All posts by Mrs Swanston

Learning at the Library!

On Wednesday afternoon, all the Primary 4 children visited Broxburn Library.  We listened carefully to Diane sharing information about the Vikings.

Patryk – I found out some Viking names and the houses would have been dark because there were no windows.

Nia – I learned that children could get married as young as 12.

Cameron H – Viking houses had one large hole in the roof that allowed the smoke from the fire to escape.  They did not have any windows so the Vikings would have been hot in the warm months.

Lewis – Vikings did not have Sir names.

Elise D – The boats they travelled in were called long boats.

Adrian – The Vikings wore plain clothes.

Alanna – Some Viking men dyed their hair blond.

Anya – Vikings dyed their clothes using dye from plants.



Primary 4a are back to school and ready to learn!

We have all enjoyed our first few days in Primary 4.  It’s nice to be back to school after enjoying a long summer holiday!

Nia – I am really enjoying doing joined up handwriting.

Riley – We have been learning our times table and been doing fun games.

Cameron H – I have loved listening to our class novel “Matilda”

Lewis – I enjoyed designing my own bunting all about me.

Khai – I enjoyed playing the 11s game in class.

Ava – I wrote a long story all about me and I wrote neatly with lots of detail.




Congratulations Isla in P5!

On Saturday Isla was highland dancing at the Bathgate Highland Games.  In the fling dance she came in 3rd place, in the sword dance she came in 6th place, in the sean tribuhas she came in 1st place, in the hullachan reel she came in 4th place and in the special fling she came in 3rd place.  Well done Isla!  What an amazing achievement.  We are all so proud of you.  Congratulations.  Isla was presented with the overal West Lothian Beginner Trophy!  You are a STAR!


Glasgow Science Centre

On Monday 1st June, P4, P5/4 and P5 went to the Science Centre in Glasgow.   When we arrived some of us went to the first floor, some of us went to the second floor and the rest of us went to the top floor.  It was a great trip and we all enjoyed the activities, experiments and science theatre show!  We got the chance to have a browse in the shop and buy souvenirs and had our lunch in the large atrium.

Isobel – I enjoyed the large scale hamster wheel on the third floor and it wasn’t as easy as it looked!

Nicole – I enjoyed when we got the chance  to pump the blood to the heart and it increased the heart beat.

Niamh – I liked watching Francesco and Isla trying to eat the cream crackers quickly.

Ehlana – I learned that the body needs to let gas release or you could explode!

Adrian – I liked the challenge where I had to use the air gun to manouver the beach ball through the hoop.

Alea – When watching the show I learned that the amount of blood your heart beats every day can fill 125 bath tubs!

Alex – I liked looking at the real life tornado that re-formed itself.

Madison – I enjoyed holding onto the high bar and timed how long I could do this for.

Ben – The sprint challenge was great!  I got a best time of 1:63.

Lukas – I liked when I had to spin the wheel, whilst standing on the platform and turn the wheel at the same time.  Astronaut use this in space to control the shuttle.

We would defintiely recommend the trip to another class.  It was a great day out, we learned lots and had fun!  A special thanks to our wonderful parent helpers for keeping us safe.





Super Smoothies!

As part of our learning about Healthy Living, P5/4 and P5 enjoyed making and tasting different flavoured smoothies.  We prepared the fruit and enjoyed tasting the different flavours.  They were so easy to make and the combination of flavours were delicious!

Grace – I enjoyed blending different fruits, some of which I haven’t tasted before.  I liked the mixed berries and apple smoothy.

Nicole – My favourite smoothy was mixed berries with mango and pineapple.  It tasted sweet and tangy and I want to make one at home!

Aiden – I enjoyed the banana, pineapple and mango smoothy.  It was good to prepare the fruit in class.

Jaime – I liked the frozen berries  smoothy with apple and orange.  It tatsed delicious and was very sweet and I liked my smotthy with the tropical juice.



Last week, Primary 5 and Primary 5/4 were lucky to have lots of furry, four legged visitors to their class!  Tegan’s mum organised for Animal Antics to come in to school and it was an amazing experience.  The children were all very brave and got the opportunity to handle and touch a range of animals and learned lots about how these animals live.  Thanks to Sean who bringing them in to class.  It was a brilliant and memorable experience and Miss Crease was probably the most scared out of all of us!


We all really enjoyed our morning at Sky Skills Studios in Livingston.  It gave us an experience that took us behind the scenes at Sky where we worked in groups to create our very own TV news report.

Each of us had an important role to play including: producer, director, scriptwriter, camera operator, presenter/reporter, eye witness, expert and editor.  It was a brilliant experience and helped us devlop many important skills including communication, self management, team work, problem solving and creativity.  We were all given a certificate and USB wrist band which contained the news report.

Anna – I loved being a Director because I got to make suggestions and gave people directions.

Logan – I liked being the editor because I changed the background screens and decided which clips to use.

Niamh – I was the reporter and I got to talk in front of the camera and dress up!

Ben – I was the director and I enjoyed showing the reporters what to do in order to make the scenes look professional.

P4, P5 and P6 Homework Club!

Today we started the homework club in Miss Crease and Mrs Quin’s classrooms.  We gathered together and came up with some important rules!  We made a good start to our homework and enjoyed listening to music in the background too.

Ollie P4 – It’s fun because we got to listen to music and get our homework started.  I got help from the teacher and I worked well at the table.

Lukas P5/4 – I worked with my partner and we helped each other do our maths homework.

Kirsten P5 – It’s fun because you get to talk to your friends and do your homework too.

Faith P6 – It’s good to do homework in school rather than panic about it at the end of the week!

Rachael P6 – I got some of my homework finished and then played games on the netbook.


Titanic – The unsinkable ship

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P5/4 and P5 learned lots of interesting facts about the Titanic, during this term.  Here are some of the activities we did:

– Created a large scale display of the ship in class.

– Wrote questions we wanted to find out about the Titanic.

– Visited the local library to find out more.

– Did observational drawings of the Titanic.

– Created a timeline of events from when the ice berg was first spotted by Frederick Fleet, to the investaigation following the disaster.

– Designed a new flag for the ship.

– Investgated the construction of the ship.

– Listened to survivors stories.

– Designed and built a Titanic ship or a first class cabin / third class cabin.

– Wrote a factfile.

– Read newspaper articles about the disaster.

– Used netbooks and library books to carry out personal research.

– Created a Titanic quiz.

– Wrote newspaper articales about the sinking of the ship.

– Created a class book about our learning of the Titanic.

– Created a bar chart displaying the number of survivors.

– Made psoters of the White Star Line.

– Watched Discovery DVDs about the ship and took notes about what we learned.

– Painted large scale first class and third class passengers along with facts about these groups of people.

– Looked at a variety of photgraphs, pictures and diagrams of the inside and outside of the ship.










Absolutely Amazing “Annie”

Primary 5/4 and Primary 5 thoughts about “Annie”
Lukas: “I had a fantastic time being Officer Ward in “Annie”.  I liked the part when Miss Hannigan pulled at my tie and all the audience laughed!  I’m sad it’s now over and can’t wait to see the DVD.
Nicole: “I enjoyed being an orphan in the show, but it was hard work because every time Miss Hannigan appeared she shouted at us!  My favourite part was when all the orphans ran onto the stage at Mr Warbucks mansion.  My mum, dad, gran and grandpa all came to see the show and they loved it!”
Caitlin: “I liked doing the dance for the song “It’s a hard knock life”.  I had some lines to say and I’m glad I remembered them!  My best part was when we got the presents at the end and we all took a bow.  The audience gave us a big clap and cheered really loudly!” 
Iona: “I loved being Miss Hannigan in the show and I’m proud of myself for learning all my lines and I’m glad I made the audience laugh.  My favourite part was when I sang ‘Little Girls’ and I liked acting alongside Amy and Georgia.  My mum, dad and sister came to the show and they were so proud of me!  I wish we could do it all over again”.
Erin: “I was a back stage helper and I enjoyed doing this job because being responsible for the props is important”.
Aaron: “I loved playing the part of Drake in the show and I enjoyed serving Mr Warbucks.  I knew my lines off by heart and I enjoyed dancing.  The audience were really good at clapping and laughing and I think they all enjoyed the shows!  I will miss the after school club on Wednesdays”. 

World Book Day

As today is World Book Day, lots of us came to school dressed as our favourite characters from our favourite books.  This morning in class we read our favourite stories and then listened to a story and poem by Roger McGough on BBC Autors Live.  We wrote about our favourite book and character and asked our friends what their favourite book is and why.

Mandipa – I love “Alice Miranda at School” by Jacqueline Harvey because the girl in the story is very brave as she leaves her parents and starts boarding school.

Jaime – My favourite stories are “Katie Morag” by Mairi Hedderwick.  I like them because they are based in Scotland and Katie Morag is not afraid of anything.  She goes on lots of adventures on the Isle of Struay.

Eoin – Roald Dahl is my favourite author and I really enjoy reading “Danny the champion of the World”.  In the book Danny and his dad come up with a plot against the evil Mr Victor Hazell!


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Time to learn about Time!

Primary 5 are learning about telling the time using analogue and digital clocks.  As part of a homework challenge, Miss Crease asked us to design and construct either an analogue or digital clock or a watch.

Aaron – I made a digital clock using lego.  It was really easy to make and my friends thought it was a good idea.

Ben – My clock is an analogue clock and I used things around the house to make it.

Erin – I made a huge watch and I used a paper fastener so that the hands can move.  It’s big enough for a giant to





Handball Festival

This morning P5/4 and P5 went to Broxburn Academy for a Hanball Festival.  We were all spilt into different teams and played against teams from other schools in the local area.

Jamie: “I liked playing against children from other schools”.

Isobel: “It was good to compete in an event in Broxburn Acadmeny”.

Ben: “In our team, we tried hard to defend against our oppposition”.

Isla: “The game was quite difficult because at the start it was hard to get the ball from the other team”.

Caitlin: “I had so much fun and I scored lots of goals”.

Adrian: “It was a great morning and I tried to enocurage my team”.

Grace: “My teams scored lots of goals and we won most of our games”.

Haidyn: “I would love to go back again next year”.




Fantastic Fractions!

Primary 5/4 and Primary 5 have been learning lots about fractions in class.  We have been finding out about fractions of shapes, objects and amounts.

This week we have investiageted equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions and finding fractions on a nunberline.  These are some suggested games to support our learning:


Have a go at home and let us know how you got on with the games!

Miss Crease and Mrs Quin