigs, stones and anything else we could find outside.  We also used chalk.

  • In Literacy, we were making predictions about a story called the Clock tower.  We had to guess who was in the tower, why the balloons changed colour and why we thought there were balloons in the town.
  • We started reading new books this week and we made a prediction about what we thought the story was about.
  • In RERC we were looking at our school values and thinking about how we show these values in St Nicholas. We know the values are respect, kindness, trust, honest, friendship and fairness.
  • With Miss Doolan we have been learning about Jack and the Beanstock. We had to make an accent, we had to clap the beat and we were making pictures.
  • We were also learning about Mary and thinking about what we think of when we think of Mary.
  • We  have been learning about our emotions and we made dream catchers and thought about our good and not so good dreams.
  • In Spanish we were learning the days of the week and months of the year.

What a busy week!

Fun in P3/2

We have had another busy and fun week. Keep reading to find out more.

  • We have read more of Matilda. We know that she had magical super powers. We thought about what we would do with Matilda’s powers when we were feeling different emotion. For example, if we were angry we might use her powers to break something. We talked lots about different emotions and why they are important.
  • We thought about Matilda’s parents and how they were quite mean to her.  We think Matilda should be nurtured by a kind parent.  We labelled and drew pictures of Mrs Wormwood.
  • We were learning about place value.  We know that hundreds, tens and ones are.  We played different games to practise making the numbers.  We used the deans material and played a matching ice cream game.
  • We played a game to see how many words we could make from another word.  It was tricky.
  • With Ms Gilmore we created a collage using different types of paper and shapes.
  • We have been practising the Hail Mary Prayer prayer this week.
  • We looked at some tricky words and tried different techniques to spell them. We tried rainbow writing, bubble writing and dotted writing.
  • We thought about making good and bad choices and why it is important to make good choices.
  • We made predictions this week in Literacy.  We watched a clip of a boat sailing and where we thought about who we thought was in the boat and where we thought it was going.  Then we watched the end to see if we were correct. We know that when we make a prediction we might not always be correct.

What a busy week!

Another Busy Week in P3!

This week in P3 we have been learning:

  • In Maths, we have began to learn about place value. We have been learning to read and write 3 digit numbers (using hundreds, tens and ones). We also had a go at building numbers using Dienes materials which helped us to see how many hundreds, tens and ones. We did some Maths outside by clapping 3 digit numbers and our partner guessed what number we had made.  We learned the importance of zero as a place holder.
  • In Literacy, we have been learning about prediction. We know that a prediction is where you make a guess.  We had a go at predicting what would happen in a story called ‘Little Boat’ and we enjoyed finding out if we got the right answers.
  • In our topic ‘Matilda’ we learned all about Matilda’s parents. We had a think about the qualities that she had. We learned about what parents have to do to look after us and keep us safe.
  • In RERC, we have been reflecting on our choices that we make. We discussed the difference between good choices and bad choices. We now know how we can help others with our actions.
  • In Art, we continued our learning about the artist Kandinsky. This week we looked at another piece of art he created and we had a go at creating our own shape collages.
  • In Music and Drama we learned all about the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We completed different tasks to deepen our understanding.

P3/2 hard at work

This week in P3/2 we have been very busy and learning lots of different things. Keep reading to find out what we have been doing.

  • We have been reading Matilda and have been drawing and writing about what makes a good and bad teacher. We would rather have Miss Honey as a teacher than Miss Trunchbull!
  • We have been learning about wants and needs.  We know that a want is something we don’t need to have but is nice to have.  Our needs are medicine, water, clean air, shelter, food and clothes.
  • We have been learning about how Father Jeremy is like the Good Shepherd and looks after us. We are like his sheep.
  • We started to think about our new science topic sound. We thought about what we know and what we would like to learn.  We would like to learn about our ear and how sounds are made.
  • We have been working on some maths and number problems to see what we can remember.
  • We have been looking at a rekenrek and using it to show numbers.
  • We have also been thinking about how we can show numbers in different ways.
  • We looked at the artist Wassily Kandinsky and tried to create our own circle art work.
  • In handwriting we have been practising forming our letters correctly.
  • We practised the Our Father prayer this week.  We know this is an important prayer to God.
  • We have been learning about describing words and how to use them in a sentence to make them more detailed.  We went outside and we were using describing words to describe a stick.

We have had a busy week!

P3’s Busy Week (w.b.24.8.20)

This week we have had a lot of fun with our learning. Keep reading to see what we got up to!

  • In Drama we learned about the differences between Miss Honey and Miss Trunchbull. We used voice, our bodies and our imaginations to think about the differences between the characters. Most of us agree we would rather have Miss Honey!
  • In Maths, we have been practising our counting to 100 and have started skip counting in 2’s all the way to 100. We have enjoyed playing games like Switch to help with our counting. We have been using Rekkenreks to practice our number skills.
  • In Literacy, we have been practising spelling our Fry’s words. We have had a go at reading using Accelerated Reader on our laptops. We took our Literacy outside with Mr Muldoon and we described objects we found. We then used our describing skills to write descriptive sentences.
  • In Art, we have been learning all about the artist Kandinsky. We recreated his famous circle paintings and learned some facts about him too! Did you know that he used music to inspire his paintings?
  • In RERC, we have been learning all about the parable of ‘The Lost Sheep’. We learned about the story and we found out that the shepherd is like God and we are like the sheep. We know that Father Jeremy is also like the shepherd in the parable as he looks after our community.

A Busy Week in P3! (w.b. 17.08.20)

This week in P3 we have learned:

  • In Literacy we have been practising our sounds- we used the Vowel House and have been practising our Fry’s Words too.
  • We have been doing a mini topic on Matilda- we predicted what we thought the story would be about before we started reading. We also read a description of Matilda and used clues in the story to draw what we thought she looked like.
  • In Maths, we have been practising our counting (we can count forwards to 100 and backwards from 50). We also played some games like Switch and Figure Me Out where we wrote sums about ourselves.
  • In RERC, we learned all about Noah’s ark. We wrote about the story and we drew Noah and his ark.
  • In HWB we chose who our Trusted Adults are and spoke about why it was important. We also completed our class charter and have chosen a Toy Story theme because we like the messages in the story: To infinity and beyond, no toy gets left behind and you’ve got a friend in me. These are our key messages in P3.
  • In Expressive Arts, we learned all about the 3 Little Pigs- we made masks, we coloured in pictures from the story, we retold the story and we recreated the story through drama.
  • In Art, we designed owls and made a tree to have on our class door.

P3/2 have been busy this week!

Primary 3/2 have had another busy week back at school.  To find out some of the things we have been doing keep reading!

  • we have been drawing a self portrait of ourselves to make a lovely display for our classroom door.
  • we have started reading Matilda. We made a prediction about what the story would be about and drew a labelled picture of Matilda.
  • we read the story of the Colour Monster and have been learning about our feelings.  Each day we are going to going to check in so other know how we are feelings.
  • we put our photograph on a  picture of our body for our class room display.
  • we have designed our class charter and talked about our rights,  We decided to use a Pokemon theme for our charter.
  • we have been talking about our trusted adults and have made a hand with our trusted adults for our classroom.  we know they need to be someone we can got o if we have a problem and that they will help us.
  • we have been learning about SHANARRI and know what all the indicators are – Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured,  Achieving,, Respected, Responsible and Included. WE know how e feel about each of these things.
  • we have been reading and trying to spell some Fry’s Common words.
  • we have been playing maths games outside and revising our number bonds to 20.
  • we have doing drama outside pretending to be characters from Matilda and using facial expressions to show our feelings.

What a busy week!

P3/2 First Week Back

Primary 3/2 have had a great start to the new school year this week.

We have been completing lots of health and well being tasks focusing on forming friendships and getting to know one another.  We have shared what we were doing during lockdown and the summer holidays.  During our home learning day we had a think about some targets we could set ourselves this term with the help of our parents and had a counting challenge to test our number knowledge! We also thought about what topics we would like to learn about this year.

We are looking forward to another fun week next week!

A Super Start to P3!

Primary Three have had a great start to this new school year this week. We have been completing lots of health and wellbeing tasks focusing on forming friendships and getting to know one another.  While we completed our day of home learning we had a think about some targets we could set ourselves this term with the help of our parents and had a counting challenge to test our number knowledge!

We are looking forward to another fun week beginning on Monday!


P3 Schools out!

This week Primary 3 took part in the second week of Fitness fortnight.  Here are some of the things we have been doing this week:

  • We researched the importance of exercise and made a poster.
  • In Literacy, we wrote letters to our favourite sports stars, telling them all about ourselves, why they have inspired us and asked them questions about things we wanted to know about them.
  • We continued to take part in our virtual sports day- Forth house were the winners!!
  • Using our knowledge of healthy eating we drew a healthy lunch box.
  • We made a healthy smoothie and then wrote instructions to help someone else to make the smoothie.
  • In Numeracy, we took part in lots of fun fitness e.g. roll to dice and then add the numbers together to complete the exercises set.
  • We took part in a few sumdog challenges.
  • We watched video about sun safety and then created our own video to tell others about what we knew about sun safety.
  • We also became the teacher and taught our families some new skills.

Here are some pictures of our work this week.

Primary 3,  we just wanted to thank you for all your hard work this term.  It has been very different term for us all but you have risen to the challenge and we are very proud of you.  Thank you so much for all the pictures we have received.  We have loved seeing your work and how well you are doing.

We hope you all have a great summer holiday.  Relax and have fun with your family.  We will see you in August when you are in Primary 4!

Happy holidays.

Mrs Canning and Miss McCormack

P3 Weekly Plan- Fitness Fortnight Week Two (w.b. 22.06.20)

Hi everyone,

Please find attached this week’s home learning grid. These activities are a continuation of our Fitness Fortnight. Please remember to send us a couple of pictures of your child’s learning with a sentence about what they have enjoyed.

Please contact the school mailbox if you have any issues.

Thank you for you support during this term and we hope when Friday lunchtime rolls around you have a wonderful summer holiday. The boys and girls have worked very hard and have shown how responsible they can be leading their own learning. We are very proud of them!

Miss McCormack & Mrs Canning

Fitness Fortnight Week 2 (1)


Fitness Fortnight in P3- Let the Games Begin! (w.b. 15.06.20)

Primary 3 have had great fun this week completing challenges from the first week of our virtual fitness fortnight. So far we have made house banners for Sports day, completed a fruit and vegetable taste quiz and completed some maths and literacy activities that incorporate exercise such as spelling our names workout and estimating and measuring how far we can throw an object. We are also thinking about our mental health and completing mindfulness activities too.

Friday was our virtual sports day- we have had lots of fun throughout the week completing as many challenges as we can (and getting our families involved) to earn points for our house!

Keep up the hard work P3-not long to go until the holidays now!

Fitness Fortnight Week One & House Groupings

HI everyone,

Please find attached this week’s plan and a list of children in each house. This is to help with our virtual sports day on Friday (please see the plan for details of how this will work).

We hope you all enjoy our virtual Fitness Fortnight this year. Remember, to send a couple of pictures of your child completing their favourite activities to the school mailbox to be featured in the blog on Friday.

Please get in touch through the school mailbox if you need any help.

Miss McCormack & Mrs Canning

Fitness Fortnight Week 1 

P3 house teams fitness fortnight w1

P3’s Home Learning

Another busy week in P3. We are so proud of you all for all your hard work during this time. Keep reading to find out about some of the things we have been learning.

  • In our Egyptian topic we have learning about mummification.  We have learned about how the Egyptians completed this task.  We even tried to mummify a piece of fruit.  It was fun!
  • In mathematics we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes.  We have been looking at the properties of the shapes and finding the edges, vertices, corners and faces on shapes.  We have played lots of different games about shapes this week. Even a sumdog challenge.
  • In RE we have been looking at stories of how Jesus healed the sick and why this is important.
  • In literacy we have been spotting the silly word in a passage about elephants. Then finding words we thought would make more sense.
  • We have also been drawing an image of a character called ‘Badjelly the witch’. We had to read the description then draw what we thought the character would look like
  • In Art, we looked at a still life picture and thought about what we liked/disliked. Then we tried to draw our own still life picture.
  • In Science, we have been learning about the skeleton and even tried to make our own from twigs and stones.
  • We also  looked at a story about ‘Oor Wullie’ in Scots and answered questions about  it.
  • We also looked at how things are made from different materials and when we recycle we need to split our rubbish into different bins.  We tried to help at home this week.  This will make us very responsible citizens by recycling correctly.

Here are some of the lovely pictures we have received this week.  Thank you P3 and well done! 


P3 Home Learning (w.b. 8.06.20)

Hi everyone,

We hope that you had a lovely weekend. Please find attached the home learning plan for this week (w.b. 8.06.20). If you are able to, please send us a couple of pictures of your child’s learning along with a sentence or two about what they have enjoyed. This will help us to inform our future planning.  Thank you to those of you continue to send us weekly pictures.

Please email the school mailbox with any questions or concerns you may have.

Miss McCormack & Mrs Canning

Home Learning week 10


Fantastic Learning in P3! (W.B. 1.06.20)

P3 have had another fantastic week of home learning. Keep reading to find out more.

  • Literacy– we have continued to learn new spelling patterns this week and have been practising our words through Active Spelling activities. We are continuing to develop our note taking skills using Newsround, we then discussed what we had watched with our families. To develop our comprehension skills we have completed some Reflective Reading tasks like ‘Spot the Silly Word’ and completed a Task Map on toy adverts. We are continuing to read books for enjoyment and we created mini flip books of our favourite stories. We used an Authors Live episode as a stimulus for writing this week, creating our own adventure stories.
  • Maths– We are continuing to use Sumdog and other games to develop our Numeracy skills. In Number Talks, we learned more about the ‘friendly numbers’ strategy and practised this at home. We have been learning about volume this week, we know that we measure volume in litres and millilitres. We enjoyed doing practical activities to develop our measurement skills such as making our own scales using bottles and filling jugs with different amounts of water.
  • Health & Wellbeing- We continued to learn about the importance of Growth Mindset this week. We listened to the story ‘I Can’t Do That…YET!’ and drew pictures of things we can do just now and something we would like to learn to do. Some of our boys and girls have completed some sports challenges while they’ve been at home-completing a charity run and a football skills challenge- well done!
  • Social Studies- In our Ancient Egyptians topic this week we have learned all about the Gods and Goddesses. We did some research on BBC Bitesize and played a game as well as using a table to answer questions.
  • Science- This week we have continued our Inheritence topic. This week we learned how animals are classified into families. We watched a video and then created posters for each animal family with details of characteristics and the animals in the family.
  • Art- we are continuing to learn about the visual elements. This week we created a sunset landscape and focused on the elements of line, pattern and colour.
  • RERC- This week we have been learning about Jesus’ Twelve Apostles. We watched a video which taught us the twelve special friends that Jesus had. We used our knowledge to create a picture and labelled each of the apostles. We also learned about Patron Saints, researching St Andrew (our national saint), St Nicholas (our school saint) and St John Cantius (our parish saint). We know Saints were people who committed their lives to serving God and helping others.
  • Technologies- Our technology challenge this week was to compare technology in the past and present. We asked our parents about the technology they had growing up and compared this to what we use now. We used Google Images with our parents help to find pictures of past technology.

Well done for all of your hard work P3- keep it up!

This Weeks Eco Challenge!

We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who managed to complete last weeks challenge. You are helping us to achieve our action plan for this year while we are all working from home! That’s amazing!

Take a look at this weeks challenge:

Go to this Sway

Let’s see if we can get even more people completing the challenge this week.

Speak soon!

Eco Leaders

P3 Home Learning (w.b. 1.06.20)

Good Morning everyone,

We hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the sunshine!

Please find attached the learning grid for this week (w.b. 1.06.20). Remember to send a couple of pictures of your child’s work and a sentence about what they have enjoyed learning this week to the school inbox. A huge thanks to those of you that have sent in pictures so far- it’s great for us to hear how the children are getting on and helps us to plan for future learning.

Have a great week and please get in touch via the school inbox if you have any questions.

Miss McCormack & Mrs Canning

Home Learning week 9 final



Primary 3’s week

Another busy and hard working week in Primary 3.  Some of the activities we have been doing this week are:

  • We have been finding out about the different jobs that the Egyptians did.  We have learned about Pharaohs and researched some information about them.
  • We have been thinking about what makes a good friend and the qualities they need to have.
  • We have been learning about division.  We have been sharing lots of objects out and trying to complete some division tasks. We also tried a sumdog challenge.
  • We have been looking for the silly word in a passage and trying to think of words that make more sense.
  • We looked at a famous artist work then thought about what we liked and disliked and how we could make it better.  We then created our own art work.
  • We read a passage of information then tried to draw what we thought it would look like.
  • We wrote a story about going on an adventure on a rocket.  We thought about where we would go and what we would do.
  • We listened to the Bruno Mars song ‘Don’t give up’ and thought about our growth mindset.
  • This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday so we looked at what this is and what it means.
  • We thought about the world of work and thought about jobs people do.  we thought about a job we would maybe like to be when we are older.
  • We looked at cereal boxes and thought about how they persuade us to buy them.
  • We have also been trying to write our own questions about books that we like.

Most children are enjoying the science, art and topic lessons.  Well  done Primary 3!

Thank you for all the feedback and photographs this week. We have received nearly 100 photographs! Keep working hard P3.  We are very proud of you.

Mrs Canning and Miss McCormack

P3 Home Learning (w.b. 25.5.20)

Good morning everyone,

Please find attached the learning grid for this week. Please email the school mailbox a couple of pictures of your child’s work alongside a sentence or two about what they have enjoyed learning this week. Thanks to those of you who have sent pictures so far, it’s great for us to hear how the children are getting on and helps us to plan for future learning.

Please email the school mailbox if you have any questions.

Miss McCormack & Mrs Canning

Home Learning week 8

Super Learning in P3! (w.b.18.5.20)

Primary 3 have had a busy week completing lots of home learning tasks, read on to see what we have been up to this week.

  • In Literacy, we learned new spelling patterns and practised our words throughout the week with active spelling tasks. We wrote a diary entry about what we did with our day off. We have continued to read lots of stories while we are learning at home and we created our own comprehension task by choosing some Blooms questions. We have also created a play script for a well known story and had fun acting these out. We are beginning to work on our dictionary skills and continued to practise putting words into alphabetical order.
  • In Maths, we have been playing Sumdog to practise our numeracy skills- a special well done to P3b who managed to place in the top 20 for the West Lothian Sumdog competition. Miss McCormack is very proud of you! We continued our time topic, where we learned how to read and create timetables. We began to look at measurement, focusing on length. We thought about why it is important to use standard measurements, had a go at measuring objects in our homes and played some Topmarks games to test our knowledge.
  • In Health & Wellbeing, we researched healthy recipes using the internet and recipe books to create a healthy meal for our families.
  • In Social Studies, we continued to learn about the Ancient Egyptians, this week we learned all about Hieroglyphics, we know that this is the Ancient Egyptian alphabet and is made up of pictures and symbols. We wrote names, designed signs for rooms in our homes and even had a go at writing a letter using hieroglyphics for someone else to crack.
  • In Art, we learned all about the artist, James Rizzi. We looked at a piece of his art work and thought about what we liked and disliked about it. We then had a go at creating our own cityscapes based on his work. This helped us to learn about the visual elements of colour, line, form and tone.
  • In RERC, we created our own prayer of thanks to God as well. We know that the work Eucharist means Thanksgiving.
  • In Science, we learned about Inheritance. We know that this means characteristics that are passed on through our genes. We looked at pictures of our family that we had at home and tried to work out which characteristics were shared in our families like hair or eye colour.
  • Our Technology challenge this week was to think like an engineer. We know engineers design things that solve problems. Our task this week was to design an invention that could be used to solve a problem in our own homes. We drew labelled diagrams and some of us had a go at designing a prototype product.

Keep up the hard work Primary Three, we love seeing all of your pictures. You continue to make us proud every day!

P3 Home Learning Grid (W.B. 18.5.20)

Hi Everyone,

I have attached the learning grid for this week (week commencing 18.5.20). We would really appreciate if you could please send a couple of pictures of your children’s work with a little message telling us what activities they enjoyed that week to the school mailbox. It’s great for us to hear how your child is  getting on and helps us to plan for future learning.

Please continue to use Sumdog as we will continue to post challenges to develop Numeracy skills.

If you have any questions please email the school mailbox, we are happy to help!

Miss McCormack & Mrs Canning

Home Learning week 7 new

Super Learning in P3! (w.b. 11.5.20)

Primary Three have been working very hard this week. We are very impressed by the positive attitude that you continue to show in your learning!

In Literacy, we learned new spelling patterns through active spelling tasks. In Reading, we have been digging deeper into texts by using our Blooms Buttons to answer questions but also to create comic strips of a plot.  We continued to watch Newsround to develop our note taking skills and we used our notes to create our own version of Newsround. In Writing, we watched David Walliams read some of his book, ‘Gangsta Granny’ which we used as inspiration to create our own adventure stories using a family member as the main character.

In Maths, we learned all about Time. We know how to read a clock and some of us have had a go at adding time. We created a flyer for a fair and had to timetable all of the different events. We revised our knowledge of the seasons looking at the months, weather and wildlife you might expect to see. We used exercise to develop our estimation skills, guessing how many we could do in a set time and then having another go using a timer. We used this information to complete a table. We created a time table of our daily routines.

In Health and Wellbeing, we thought about different occasions that people would eat together. We created a set of rules for our dinner hall based on what we know about table manners.

In Social Studies, we learned more about Ancient Egyptians. We researched the River Nile and why it was so important to the Egyptians. We learned about a tool they used called a Shaduf and researched how to create our own. We also researched everyday life in Ancient Egypt and compared it to our own. We used the information we had gathered to complete a table.

In Science, we have been learning about Water. This week we created our own diagram to show the Water Cycle and how rain is created. Some of us completed an experiment to create rain in a bowl.

In Art, we learned about the artist Heather Galler. We looked at one of her famous paintings and discussed what other paintings of flowers we know. We used materials we had at home to create our own versions of the painting. This helped us learn about colour, tone, line and pattern.

Our Technology challenge this week was to design and create a chair using materials we had at home. We sat a toy on it to check it worked and made adaptions if it was too weak or too small.

We know that May is the Month of Our Lady. In RERC this week we have been learning to pray a decade of the Rosary to Mary. We looked at icons and pictures of Our Lady from around the world and drew our own picture of her. We know that Mary has many different names. We listened to three different hymns about her and wrote down all of the names she was called. We wrote these around her picture.


P3’s Short but Busy Week

After a few days off to enjoy the nice weather  we went back to home learning on Wednesday.  We know it is not easy but we are so proud of you all and love seeing photographs of all your fantastic work. Thank you for sending pictures to us.

Here are some of the things we have been doing this week:

  • Learning to tell the time on a digital and analogue clock.  We even made our own clocks at home.
  • We have been writing questions that we would like to ask the author of our favourite books.
  • As May is the month of Mary we made prayers to Mary.
  • We have started to learn about the Egyptians and found Egypt on a map.
  • We have been thinking about what makes a good sentence and trying to up-level our sentences and make them even better.
  • We looked at Kandinsky’s circles in Art and tried to create our own circle art work.
  • We listened to the story of ‘Owl Babies’ then made our own wanted posters or wrote a letter to the owlets to tell them about our own fears and worries.

Here are some examples of the fabulous work taking place at home.

Have a safe and happy weekend.

P3’s Weekly Learning (w.b. 27.4.20)

Hello everyone, we hope you are all keeping safe and well. Thank you for sending in all of your home learning pictures this week. You are all superstars for working so hard and it looks like you’re having great fun too!

  • In Maths, we have learned about symmetry. We know that pictures and everyday objects have lines of symmetry. We also created our own symmetrical pictures and went on a symmetry hunt in our homes, gardens and local area. We had a go at some Number Talks, practising our removal strategy to help us with subtraction.
  • In Literacy, we had to choose some of our trickiest words from our previous spelling lists and practise spelling them in different ways. We used a film of our choice for a comprehension task and learned a little about the 3 S’s and the 3 C’s. These helped us to make some notes about our film. We wrote imaginative stories about children who were off school- we had to use what we already knew about stories to help us with this. We did some reading for enjoyment too.
  • In Social Studies, we continued our learning on climate zones. We researched a tropical climate zone and made some notes about where it was in the world, who lives there, the weather and what we thought the advantages/disadvantages of living there would be. We researched animals that live in each layer of the rainforest. We researched climate change, how it affects us now and in the future.
  • In RERC, we learned about Holy Week. We learned that this is the final week of Lent where we learn about the lead up to Jesus’ death on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter Sunday.
  • In Art, we used our knowledge of tropical climate zones to draw a picture of a tropical animal. We thought about our art elements of line, colour, shape, form and texture.
  • In Science, we continued our Water topic. We had a go at completing an experiment to investigate which materials dissolve and which do not.
  • In Technologies, we had to design an invention which would help us to combat climate change.

P3 Home learning

This is our third week of learning at home.  Here are some of the things we have been learning about.

We have been `researching a Mediterranean climate zone and then creating a poster or video about why we should visit this area.

We have been using money this week to practice paying for items and calculating the change.  We have tried to make our own shops at home and also used topmarks games to help us.

We have been practicing common words this week and also writing  a diary about what we have been doing during this time.

We have been practicing making tens in number talks.

We have use the art hub to complete a drawing tutorial this week.

We have also been learning about things that dissolve and completing an experiment with things we have at home to discover what dissolves and what does not.

We have also tried to use dance mat typing to help us improve our typing skills.

We have also tried some additional challenges like building a den at home, doing P.E with Joe Wicks, watching the animals at Monterey Bay Aquarium and playing sumdog.  Here are some examples of fantastic home learning in P3.

Today we are going to be Scientist……

Good morning everyone…

Hope you are all well and safe.  We thought you could try out this little activity and bring the Scientist out in you. This is a great way for the children to use their imagination, problem solving skills, investigative skills while feeding their curiosity.  It would be a good way to show our support for our amazing front liners. If you could, it would be wonderful if you could send  us a little picture of you carrying out this experiment. Good luck!!  The Nursery Team xx





Make your own rainbow
Learn how to make a rainbow with this fun science experiment.
What you’ll need:

A tall glass of water (about three quarters full)
• White paper
• A sunny day
1. Take the glass of water and paper to a part of the room with sunlight (near a window is good).
2. Hold the glass of water in front of the paper and watch as sunlight passes through the glass of water and bends (refracts) and forms a rainbow of colours on your sheet of paper.
3. Try holding the glass of water at different heights and angles tosee  if it has a different effect.

You will only be able to see a rainbow when the sun is behind you and the sunlight refracts through the water droplets in the sky in front of you. Have a look here for a bit more help if you need it! =4ziRXe-w9yg



P3 Weekly Update

This week in P3 we have been busy learning lots of new things:

In Maths, we have been learning about halve. We can have shapes, numbers, we can put objects into equal groups and we can count and plot halves on a number line.

In Literacy this week we have been learning all about how to write a story. We know all stories have a beginning,middle and an ending. We have also been learning about settings and characters. We also visited the library on World Book Day- we all enjoyed it! We also watched Author’s Live this week. We learned about poetry and comic book art.

We had a visit from Father Isaac, he talked to us about preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  We spoke about the 10 Commandments and how we can use these rules to live by God’s example.  We also learned all about the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus.

In PE, we were playing a game called Kingball. It was quite a tricky game- we had to practise our throwing and catching skills.

In Spanish, we have been learning our colours. We know how to say what our favourite and least favourite  colours are.

In Music, we were learning about different sounds and how they are made. We drew pictures of things that you would hear making noises in a busy street. We were learning about making music from street noises and continuing to learn about body percussion.

We also did the Daily Mile this week and played some team games as part of our Outdoor Learning.

We also said goodbye to Mrs Renshaw who began her maternity leave this week. We are all going to really miss her and look forward to meeting Baby Renshaw soon!



P3’s week

This week in P3 we have been:

  • We have been learning to take notes.   We know you don’t need to write full sentences with capital letters and full stops. We use bullet points.
  • We have been learning the 3 times table. The pattern in the answers is odd/even. We know that you add 3 each time.
  • We have been learning about patterns.
  • In handwriting we have been joining words like quickly, skipping and jump.
  • We had Mass on Wednesday for Ash Wednesday.  We know that we get ashes on our foreheads and it is the start of Lent. Lent is when we prepare for Easter and we try to give up something, or do more of something.
  • It was pancake day on Tuesday.
  • We learned about the 10 commandments that God gave to Moses. We know the 2 most important  rules are: love God and love your neighbour.
  • In Music, we learned about on the street music. we were learning about body percussion – clicking and clapping.
  • In Spanish, we learned about colours we love and don’t like.  We know how to say this in Spanish.
  • In P.E we were learning how to do knots and crosses. We were also playing ‘King ball’ which was a Kings and Queens game.
  • Yesterday we listened to a talk from a Robotics engineer. He has designed lots of different robots.
  • We also completed our engineering competition designs.
  • For writing we were learning how to write an opening.  we had to think of different openers and remember them.
  • We were learning about poems.  We listened to the poem and then drew pictures to go with the poem.

What a busy week! We can’t wait to see what we will learn next week.

P3’s busy week

This week in Art we have been making pictures and using pattern and colour to make our art work beautiful.

In numeracy we have been learning our 5 times table.  we know that it is counting in 5s and each time you add another 5 on. The pattern is that the numbers end in a zero or five.  we know that 5×10=50 and that is the same as 10×5=50.  it has an even and odd pattern.

In handwriting we have been joining m, n and s. In P3a, we were writing the word grandmother without lifting our pencil from the page. Some of us were very shocked that we could write such a  long word.

We have been looking at Broxburn for our topic. We have been learning about the features of the area. We made a map to show where things are.

We were learning to take notes in Literacy. We know that you don’t need to write proper sentences with full stops and capital letters. We use bullet points to write our notes.

We had visitors from Stantec to talk to us about engineering this week.  Sam and Gil are engineers – one is a water engineer and the other is a civil engineer. We learned that they design bridges, houses and design ways to stop flooding.  They talked to us about how long projects can take. They told us about different materials that can be used. We are now going to enter an engineering competition and we need to design something to make the world a better place.

In RERC we have been learning  about the parable of the ‘Lost sheep’. The sheep are each of us and the shepherd is God. We know that God always loves us and forgives us and wants us to be happy.


A Busy Start to 2020 in P3!

We came back to school after a lovely Christmas break this week. This is what we have learned:

  • In RERC this week we learned all about how God created us in His image. This means that every person has the ability to show qualities that God shows to us (Leylan, Daniel and Logan).
  • In Art, we drew an outline of ourselves and filled it with things that tell the story of us and what makes us unique e.g. pets, favourite colours, families and favourite foods (Julia).
  • In Maths, we have been learning about Position and Movement. We learned how to find items on a map. We know that to read co-ordinates you need to go along the corridor and up the stairs. We can write co-ordinates and we can also design our own grids with objects. We had to find a partner to read each others’ maps. (Zuzanna, Joseph, Jay, Joshua).
  • In Writing this week we wrote an imaginative story all about the day our teacher disappeared, our teachers had a giggle at reading them! (Logan).
  • In Reading, we looked at a passage from ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ but there were some words missing! With our partner we had to work out what missing word would fit in the sentence. Then we had to draw a picture of what was happening in the passage, this is called Visualisation (Weronika).
  • We had our first visit of the year to the library, some of us were very excited because we missed going while we were on holiday. We have taken books out and are reading them in the classroom (Daniel).
  • In Music,  we have been learning some Scottish songs. So far, we have learned ‘Three Craws’ and  ‘Ally Bally Bee’ (Sophie).

P3 Weekly Update 4.11.19-8.11.19

This week we have enjoyed learning about:

  • In our handwriting this week we have learned to form the letters r and s in cursive script. We thought s was tricky because we have to make loops. (Kacey & Weronika).
  • We have been learning all about money- we have made posters to show what we have learned. We have been learning to make totals up to £10 using different combinations of coins and notes.We used our problem solving skills in a money maze task(Sara, Jessica-Lily & Jack)
  • In Number Talks we have been learning about addition, we can use our doubles and near doubles, making friendly numbers and empty number lines (Weronika)
  • We have learned how to use question marks in a sentence this week, most of us found this quite easy to do! (Lena P.)
  • We have been using our Bloom’s questions to help us to learn more about our reading books, these questions help us to be creative thinkers (Olivia).
  • We have made posters in trios about the Ten Ways to Cope With the Rivers of Life from our work on resilience, we know that resilience means you keep on trying, no matter how difficult something is.(Sophie & Chloe)
  • In RERC, we are learning about Remembrance, we know that in November we remember people who have passed away. We had a think about our earliest memories to help us. (Rebecca)
  • We had a hymn practice on Tuesday, we have started to learn some Christmas carols.(Lucia)
  • We have been completing different exercise circuits in PE- they were lots of fun. Some of our favourite exercises were lunges, frog jumps and hula hoops. (Owen & Neave).
  • In Music, we were making sound pictures using music from The Nutcracker (Andrew).
  • In Spanish, we were learning about greetings (Leylan).

P3’s spooktacular week!

Primary 3 have had a very busy week this week!

Emma – We learned how to make  pumpkin face using black paper and crepe paper. It was fun!

Sadie – We went to the library to borrow some books.  I picked a book about brains!

Owen – we had a hymn practise to learn hymns for Mass today for All saints Day. We learned the hymns Amazing Grace and Lord I Put Your Name on High.

Chloe – in handwriting we were learning to write the cursive letters p and q.  I think q is quite tricky.

Lena – in Music we learned the Hallowe’en song – the Witch fell in a ditch!

Andrew – we were thinking about resilience. We made resilience capes with ideas of how to make us feel better when we are having a down day. We know we can talk to others, read a book, go outside, play with toys and make a cake to feel better.

Jacob – we went to Mass on Monday. We had to sign hymns and say Mass responses and prayers.

Aroush – we have been learning about money in maths.  We have been learning to use different coins to make an amount. We can find more than one combination of coins to make a total.

Jessica Lily – in number talks we have been learning to make a friendly number to help us when adding 3 digits together.

Oliver – in Writing we were writing instructions about how to play a game of tig.    We know we have to include how to play, what you need and a title that tells us about what the instruction are for.  We also need to write them in order and use time openers like first, next, then and after that.

Chloe – in grammar we were looking at punctuation and making sure we use capital letters and full stops in all sentences!

Jessica-Lily- we also complete some Hallowe’en addition.







P3 Weekly Round Up

This week in P3 we have been very busy after our October holidays. Keep reading to find out more…

  • We have been learning about missing numbers in addition. We found it a little bit tricky because we thought we had to add the numbers together but now we know we have to find the difference! (Weronika & Ethan)
  • We have been learning all about Padre Pio and the prayer to our Guardian Angels. We can pray to them to look after us. (Jessica-Lily)
  • We have been thinking about what we already know and would like to know about our new topic ‘Sun, Moon & Stars’. We also thought about some activities we could do to help us with our learning. (Sadie & Lena P.)
  • In handwriting, we have been learning how to write the letters m,n and o. We found o the trickiest because we had to double back on ourselves when we were writing.
  • For reading, we had different passages to read and we had to answer comprehension questions in sentences. (Rayan & Chloe)
  • In art, we used oil pastels to draw a picture of our favourite animals to create a McZoo. These were inspired by Steven Brown’s McCoo’s. (Emma)
  • In digital learning, we have been learning all about how to find the keys and type. We used Dance Mat Typing to help us.

Busy and fun week in P3!

We have had a very busy week in P3. We have been learning lots of new things.

Logan – we have created posters about the SHANARRI indicators as part of our health and well being topic.


Chloe – we have been practicing the letters k and l in cursive script.  The letter was quite tricky.

Emma – in Music we have been learning to make our rhythms.  we were using the notes ta, te-te and ta rest.

Sadie, Wiktoria, Lena S and Logan- we went to the woods.  we had to find 5 natural objects that we liked.  Then in our groups we had to chose a way to sort them.  we could try size, colour and age. Then we made pictures with our objects.  It was fun! We learned to sort objects.

Weronika – we created cards for the residents of Holmesview Care Home.  We had to write about what we do and where we go to school.  Then we had to draw a picture.

Andrew – in P.E we had to throw the hoops to each other.  We also had to jump into the hoops.

Mara and Emma- in RERC we were listening to the story of Joseph and his amazing coat. We learned that his brothers were not mice to him but he was also not nice to them as he told tales on them.  WE learned not to be mean to each other.  We also learned that God looks after us all even if we are not perfect.

Elias – In Science we were thinking about sounds we liked and didn’t like.  We liked the sounds of water and wind as they are relaxing.  we didn’t like the sounds of dogs barking because it is really loud.  Most of us like relaxing sounds and don’t like loud noises.

Chloe – In Spanish we were learning about animals. We were learning a song in the wrong order to see how well we know the song.  The song was about a man and mouse and a button.

Sophie and Andrew – In Maths and Numeracy we have been learning about function machines.  We know different strategies for adding on. We can use counters, cubes, number lines, 100 squares, empty number lines and our number bonds to help us.  We have also looked at missing number sums and tried to find the answer using different strategies.

We are looking forward to our well deserved week off!


P3’s Busy Week 30.9.19-4.10.19

P3 have been very busy this week, read more to see more about what we have enjoyed.

  • We have enjoyed doing our cursive handwriting this week, we have learned to write the letters, h,i, j. (Sadie)
  • We have enjoyed practising our spelling words on the laptops. (David)
  • We have enjoyed learning how to add bigger numbers in maths this week, we have used our  number bonds to help us with this. We have also been playing a game called Num Tanga to help us to subitise bigger numbers. (Tinashe & Owen)
  • We enjoyed going to the library this week, we got to choose a couple of books to read while we were there. (Lena P)
  • We enjoyed doing some outdoor learning this week, we had to build a den that a teddy bear could fit in. We all worked together very well in our teams. We used sticks, stones, leaves and grass to build them. (Nina)
  • We have enjoyed our Number Talks this week, we used the doubles and near doubles strategy when finding a total on tens frames. (Oliver & Elias)
  • In RERC, we talked about Mary and how we could be more like her. We learned a little bit about the Rosary and the Joyful Mysteries and we looked at the story of Anna and Simeon. We know that we have to be patient for things that we really really want. (Emma, John & Rebecca)
  • We enjoyed doing a science experiment this week to help us to learn more about sound. We used beaters, buckets and rice to be able to see, feel and hear vibrations. (Leylan)
  • We had a hymn practice this week, some of the hymns we sung were Amazing Grace, Lord I Lift Your Name on High and Lord I Enter Your Gates with Pride. (Mara)
  • We have been enjoying learning more about ball skills this week, we played Hula Hut to practise these skills. (Ethan)
  • We  we were creating our own rhythmic patterns in music this week, we had lots of fun. (Kyle)
  • For writing this week, we wrote a letter to our Reading Bears (Charlie Bear & Mr Cuddles) who wanted us to teach them all about friendship. (Weronika)

P3’s busy week

We have had a buy week in P3.

Chloe – We have been learning to do the cursive letter f.  It is very tricky.

Rebecca – We have learning how to solve conflicts.  We could share the thing we both want.

Lena – We have been learning about friendship.  We made a recipe for a good friend.  A good friend needs to be treated the way you want to be treated.

Sara – We have been doing a QR hunt to find famous friends and enemies.

Elias – We have also been practicing the letter g in handwriting.

Lena – We have made poster about how to be good friends.

Sophie – We made a friendship potion.  You need to be playful and helpful to be a good friend.

Emma – We have been learning how to count 1, 10 and 100 more than and less than a number. We have used 100 squares, deans materials and number lines.

Jacob – We have been learning how to log onto Glow.

Sadie – This week we watch the film Inside Out because we have learning about keeping our body and mind healthy.

Jessica-Lily – We have worked with our reflective reading partner s to find the silly word in a passage. We then came up with a word that would make more sense.

Lena – We have created a picture using the key information from a passage about Fantastic Mr Fox.  Some of us tried to use a green screen to create our picture!

We have had a very busy but fun week.

P3 Weekly Update w.b. 16.9.19

Primary Three have had a very busy short week, keep reading to find out more:

  • We enjoyed painting Autumn trees this week, we used paint brushes for our tree trunks and cotton buds for our autumn leaves. (Zuzanna and Orla)
  • We have enjoyed Spanish this week, we were playing games and sing songs. (Weronika & Andrew)
  • We have been enjoying using the Rekenrek for our Number Talks this week. We found that the most efficient strategy was the counting on strategy, we have also been making friendly numbers (Tinashe & Lena S.)
  • As part of our Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds topic, Lena S’ mum came to speak to us about Diabetes, we enjoyed learning lots more about this (Aaliyah).
  • We enjoyed going to assembly this week because we got to hear updates from the Eco, Health & Sport, Justice & Peace and the Pupil Council committees (Sadie).
  • In Music, we enjoyed learning about rhythm, we had to read the notes on the board and drum along while saying the names of the notes as well, (Sara & Daniel)
  • We have been enjoying learning about ball skills this week, we learned to bounce a ball on a bat to help us play tennis. (Sophia & Jack)
  • We enjoyed going to the library, we all chose a book to keep in our classroom until our next visit. (Sophie)
  • We enjoyed doing our Picture It activity for Reflective Reading, we had to read a text and pick out key words to help us create a picture of the main character, Blart. (Joshua)
  • We are still enjoying learning our cursive script, we are trying really hard to keep our letters the right size. (Weronika)

P3 Weekly Update 13.9.19

We have been super busy this week in P3, keep reading to find out more about what we have been learning!

  • We were rainbow writing our sounds this week. Word Wizards were learning the ‘ea’ as in break sound, Master Minds were learning the i_e sound and the Spelling Stars were learning the ‘sh’ sound. (Aroush)
  • We wrote Autumn Acrostic poems this week. (Orla & Lena S.)
  • We have been doing some reading this week with our groups and we have also started doing guided reading.  (Andrew)
  • In Maths, we have been learning all about Place Value. We have been looking at 1 before and after as well as 10 before and 10 after. (Samuel)
  • We have been learning about what makes us special, we completed a Pieces of Me task made up of jigsaw pieces that make us who we are. (Maisie)
  • We all had a football taster this week, we learned to dribble forwards and backwards, stop the ball, scoring a goal, toe taps and keepy uppies. (Daniel & Ethan)
  • In Art we learned all about hot and cold colours. We made pop art style pictures to practise this skill. (Julia)
  • In Science we discussed how different sounds are made. We investigated different musical instruments and sorted them into categories depending on how these sounds are made.

This Week in P3 w.b. 2.9.19

Primary Three have had a very exciting week and have been very busy. Keep reading to learn about something of the things we did.

  • We  have been using the rekenreks for our Number Talks this week. We were counting the beads and then describing how we saw them. We also began looking at what numbers are made of (Hundreds, Tens, Ones). We learned that zero is a very important number and it can be used as a place holder. (Andrew and Tinashe)
  • We went a walk to the library this week and we all chose a book to stay in our classrooms. (Lena P.)
  • We have been learning how to use cursive handwriting, we found it quite challenging but we will keep trying our best. (Chloe)
  • We wrote chapter reviews about Fantastic Mr Fox, we wrote a summary of the chapter  and then gave it a star rating to encourage other people to try it. (Logan)
  • We made leaflets about  how to keep healthy based on our Healthy Body, Healthy Minds topic. (Jamie)
  • We made our own Eatwell plates after looking at the Eatwell guide, we also talked about foods we need to eat to keep us healthy (Weronika and Lena S.)
  • We have been learning about the Nativity of Our Lady this week. To celebrate her birthday, we wrote a sentence about what we think of when we talk about Mary. Some of us thought she reminded us of our families, while other people thought she helped us to remember to be kind.(Emma, Julia  Alexsander)

A round up of the last two weeks in Primary 3

We have had a busy few weeks in Primary 3. In ICT, we have been learning how to create a Sway. To find Sway we had to remind ourselves how to log onto Glow using our individual usernames and passwords – please continue to allow us to practice doing this at home. Sway is a programme which we can use to create a presentation, we can add text, photographs and videos. We have posted our Sways on our Teams page, why don’t you go and check them out!! Furthermore, we used this as an opportunity to then practise our note taking skills in literacy, so that we could then write a set of instructions on how to make a Sway.

In numeracy we have been looking at patterns within numbers and we used the smartboard to use an interactive hundred square to look at what happens when we add on tens and hundreds. We know that when we add on tens, the ones stay the same and we also know that when we add on hundreds, the ones and the tens stay the same. These rules are the same for subtraction. We enjoyed playing lots of games to check these rules!

We are now coming to the end of Fitness Fortnight. We have taken part in a variety of activities over the past two weeks. We challenged ourselves to take part in a live body coach routine with Joe Wicks and we tested our co-ordination and mirroring skills by doing a Just Dance challenge video. During Balloon Tennis we found it challenging to keep the balloons in the air, and we had to try and hit the balloons hard enough to get them over the net, but not hard enough that the balloons burst! On Monday, Primary 5 came to visit us to give us a fitness challenge, they had made up lots of fun, challenging activities for us to do. Yesterday, we visited Neil at Gymtastics to have a taster session of gymnastics. Our favourite piece of equipment was the bars! Lastly, a personal trainer visited us to put us through our paces. At the beginning of the lesson a few of us were being a bit chatty and the forfeit was to do burpees! Needless to say we made sure we had our listening ears on after that!

We have just finished our 5 week block of lessons with James Pegg as part of Fun Start Fitness. Each week we focused on something new. Here is a short round up of what we have learned.

-The BIG word was encouragement and we had to work together as a team to encourage each other to do our very best.

-We learnt how the most important resource in the world is Water.

-Alongside our Health and Wellbeing lessons we investigated the Eatwell plate and discussed how much we should be eating from each section. The important sections of the plate are the green section which represents fruit and vegetables, the pink section which represents protein and the yellow section which represents carbohydrates. We also know that we should be eating only a little from the purple section, which is fats!

-Week 4 was all about physical activity and how people are less active now than they were years ago. We all made a plegde to try and spend less time on our tablets and more time outdoors being active!

Lastly we would like to thank Primary 4 who came to see us as part of transition. This allowed us to develop our questioning skills as we were able to ask them any questions we had about next year.

We have a busy few weeks left before the end of term, check back again to see what we have been up to!


Primary 3 Weekly Update

We have had a busy few weeks in Primary 3. Last week Marcia came to see us to teach us some Reflexology. We enjoyed learning the different moves especially Indigo Glide, Red Squeeze, Silver Sweep and Violet Circles.

In Numeracy we finished off looking at multiplication. We know that we can make links between the 2 and 4 times tables for example if 2×6 = 12, we know that 4×6=24, because it is double. Some of us need to keep practising these facts so that we are confident at recalling our times tables. We have also been looking at measuring the area of shapes using non-standard units such as counters, cubes and the squares in our maths jotters. Furthermore, we also know that for squares and rectangles we can use multiplication to calculate the area.

In Literacy we have revisited what a verb is and have been learning about adverbs. We tried to think of some amazing adverbs such as peacefully, fiercely, beautifully, grossly and excitedly.

In Science we have recently been learning about our Skeleton. We used Forms to create a quiz all about the Skeleton, we even created a QR code to share our quiz with Mrs Brown! We enjoyed using digital technology to play Kahoot! to check our knowledge!

As a stage we have been working with James Pegg to take part in weekly Health and Wellbeing lessons called Fun Start Fitness. During these lessons we focus on a different theme, such as Healthy Hearts, Water, and Food and Energy. We play a variety of games, and we are learning to use encouragement to make each other feel better, even if we are not winning.

We have a busy few weeks coming up with Fitness Fortnight, so check back next week so see what we have been up to!

P3’s Busy Week

We’ve been so busy since we got back after the Easter holidays and we have crammed lots into this week’s three days already. In numeracy we have been learning to round our two digit numbers to the nearest ten – we know that if a number is greater than 5, we round UP to the nearest ten and if the ones are less than 5, we round DOWN to the nearest ten.

In literacy we have been working hard to develop our reflective reading skills: reading passages and then drawing it out, so that we build a picture of the scene in our heads; filling out missing words to ensure the passages make sense; and a spotting the silly word game where we put in appropriate words to finish the sentences.  We went to the library to take out new books that we will read at home for pleasure.   Our reading BEARS (Being Excited About Reading) Mr Cuddles and Charlie will be coming home with us from next week onwards.  We are hoping that parents will send in pictures of us with our bears reading bedtime stories together – nobody is too old for a bedtime story!

In art we learnt a new technique – quilling – to complete a spring picture.  This technique involved rolling paper through our fingers and thumbs – it was a little tricky but we got the hang of it eventually.  We are all looking forward to a full week, next week.

P3 Weekly Update

This week we have been really artistic!  We have made some surprise creations for our mum’s for Mother’s Day and we were also inspired by Pablo Picasso and we made our very own interpretations of his work.


In Maths, we have been continuing to learn about time as we have been finding it a bit tricky, especially quarter to on a digital clock.  We are going to keep practising this at home too so that we are more confident in telling the time!


In PE we have been learning how to skip forwards, backwards and in groups.  We need go co-ordination to do this.


In Literacy some of us wrote about our mum’s and how they are superheroes and some of us created a fact file about some Egyptian pharaohs.


Some of us visited the church twice this week.  Once was to practise and prepare for The Sacrament of Reconciliation and secondly we went to Stations of the Cross with Fr. Francis.


In Digital Learning this week we were making animated cartoons using Scratch on the netbooks and then we got to show our creations to our classmates.  It was cool!


Lastly, we have been singing lots this week in preparation for the Stations of the Cross service which will be in school next week.

P3 Weekly Update

In Numeracy this week we have been learning about fractions and have been calculating halves, thirds, quarters and fifths of shapes and numbers.  We know that if we are confident counting in 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s this will help us to calculate fractions of numbers.


Our teachers did some training on something called ‘Reflective Reading’ and they taught us some of the skills that they learned and the skills that we need to make us better readers.  We did things like ‘Blankety Blank’ where we had to work in groups to think of words to make a sentence make sense.  We also did a ‘Picture It’ and had to read a gruesome description of The Bloodbottler from our new novel ‘The BFG’ and we had to draw a picture of him.  Lastly we did a ‘Spot the Silly Word’ where we had to replace a silly word with a sensible word.  We did this through our topic The Ancient Egyptians.  We realised that we already know lots of interesting facts about The River Nile and the pyramids.

Last week we finished our class novel ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’ and this week we have been enjoying watching snippets of the original movie each day and have been comparing and contrasting the book to the film.  We realised that there are quite a few differences between the two.

We visited the library this afternoon and enjoyed choosing a new book to read.


In our Digital Learning we were using an app called Stickbot Studio and we were creating our very own animation projects.  We realised that we had to move our objects little by little in order for it to look like it was actually moving.  It was great fun doing this and working as a team.

We had a visit from Fr Jeremy and a visiting priest from Nigeria called Fr Francis.  He told us all about Nigeria and he will be helping us when we make our First Reconciliation.

What a busy week!

P3 Weekly Update

This week we have been incredibly busy preparing for our class assembly which is all about friendship and forgiveness.  Our assembly will be tomorrow (Friday 15th February) at 11.15am and families are welcome to come and see it.


As it is Valentine’s Day we learned a little bit about the history behind it.

I learned that it was named after a priest called Valentine who helped soldiers to get married in secret. – James F and Alfie

I learned that Valentine got caught by the Roman Emperor, Claudius and he was put in jail. – Thomas, Toby & Isla

I know that Valentine’s Day is all about love. – James H

I know that some people give cards on Valentine’s Day but it’s not always the same tradition in every country. – Isabella A


In Spelling we have been focusing on the pattern ‘ou’ and we can read it and use it in our writing.

In Literacy we have been continuing to learn about poetry and we worked in groups to write our own rhyming verse to continue the poem ‘Going through the old photos’.  We used some of our own names but we discovered that not all of our names have words that rhyme with them.

In ICT we used Forms on the ipad and netbooks to make our own quizzes on something we knew lots about.

In PE we are continuing with gymnastics and we have been doing different stretches and counter-balancing.  This means that we had to put trust in our partner and work as a team.

We look forward to seeing you at our assembly!


P3’s Weekly Update

Another busy week in P3!  This week we have started to prepare for our class assembly which will be about Friendship and Forgiveness.  This ties in with our Reconciliation preparation.  We have been working hard learning our lines, a song, a prayer and even a rap!  We can’t wait to perform for you all on Friday 15th February.

In Literacy this week, we wrote acrostic poems all about friendship.  These poems didn’t need to rhyme but we had to make sure that each sentence told us something about friendship.

Also, as this week is National Storytelling Week, we had a visit from Mr Menzies who came in to share tales and stories with us.  He was really expressive and funny!

In Numeracy, we have been continuing to learn the 5 and 10 times tables and some of us are getting quicker at recalling these facts without using our fingers.  We are all going to keep practising.

In PE, we are continuing to develop our gymnastic skills and have been practising doing different types of rolls.

In Digital Learning we were learning how to edit a photo and upload it to our class Teams page.  We have also been using a search engine to find the meaning of different scientific words to finish off our topic of freezing and melting.

We look forward to our visit to the library this afternoon and the busy week that lies ahead!

P3 Weekly Update

Wow! What a busy week we’ve had so far.  Let us begin by telling you what we’ve been learning about in Literacy.  As it is Burns Day on Friday we have been looking at Scots language.  We listened to and sang the song ‘Donald where’s yer troosers’, we also sang ‘Heids, shooders, shanks and taes’.  Mrs Dymock read us two different poems called ‘The sair finger’ and ‘Lament to the lost dinner ticket’.  It took us a little while to figure out exactly what they were about.  Some Scottish words we learned were mooth = mouth, taes = toes, lugs = ears, bairn = child and mair = more.  Keeping along our Scottish theme we decided to create our own tartan kilts using 4 colours and different widths of lines.  Here is a photo of some of our creations:

In Numeracy, we have been learning the 5 and 10 times tables.  We have been playing Fizz Buzz, Table Trainer and have been drawing pictures to show what each fact looks like.  We’re trying to get faster at recalling these facts so we’re going to keep on practising.  Here are some photos of us busy learning:


In PE we have been practising gymnastics and have been having competitions where one group is demonstrating different types of jumps and the other group is judging the quality of the jumps.  The judges are looking for well stretched bodies and a good balance.


In Science, we tested different materials to see if they were soluble or insoluble.  We discovered that gravy granules, coffee and salt were all soluble materials whereas paperclips, paper and blu tac are insoluble.


We bet you’re all tired from reading about our busy week and we’ll check in again next week to share more of our learning.


P3’s Weekly Update

This week so far we have been busy bees!

In Literacy, we have started to learn about poetry and we know that not all poems need to rhyme and that they can be split into verses.  They also have patterns and can be read to a rhythm.  We made up actions for a poem and performed to our class.


In Numeracy, we have been looking at number patterns and counting in 5s and 10s from lots of different numbers.  We noticed that when you count up in 10s that the ones column number doesn’t change and that when you are using a 100 hundred square you just need to jump down.  When you count in 5s there is a pattern for example, 1,6,11,16,21 etc.


In Science we have started to learn about Freezing and Melting.  We found out that water freezes when the temperature is 0 degrees or below.  We also learned that water can be solid, liquid and gas.


In RE, we have started to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  We have been learning about Baptism and talking about our Godparents and where we were Baptised.


In PE we have started to do some gymnastics and have been practising different types of jumps like star jumps, stretch jumps and tuck jumps.


Can you believe that we have done all of that work so far and it is only Wednesday?!