Primary 4 24.8.18

Hello everyone

Welcome to the P4 blog. We hope you had a lovely summer. We have really enjoyed meeting the children and beginning to get to know them over the past few days.

We have had a busy first week hearing all about everyone’s summer holidays. The children wrote about 3 things that they enjoyed the most about their holidays. They also worked on creating our classroom charters which tell the children about their rights and about how to respect the rights of others. We are creating classroom displays based on our charters.

We have also been learning about the importance of positive, happy thoughts even when things are difficult or tricky. The children were able to identify their strengths and we have started making a display for the hall about concentrating on the positives instead of the negatives. We are sure this will look fantastic!

Our annual Meet the Teacher event takes place next Wednesday (29th August) from 4:30-5:30. This is a drop in event where you can meet your child’s new teacher, look around the classroom, see work your child has completed in the first 2 weeks and explore resources that they may be using in Primary 4. Miss Donaldson & I are looking forward to meeting many of you then.

Next week we will send out a newsletter containing all of the important information needed for this term including what the children will be learning in each subject area and important dates (including PE days). Please look out for this in your child’s school bag.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

P4 Auchengillan day 2!

Good morning,

Last night we went to an inflatable games barn. We did sumo wrestling, tug of war and The battle zone (see pictures below)

We also went to the tuck shop and bought (annoying) toys that make lots of sound. We then had supper and went to bed.

This morning we have woken up to sunshine. We had coco pops and hot filled rolls. Then we packed our bags and stripped our beds.

We are about to go off and do laser tag, archery and crate climbing. We are excited about the amazing activities today!

From the Primary 4s

Primary 4 week Beginning 16.4.18

Welcome back to the Primary 4 Blog,

We hope you had a lovely Easter holiday and are getting settled back into the school routine.

This week we have been learning the songs and some dances to our school show. Our school show is called Pirates of the Curry Bean. Please look out for any information about the show that is sent home. Some children may receive words home to learn.

This term Primary 4 will also be taking part in futsal sessions. Primary 4M will begin with 4 weeks of futsal on Tuesday afternoons, then it will be Primary 4D’s turn. Indoor P.E for 4D will take place on Monday afternoons  and 4M on Tuesday. Outdoor P.E for both classes will be on Wednesday.

We have also started learning about time in Primary 4. The children have been using the class clocks to revise half past, quarter past and quarter to. Primary 4D have also been learning about fractions and made their own pizza fractions in groups. Here are some Pictures:


Children will continue to have spelling and reading homework every week they will also receive maths to support learning in class. P4D have big homework which is due on Monday.


P.E is on Monday and Wednesday for P4D.

P.E is on Tuesday and Wednesday for P4M.

Please bring a water bottle to school, especially as the weather is getting warmer.

Label all items of clothing clearly.


Thank you,

The Primary 4 teachers

Primary 4 week 12.3.18

This week it will be our Parent assembly on Friday. We are hoping to see lots of people there. The children have been working hard to learn songs, lines and even some dances, please help your child learn any lines that they may have at home.

We will also be watching the Primary 6/7 dress rehearsal of their show this week. This will be great to see and also very exciting as it will be our show next term.

It is Sports Relief this week and the Primary 6’s have organised different things for the children to do so we will be taking part in some sporty activities.


  • homework this week will be reading, spelling and assembly words  and maths for P4M
  • Please ensure that all you child’s belongings are clearly labelled
  • Outdoor Gym is on Tuesday and indoor gym is Wednesday
  • Our parent assembly is on Friday morning, please return any slips confirming attendance

We look forward to seeing you on Friday,

The Primary 4 teachers

Primary 4 week 5.3.18

Welcome back after our snowy days off.
We hope you had a super time enjoying the snow and are feeling ready to come back to school.

Our parent assembly is coming up in a few weeks so please remember to practise your words. If you have any lines. Not everyone has a role that can be practised at home so please do not worry if you don’t have words.
I have attached the song words for the assembly if you would like to have a go at singing at home. The links on youtube are also below.

Song Lyrics 17.18


There will be homework given out on Tuesday this week as we were not here on Friday to hand it in.


P.E on Wednesday indoor, PE that is planned on Tuesday as outdoor may be inside due to weather conditions.

Homework is spelling, reading and assembly words/songs

Please make sure all clothing is clearly labelled


Thank you,

The Primary 4 teachers

P4D snow update

Good morning everyone!
We hope you have had enjoyed the snow and staying safe in this weather. Happy world book day!!

We put up quite a few activities yesterday to be completed but if you are looking for more or for something different here are some more ideas:

1) As it is world book day can you use what you have in the house to create a costume from one of your favourite books? Please post any pictures in the comments. If you have access to the internet here is the link to website for some more ideas:

World book day homepage

2) Practice your 6 and 8 times table using the links from yesterday and studyladder. You can also use the song for counting in 8s.

counting in 8s 


3) Practice your spelling words in the snow.

4) In maths we have been learning about Venn diagrams. Can you create your own Venn diagram using your own criteria and information to display in the diagram. You could draw your diagram in the snow.

5) In our topic we have been learning about Dundee and Glasgow. Can you find out about another major city in Scotland such as Stirling, Edinburgh, Aberdeen or Perth? You can research these cities and display what you have found on a poster, leaflet or Powerpoint. Remember you can access to Microsoft Powerpoint through your glow page.

6) Complete your Morag and the Water Horse pictures for our Sway project.

I hope you have a super day. Remember to stay safe and keep warm. Please feel free to ask any questions if you need help or post pictures of what you have been doing while you have been off.
Enjoy your day in the snow!

Miss Donaldson and Ms Matheson

Primary 4D Snow day!!

Good morning Primary 4!
We hope you have a lovely day in the snow and are remembering to stay safe.
Here are some activities that you can do today:

1.In maths we have been learning our times tables so you could make arrays for the 6 and 8 times tables using snowballs and take pictures of them to show us in class.
2.In spelling you have been learning strategies for spelling tricky words, see if you can make up some winter themed mnemonics for your homework words.
3.In our topic we have been learning all about Dundee. You could make a poster displaying all the information you have learned about Dundee. See if you can find any new facts that we have not discussed yet.
4.Since we have been learning about Dundee and D.C Thomson can you create your own comic book story about your day in the snow? Remember to draw out the comic strip boxes and include pictures and captions. We can display these in the classroom.
5.Choose your favourite book at home to read and make a poster or a book review to share with the class for World book day.
6.If you have access to the internet remember that you can logon to studdyladder and complete some of the times tables activities set for you. You can also go onto topmarks and play hit the button or coconut multiples.

coconut multiples

Remember that you do not need to complete all these activities today, these are just some ideas for what you could be doing. Mr Shanks has also posted work books on the blog with more ideas that are suited for each stage. If you have any questions or you want to share what you are doing today please feel free to leave a comment.
Have a super day in snow! We can’t wait to hear all about it when we are back and remember to stay safe in the snow. Wrap up warm and enjoy!!!

Miss Donaldson and Ms Matheson

Primary 4 Week beg 22.1.18

In Primary 4 this week we have been learning our Scottish poems for our Burns assembly. The children have had the poems home to practise and have also been learning them in the classroom.

This has come at a perfect time as we have just started our Scotland topic. This will be our topic for the whole term and we are excited to learn all about Scotland and its traditions.

Last week was our Polar explorer week and we enjoyed taking part in various science experiments and challenges such as making glaciers, dissolving shells and making boats for a voyage.

In spelling we have been focusing on strategies for spelling tricky words. We have been learning about mnemonics (becauseBig Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants), words within a word and syllabification. We are using these strategies as the words the children have been learning cannot always be sounded out.


Please bring a water bottle

Outdoor PE on Tuesday

Indoor PE on Wednesday (with Mrs Ferguson)

Scottish Poem due for Thursday


Thank you,

The Primary 4 teachers

Primary 4 24.5.17

Wowee, what a brilliant week for us to be going to Auchengillan! The sun is shining and it looks like it will be a great two days!

We have been busy whilst the others are away planning Day for Change. This is a UNICEF charity occasion which Primary 4 are in charge of leading.

We had lots of ideas of what we could change for the day and have decided on “Opposites Day” which will take place on the 16th June.

We will be gathering spare change in the bottles in the classroom and hope to have enough coins gathered to spell out “Day for Change,” in our new hall. More information will follow.

CATERPILLAR UPDATE: Our caterpillars have transformed into chrysalis and are now hanging upside down in our net, ready for the big transformation.


Please bring in show costumes.

Summer Fair is on 3rd June. Please get in touch with Parent Council if you are able to help out at all.

Homework Due Friday 2nd:



Maths – New activities uploaded to Studyladder to work on at your discretion. We are now measuring length and capacity.


Primary 4 5.5.17

We hope you had a nice couple of days holiday this week. Although short, it has been a  very productive week here in Primary 4. We have been busy writing letters to pen friends in France telling them all about us. These will travel with the teachers visiting France as part of our Erasmus project and they will bring some back for us. We were very impressed with their English  when we read their letters to us and now have a target to be able to write a letter in French to them by the end of Primary 4.

We have been learning all about time in Maths and have used timetables. We were able to think of lots of occasions in life where we would need these skills. We worked out the duration of programmes and transferred digital times into analogue and back again. We will move on to doing measure next week and hopefully will get outside now that the weather is nicer.

We hope also next Thursday to go on a mini-beast hunt in groups. If there are any parents who would be willing and free to come on our mini-beast hunt as a helper at 1:30pm, please call the office to arrange.

We are in the midst of writing a story in the style of the Famous Five books in order to enter a competition. The competition involves using ‘Sway’ on Microsoft to produce their story in an interactive way. The children wrote their openers this week and attempted to hook the reader into their story through use of exciting vocabulary and ideas. Watch this space! We have some budding authors in our midst.


Monday – Indoor PE Kit

Tuesday – Outdoor PE Kit

Thursday – suitable outdoor wear and footwear for going to the woods.




Maths if appropriate (new measure activities added)


week beginning 17.4.17

Welcome back to the Primary 4 blog!

We hope you have all had a lovely holiday and are looking forward to our final term of Primary 4.

This term our topic will be mini-beasts and our community. We will be learning about vertebrates, invertebrates, food chains, insects and lots more. We will be studying a wormery and also be observing the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.

In language we will be focusing on the writing of Enid Blyton. This year celebrates her 75th anniversary so we shall be looking at her style of writing, her characters and how she develops her stories to keep the reader’s interest. We will be creating our own famous five novels throughout the term. If you have any of her Famous Five books that you would be happy to lend us, please send them in.

We are keen for parents / carers to hear children reading aloud when completing reading homework. Children will come home with a reading book within the next week. This will be given alongside a letter with the assigned pages for each week and some ideas for discussions and questions to ask your child during and after reading.

This term is very exciting as it is also the term where we will prepare and perform a show along with the Primary 5s. There are lots of different roles in the show like acting, singing, dancing, instruments and sound effects. Please keep an eye out for any lines or costumes that your child has to prepare for.

We are happy to see you all back from your holidays and hope you are excited to start all these new topics!

The Primary 4 teachers


homework this term will be spelling, reading and optional maths activities (these will not be sent weekly and instead be completed online using a username and password. These will be sent home next week). Also your child may or may not have lines to learn for the assembly.

Indoor P.E is on Monday

outdoor P.E is Tuesday

please ensure all clothing is named

Multisport festival is on the 28.4.17 – please look out for letter

Primary 4 10.3.17

In P4S last week we used our knowledge of fractions to play fun games online. We have enjoyed learning about fractions and in our number talks, we are becoming more confident in explaining our strategies.

We have been busy practising for our Scotland assembly. We have songs, acting, poems, power points, dancing and history included.  Our assembly is on Friday 17th at 11.30 in our brand new hall. We hope to see you there.

It was our last week with the students from West Lothian College teaching us a variety of skills in P.E. We want to say a big thank you for their time and input.

We learned about Burke and Hare in our topic time. We learned about medical instruments used by  people during this time. We also learned a poem:

Burke and Hare they were a pair

Killed a wife and didnae care

Then they put her in a box

and sent her off to Dr. Knox

Burke’s the butcher, Hare’s the thief

Knox the boy who buys the beef.



Outdoor PE – Tuesday

Red noses on sale all week £1

Remember to learn song words and script words

Friday – Assembly at 11.30 for parents

Thursday 23rd – Earth hour – come to school in bright clothes, glow sticks on sale.

Friday 24th – Comic relief – dress up as a red nose or wear red, black and white. (more info to follow)




Reading plus a task

Learning words for class assembly

Primary 4 week beginning 6.3.17

This week we enjoyed World Book Day. We were excited to share our favourite stories and pair read with the Primary 2’s.

This week we are beginning to practise our assembly for parents and carers. We are going to have lots of different roles in the assembly and we hope to see you there. Please keep a look out for any lines your child may have and help them to learn them. The parent assembly is on the 17th March. More information to follow nearer the time.

We are also beginning to focus our learning on Edinburgh in our Scotland topic and will be learning about some of Edinburgh’s most infamous characters. In reading we will be continuing to learn about the features of non-fiction texts and using the information to answer questions.

In ICT we will be continuing to create our own comics using the Comic Life software. This will involve a variety of ICT skills including use of the web cam to capture images of ourselves acting, following our story lines. We will include some of these in the blog in a few weeks when these are finished.

A date for your diaries is Fri 24th March, where we will be dressing in bright coloured clothes for Earth Hour.


Spring Disco – Thursday 9th March

Earth hour 24th March – bright clothes

PE Kit – Tuesday and Wednesday indoor for P4S

Tuesday indoor and Wednesday Outdoor for P4D



Due Friday 10th:

Maths homework

Reading – one chapter and an activity

Spelling as normal

Learn assembly songs and words

Class talk if it is your turn

Primary 4 week beg 27.2.17

Welcome back to the Primary 4 blog!

We have had a very busy week with lots of visitors to the classrooms. The children were super at sharing their learning, giving tours and taking part in discussion groups.

We have been continuing with our Scotland topic. Using our topic mind maps the children chose questions to research in more depth. They have been working in groups to become experts and will teach the other children about what they have learned.

We were also very lucky to have a visitor from Morrison’s, she brought in traditional foods from Scotland for us to taste and find out where they were produced.


In P.E this week our children took part in a Wimbeldon Tennis tournament. The children all had different roles and jobs to take on during the tournament.The children really enjoyed showing off their tennis skills!

Next week is world book day! This is on Thursday. The children will be taking part in a variety of reading tasks then. They will also be pairing up with the Primary 2’s to do some shared reading.


Please bring in your favourite book and a cushion on Thursday for world book day!
Spring disco letters

Class talks

P.E kits:
Tuesday and Wednesday

Primary 4 week beginning 20.2.17

Welcome back after our short February break. We hope you a had a lovely time.

We would like to thank all the parents and carers who attended parents evening. We would like to remind anyone who could not make it to feel free to make an appointment at another time that is more convenient.

This week we have started to look more closely at the features of non-fiction texts. We will be continuing to learn about them and use them in various lessons across the curriculum. If you have access to any books at home, please ask your child to teach you about their features.

We have continued to learn about electricity in science and have been experimenting with conductors and insulators this week. Next week we will be planning to build our own homes with working circuits in them.

Next week we will also be learning about comic life in I.C.T. We are hoping eventually, to create our own comics we made when we were learning about D.C Thompson and Dundee using the Comic Life software.

We are looking forward to having lots of visitors in our school next week and showing them all of our hard work.

Reminders for 20.2.17

Homework –
Maths sheet
class talks (if applicable)

P.E Kit
P4S – Tuesday and Wednesday
P4D – Wednesday and Friday this week

please ensure your child has a label on all items of clothing.

Thank you for your continued support, Miss Donaldson and Miss Smith.

Primary 4 3.2.17

This week we have been working hard in our assessment jotters to show our abilities across the curriculum.  These will be in pupil trays  this week at Parents’ Evening, and hopefully you will be able to see the progress your child has made between October and January.

We have started to look at electricity in Science. We are looking forward to building our own circuits and making different components work using batteries and wires. This week, we began by looking at electrical safety. The children’s knowledge on this was good and we had an excellent discussion. One thing we need to investigate is how birds can touch electricity wires without being electrocuted.

Next Monday, you will see your child’s spelling words and format changing. Children will still receive spelling words to be studied at home, however these will be based on a different sound each week.

This sound should be learned, and words should be written out across the page in look, cover, write and check format as normal. Activities will be expected to be completed alongside twice a week. This will show the children’s ability to transfer their understanding of the words, and knowledge of the spelling rule.

As of next Tuesday for four weeks, P4S will have another session of indoor PE on a Tuesday. Please ensure children have kit on this day. Reminders will  be written in homework jotters.


Parents’ Evenings take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. Both primary 4 classes currently have student teachers. The student teachers will be in the room during the parent consultations in order to learn from them. If this is an issue, please do not hesitate to make us aware beforehand by contacting the office.

Tuesday 7th – Indoor PE kit P4S

Wednesday 8th – Indoor PE kit both classes

Thursday 9th – Outdoor PE kit P4D

Dress Down Day run by P.S.A – Please come dressed in love hearts, pink or red, or even just your best                              outfit on Thursday and bring 50 pence as a donation. All money raised will go towards providing                                      resources for the school.

Friday 10th – Holiday


Homework due Thursday:

Children with their class talk information sheets due this day.

Spelling homework.

Reading homework plus one activity.

Primary 4 27.1.17

Well done to all children who made a great effort with learning their Burn’s poem. The poems this year were very difficult as we are now competing in a Burn’s competition.  We had two overall winners from P4, well done to Ryan McKie and Joe Johnstone. A super effort, however, was shown by all participants. Thank you for your hard work!

We have been looking at the work of Glaswegian artist, Charles Rennie MacIntosh, and the children have impressively recreated his famous rose smbol.


We have started our Health topic on how to look after our body through sensible food choices, and drawing attention to the energy we receive from the foods we eat. The pupils have found this extremely interesting and prepared a healthy snack using their knowledge.


Next week is Assessment Week, whereby all of our work will be completed in one jotter to give a snapshot of our capabilities across the curriculum. This will be in the trays for you to have a look at during Parent’s night.

Please remember to book appointments for Parent’s night via the online system.

We have had instances lately whereby pupils have taken home clothing in error. Please ensure children’s names are on clothing for PE and for school in general.

Could you look at home for a pair of blue joggers which have the child’s name on them. Also a pair of black 9-10 or 11-12 joggers from George and Age 9 white T-shirt from Tu at Sainsbury’s. 


Wednesday: Indoor PE kit.

Thursday: Outdoor PE kit.

Friday: Class talks for those who have been given the guidance sheet.

Spelling as normal.

Reading – 1 chapter plus chosen activity.

Maths – Activity for both classes.

Primary 4 week beginning 16.1.17

Hello welcome to the Primary 4 blog,

We have started our Scotland topic and have been working hard using online maps and Atlases to become more familiar with the United Kingdom. We have also focused on major cities with Scotland and are becoming more confident with our place within Scotland.
This week we will begin to focus on the cities and their features. We will also be researching Charles Rennie MackIntosh and will begin to create our own artwork inspired by this famous artist.

On Monday the 16th Google Expeditions will be taking place across the whole school. We will be exploring the day in the life of a mini-beast, as mini-beasts is one of our topics this year.

On Thursday all children will be performing their Burn Poems. Children do not have to put themselves forward for the competition however, they must still learn their poem as it is part of our curriculum.


P.E kits on Wednesday (Indoor) and Thursday (outdoor)
Reading – pages + 1 task from the homework sheet
Burns Poem – Must be learned for Thursday
Ms Fox has requested that children bring cereal boxes for art on Wednesday

Due to Poems and class talks maths homework will not be this week. It will resume in the following week.

Thank you for visiting our blog,
The Primary 4 teachers

Primary 4 16.12.16

We hope you all enjoy the holidays as next Wednesday is our last day of school. We have been hard at work right up until the end of the term, working on our Erasmus project, learning about Scottish Folk Tales. We created water colour paintings of the setting, summarised the story and created collages of the characters. We also looked at Scottish words and wrote definitions for each.

We enjoyed the Panto yesterday, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The scenery and costumes were amazing, as well as the acting! It got us onto the festive spirit.

Next week we will continue our Health topics, road safety and alcohol awareness. We will do a few winter crafts and activities and have the church on Wednesday afternoon also, so if you wish to bring money for the collection, please do.

We will also be making sure we are ‘winter ready’. If you have not yet looked at the blog explaining how to access activities should there be a snow day, make sure you do. Children will be taught how to access this next week in class.

Thank you for all of your support in the last two terms.

Have a fantastic Christmas and see you all in the new year.

Happy Holidays!

Miss Smith and Miss Donaldson 🙂

Primary 4 week beginning 21.11.16

This week we have been very busy with our Enterprise topic. The children have started to focus on job roles within a business, they have even written job application forms for the roles they would like to do. We have also been using the computers to research what we will need to create our product and have been discussing the best products to use.

The Christmas Fair is fast approaching so we have started our Christmas crafts which will be displayed in the hall on the night. The fair is on Friday 2nd December and we would love to see you all there.

As we did not have P.E this week we will be having an extra session next week on Wednesday so please provide P.E kit for Wednesday and Thursday, thank you.

It has been a very cold week and children have needed gloves, scarfs and hats. To ensure that these don’t get lost or misplaced it would be very helpful if on the labels they could be named.

Next week we are excited that we will be able to go and watch the dress rehearsal for the P2/3 Nativity show. Please wrap up warm as we will be walking to the church.

P.E kit on Wednesday and Thursday

Spelling as normal
Maths sheets – both classes
Reading (please see homework diaries or homework grid on previous blog)

We hope to see you at the Fair! Thank you for your continued support,
The Primary 4 teachers

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