Primary 5

Another busy week in P5. The children have been working hard on different areas of the curriculum.

The children are building with excitement about going to Lockerbie Manor.  Hopefully you received your letter about Lockerbie Manor and the list of items the children need to take. If you are unable to bring any of these items please contact us at school and we will see if we can help. We hope to see you at the meeting on Thursday 6th February where you will be able to find out more information and ask questions. Children are not to attend this meeting.

In writing the children are continuing to learn how to write instruction. P5G wrote about how to play a game and P5M wrote about how to make a sandwich. Some of the instructions given were very interesting!

The children worked on a challenge this week about Life in the 13th century. Each group had to research information about Life in the country, life in a castle or life in a burgh. They worked hard and have created a poster showing key facts and pictures to illustrate what they have learned. You will be able to have a look at the posters during Parents evening.

In numeracy all children are using their times tables’ knowledge to complete multiplying or dividing tasks. Some children need to practice their times tables so they can recall facts quickly and accurately. We are encouraging them to use Education City for this. Next week we will be showing this website to you during our shared start/finish sessions on Wednesday 5th February. We hope you will be able to join us at one of the sessions to practice your recall of the times tables!



PE with Mrs Ferguson-Thursday.

P5G outdoor PE- Monday

P5M Futsal indoors – Monday

Spelling homework- due every Friday.

Numeracy homework- due every Thursday. Please practice all times tables over and above any other homework. Children can use Education City to play games.

Lockerbie Manor information meeting – Thursday 6th February 6pm


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 4 4.10.19

Hello everyone

We have had another busy week in Primary 4.

In PE with Mrs Ferguson we have begun to learn the rules of handball. Please ask us about these at home if you have a chance. Letters have been sent out regarding a Handball Festival that the children will take part in on Thursday 31st October. They will play handball against other Primary 4s from other schools. Please return £2.50 and the EE2 forms as soon as possible.

Letters have also been sent home regarding the Halloween Disco which is on Thursday 24th October from 7-8:30pm. The cost is £3 per child and children may bring up to £3 with them in order to buy tuck from the tuck shop. We are looking forward to seeing your costumes!

This week in numeracy we have been revising the strategies that we can use when working out the answers to multiplication questions. We then began working on the 8 x table for the first time. The children are working very hard to learn the stations of the 8 times table. Ask your child more about what they have learned at home 🙂

Next Wednesday and Thursday parent consultations will take place. We look forward to meeting with many of you then.

Today the last homework of this term was handed in. There will be no homework next week. This will resume after the October break.

PE days: Outdoor – Tuesday and Indoor – Thursday.

Thank you for your support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Hello Everyone,

We have had a busy week in P5. It was lovely to meet lots of you at Meet the Teacher on Wednesday. Hopefully you were able to see some of the work the children have completed so far.

We have been working on our display for the small hall all about achievement. The children were able to identify some of their personal achievements which they wrote about and drew a picture of. They also drew round their hands and used a variety of patterns to decorate them.

We started our Great Britain topic by looking at maps and labeling the different countries. Look out for exciting homework about landmarks coming home next week.

The children have started French (bonjour) and Spanish (hola) lessons this week. If anyone has any expertise in these areas and would like to come in and share their knowledge with the children please contact at school.

We have started reading our class novel, ‘The Spiderwick Chronicles’. We are aware that the movie is being shown on the television at the moment so we would appreciate it if the children do not watch it as we are hoping to watch it altogether at the end of term.


  • Outdoor PE- Monday. Kit-trackies/joggers, trainers, warm sweatshirt
  • Indoor PE- Thursday. Kit- shorts, t-shirt, indoor shoes


  • Spelling homework- given out on a Monday due in by Friday.
  • Children to continue learning Times Tables and number bonds
  • Children to read a variety of genres at home eg. newspaper, magazines, novels, non-fiction books.

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mrs Muir and Mr Shanks

Primary 4 15.2.19

Hello everyone

It was lovely to see so many parents/carers at the consultation evenings on Wednesday and Thursday. We look forward to welcoming you into the classroom again on Monday 25th February at 9:05am for our shared start or on Thursday 28th February at 2:50pm for our shared finish. At these events you can work with your child in the classroom on some numeracy activities. We hope to see lots of you then 🙂

This week the children have been working hard to learn their 8 times table and their division by 8 facts. We’ve been using a great new song to help us which is linked below. The children love singing along! Some of us have begun to look at using the written method of division too and are working well. Any support you can provide your child with their times tables and division facts would be greatly appreciated 🙂

8 times table song

In our topic we have been looking at maps and photographs of Edinburgh some of which were created or taken over 100 years ago! We looked at some of the differences and similarities between the land, buildings and sanitation in those times and now. We noticed that there were no cars on the roads, the houses were built very closely together and many families stayed together in one room. We also noticed that many important landmarks such as the Forth Rail Bridge, The Scott Monument and Edinburgh Castle had been around for a long time!

In RME we have been learning that people’s beliefs can impact on the decisions that they make everyday. We have been focusing so far on Judaism and exploring what foods are Kosher and Non-Kosher. This has led to many interesting discussions.

Reminders –
The children are on holiday from school on Monday 18th February and Tuesday 19th February. We look forward to welcoming the children back on Wednesday.
There will be no homework given out next week.
Indoor PE will be on Wednesday for both classes.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 6 8.9.17

Yet another busy week in Primary 6, classroom routines are already well established and timetables are underway.

We sent home fact families maths sheets this week. Please keep these at home and use them as a guide to practise times tables and the relationship between multiplication and division. We have shown the pupils a variety of times tables songs available on You Tube. We encourage the pupils to use these at home but strictly with Parent permission!

Our topic this term is the Industrial Revolution and we introduced this to the boys and girls using a clip from the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony as it clearly depicts the change from an agricultural land to one of heavy industry. We are organising a trip to New Lanark and will send home details very soon.

Mr Bruce, one of our music specialists, will be giving the children the opportunity to audition for chanter lessons next week. If your child is interested please discuss this with them as it would mean time out of class if they begin lessons and a lot of practice at home.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays. PLEASE ensure children have suitable footwear especially for outdoors.
Spelling – due on a Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.
Photographer- Tuesday-Individual photos
Wednesday- Family photos

Thank you for your continued support.
Best Regards,

Mrs Gilmour , Mrs Tully , Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 3 31.01.17

Primary 3 have been given a big piece of homework to completed by Thursday 16th February. Children are allowed to use a variety of materials but must clearly show the key features of a castle. (more detail on homework sheet)

This Friday we have been invited to a Sports festival! The children will be taking part in a number of sporting activities and it has been advised that they wear warm clothing (jogging bottoms, jumper and a coat) Children should come to school dressed in their kit as we will be out all morning.

In Maths this week we are introducing the 4x table. Could you please encourage your child to practise thier times tables at home as they will be required to know their 2,3,4,5 and 10 times table to help them solve fractions and  solve division questions.

We have recently set up a shop at the back of our class to help the children put their money skills that they have been learning to the test. We have also set up a role play corner based on knights and castles. We have recently purchased a castle tent and dressing up costumes. These were funded by the PSA. Primary 3 would like to say a big thank you!!

P.E is as normal

Spelling and Maths homework is due Friday

Big Homework is due 16th February

Thank you, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3 9.1.17

Primary 3 have a very busy term and we are looking forward to starting our new topic- Knights and Castles. Children will be learning about the history of castles, their purpose and who used to live and work in castles. We will also be taking a class trip in March to Edinburgh Castle which we are all very excited about.

Children have been sent home with a Scottish Poem to learn for our Burns Competition. Could you please encourage your child to practise this so they can recite it to the class at the end of the month.

Primary 3 are very lucky to be getting Futsal! We have a Futsal coach coming into school to teach the skills used in Futsal and this will commence on Tuesday 24th January for a number of weeks. Could you please ensure that your child has an indoor P.E kit for this.

In Maths we are continuing with learning our times tables. We will be practising our 2, 5 and 10 but also introducing our 3 and 4 times tables. The more practice at home and school will increase the children’s confidence in their times tables. We are also going to be tackling Money, learning the values of all coins and using our adding and subtracting skills to find totals and give change.

Reading will continue as normal up until the February break. We will be doing guided reading in class and writing down pages to be read at home in their homework diaries.

We are sending home our Termly newsletter today along with spelling and maths homework. The newsletter will explain which days the children will need P.E kits and which specialists they will be receiving this term.


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3 28.11.16

Primary 3 have been working so hard in their Nativity. The boys and girls have been practising singing, dancing and their lines for the show. Thank you to everyone who has brought in their costume for the Nativity. We have our first dress rehearsal this Wednesday.

We are continuing with homework this week. Children have their weekly spelling and maths to complete. Please encourage your children to read their reading book regularly. New pages are set every Tuesday and Thursday.

In Maths the children have been mentally subtracting large numbers with the help of a hundred square. They have also been trying hard to learn their x2 x10 and x5 times tables. Children need to practise these regularly to help them retain what they have learned in class.

Primary 3 have their Christmas lunch this Thursday and we hope you can all make it to the Christmas Fair on Friday!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 6 04.11.16


We have had a very busy week in Primary 6. On Monday we started to learn a song for a Scottish Assembly which will be taking place when our ERASMUS+ visitors arrive in a couple of weeks time. We are learning “You’re Welcome Wullie Stewart” a song written by Robert Burns about the arrival of his best friend. The children have received the words home with them. Please encourage them to learn their words by Monday.

We have started our new Interdisciplinary Topic of Europe. The children have been using Atlases to complete a variety of tasks to help them to gain a better understanding of the geography of the continent. The children are now working in groups using their research skills to create a poster about a European Country for our classroom display. The children have made a great start to these posters and Mrs Kelly and I are looking forward to seeing the finished products! We will also be using our writing session next week to write letters to our European Visitors; telling them about our country and asking them questions about their own. We are looking forward to our visitors reading our letters and replying!

All groups in maths have begun work on multiplication and division in class. Please encourage your child to practise their times tables at home as knowledge of these facts can help them to access many other more complex areas of maths in the future. Thank you for your support with this. Here is a useful website that can help the children to practise their times tables and division facts:

Maths Game

Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie.

Primary 3 20.1.16

Primary 3 have been working hard to learn their Scottish Poem. We are looking forward to hearing everyone recite their poem to the class this morning. Good luck boys and girls!


We have been learning about Castles. The children have been learning the different parts of a castle and their purpose. All the children were very excited to hear about the murder holes in the castles……they do not sound pleasant!

We have also been looking inside the castle and investigating the different rooms. The children were then making comparisons with their own homes and rooms. What a difference!

In Maths we have been learning our times tables. We have already tackled the 2x, 5x and 10x!! Today we are going to look at the 3x table. We have some finger tricks to learn to help us remember. Keep practising your times tables at home.

In health we have been creating our very own “eatwell” plates. The children now know what is a healthy and balanced diet is and understand that a balance diet will keep them healthy. Tomorrow we will be creating a healthy meal using the “eatwell” plate.


Homework- Poems, Katie Bairdie, Spelling

Maths will be handed out next week.


Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy

Primary 3 11.1.16

Happy New Year!

Primary 3 have started our class topic- Knights and Castles. They have been sharing with the class, what they already know and written down a list of things they would like to learn.

All the children have been given a Scottish Poem written by JK Annand to recite on Wednesday 20th January, ready for our Burns Assembly on Friday 22nd January.

In maths we are working on our times tables. The children are very confident with their 2x table so this week we will look at our 5x and 10x table. We will also run a class challenge! Please go over 2x, 3x and 10x tables at home.

We are starting up our guided reading again this week, so homework will be sent home on Tuesday.

We sent our our termly Newsletter with all the details of our topics and specialists.

Looking forward to a busy and exciting term!


Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy

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