Primary 2 4.11.19

Primary 2 are well under way with their new topic: People Who Help Us! Last week we were learning about the role of a Police Officer and how they help and support the local community. This week we are learning about Paramedics. We are very excited about a Paramedic coming to visit our classes to talk to the children, and hopefully they will be able to bring an ambulance to school so the children can see what it is like inside. We are going to think of some very interesting questions to ask our paramedic too!

We have started learning some of the songs for our Nativity this year! Primary 2 will be partnering up with Primary 3 to put on quite a show! Parts, words and song words will be issued in the next couple of week so please look out for these.

New homework activities are being issued today. Thank you so much to all the boys and girls who managed to complete their homework activities and share them with the class. Some of the work and effort has been fantastic! There has been some activities been set on Education City for the children too. Usernames and Passwords were handed out at the beginning of the year.

Primary 7 are coming round with poppies this week for a small donation and Primary 5 will be selling Children in Need merchandise soon.

P.E days- Indoor Tuesday, Outdoor Thursday (Well done to the boys and girls who remember their kit regularly.)

Any questions, feel free to contact one of us,

Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle and Mrs Oliver


Primary 4 1.11.18

Hello everyone

Primary 4 have had an extremely busy but very fun week! On Monday we were visited by some very important people – two vikings! They wore traditional Viking clothes and spoke to us in a language Vikings use called Norse. The children were able to learn some new words and were even beginning to understand instructions in Norse! The Vikings taught us all about special traditions, burials, clothes, food, weapons and even dancing! What a fantastic learning experience! Thank you Vikings 🙂

On Wednesday we attended a sports event at Craigswood Sports Centre with other Primary 4 children from our cluster. The children competed in the handball festival with great enthusiasm showing great skill and sportsmanship. Thank you to Mrs Ferguson for working with the children to improve their skills. Well done Primary 4!

This week in writing the children wrote a spooky story all about Halloween. They worked very hard to focus on our 3 core targets whilst writing – using full stops and capital letters, spelling all common words correctly and using a variety of connectives. We will finish these stories next week and we cannot wait to read the finished articles!

On Monday your child received a reading book home and a new homework sheet inside their spelling jotter. Each week your child will have pages to read in their new book. They will have a full week to read these pages (from Monday to the following Monday). Spelling homework will continue as before and maths homework will be given each week. This may be in the form of a worksheet but also could be a practical activity/Studyladder game. Thank you for all your support with homework.

Last Thursday’s Halloween disco was a huge success! It was terrific seeing all the children dressed up and having a fantastic time! Thank you to the PSA for organising such a well planned and fun event! And well done too to Zara and Sophie for winning the costume competition!

Reminders –
Spelling – due Friday
Maths worksheet – due Friday
Reading pages – By next Monday
PE days – Outdoor: Tuesday Indoor: Thursday

Primary 7 are selling poppies in the run up to Remembrance Day. If you wish your child to buy one then Primary 7 are asking for a donation of at least 50p but preferably £1. Thank you for your support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 2 30.10.18

Primary 2 loved the Halloween Party! All the costumes were fantastic!

Homework is due on Thursday, please remember to sign off any homework activities which were completed. We will share our work with our peers on Thursday morning. Remember to keep doing reading regularly.

We are learning to add mentally in maths this week. We are hoping to use the counting on strategy to help us add big numbers.

In writing we will be writing a story about our Halloween activities- treat or treat, sweeties, parties etc. We are hoping to use a variety of adjectives to help make our stories come to life.

We are kicking off our new topic with learning about Firefighters. We have been investigating the purpose of the firefighters uniform and helmet. Children have also been looking at and describing fire engines. We are hoping for a visit from our local firefighters soon.

Primary 7 are selling Poppies for Remembrance Day. They would appreciate a donation of £1.

P.E kits and water bottles!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 3 26.10.18

Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic October break.

This week Primary three finished our weather topic and said goodbye to Summer Winter who had been with us since our first few weeks in Primary three. We helped her learn along with us in lots of the learning opportunities provided from our topic. We spend a little time this week  designing and deciding on our new topic, “Inclusion,” and the children have thought of questions they would like answered throughout their learning.

The Halloween party was a huge success and the outfits this year were amazing. The hard work and effort taken to produce the costumes and make-up was clear for all to see and the children had a ball!

We will begin learning songs for our Nativity soon and auditioning for parts.

This week Poppies will be on sale. We ask that a donation of at least 50p is given should your child wish a poppy.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Smith, Mrs Smith and Ms Matheson.

Primary 7 3.11.17

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Primary 7 blog.

We have had a fun filled week in P7 this week. On Monday Michelle came to visit us from WLDAS (West Lothian Drug & Alcohol Service). She spoke to both classes about smoking. The children learned how many chemicals are in cigarettes (over 4000!) and they also discussed the impact that smoking can have on our bodies and also on other areas of our lives. However, the children are aware that it is very difficult to stop smoking. In order to experience what it might be like to give up smoking the children have all been asked to give up something that they do frequently and replace it with a healthy alternative. Some of the habits that the children have given up include sweets, playing the Xbox, watching TV and drinking fizzy juice. The children have replaced these habits with a variety of alternatives this week including eating more fruit and vegetables, playing with their siblings and going outside to play. Miss Clark is even giving up chocolate for the week (which is proving very difficult!) Well done Primary 7 for all of your hard work and dedication! We are really impressed at your ability to resist even when it’s difficult.

This week we also handed out speaking parts for our P7 Remembrance Assembly. The children have also been given song lyrics to learn for next week. Any support you could give your child in learning these would be greatly appreciated. The children have taken control of the assembly and have created a PowerPoint, quiz and art work. The children are also selling poppies around the school for a donation of 50p-£1. Thank you for all your hard work. Please note – this is a school only assembly.

The children have now been allocated their Enterprise groups after applying for one of five different jobs (manager, materials manager, finance expert, quality control and human resources). They have been working really well in their groups to decide on which product or game they would like to create for others to buy/play at the Christmas Fair on Friday 1st December. Each group then created a purchase list and calculated their required spending and projected profit. The children had to shop around on different websites to find the best deals. They then wrote to Miss Millar to ask for the required funds in order to begin to buy, make and sell their products and games. Thankfully we received word this week through letters to each group that Miss Millar is funding each groups project! Soon the children will have all of the products and materials they need in order to create their products and games.

Some reminders
Outdoor PE – Monday (As we are going outside each week can you please ensure that your child comes prepared with appropriate outdoor shoes to take part in all activities. They will also need a warm, waterproof jacket).
Indoor PE – Wednesday (Mrs Ferguson is working on gymnastics with the children and it is therefore vitally important that all children wear PE kit in order to take part in all activities).

Beginning next week (Monday 13th November) the children in Miss Clark’s class will be taking part in swimming lessons at DCHS for 4 weeks. It is very important that the children come prepared with a swimming kit, towel and full change of clothing (school uniform) each Monday. A letter will be sent home to remind children of this. Mrs Macaulay’s class will take part in swimming lessons later on in the year.

Thank you, as always, for your help and support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

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