Primary 2/1 27th August 2020

We have had a very busy week in Primary 2/1 this week.  In Maths the Primary Ones have been working on numbers to 10.  We have been mainly focusing on the correct way to form numbers 0,1 and 2.  We have also been counting together, challenging ourselves to see how far we can go! The Primary Twos have been working hard on some consolidation of addition.  We have been using cubes and number lines to add numbers to 20.

In Language the Primary Ones have been working a little on rhyme.  This is something that you can work on with them at home, asking them if they can think of something that rhymes with cat/bug/pen etc.  We would also encourage you to read rhyming stories together and discuss the words that rhyme.  The Primary Twos have been consolidation blending 4 letter words.  Again this is something that the children can be trying at home, encourage them to try and hear 4 sounds in a word e.g. slug, nest etc.

We have also started our work on SHANARRI in class this week. We have been focusing on SAFE and HEALTHY before moving on to ACTIVE, NURTURE, ACHIEVE and RESPECT next week.  We have been sorting safe and unsafe activities and looking at what foods are healthy and unhealthy.

We would like to remind you to send your child with a bottle with water in it each day, please no juice or flavoured water.  Gym days are Tuesday and Wednesday where children can come to school in their gym kit, which should be suitable for outdoors.

Thank you for your continued support this year so far, if there is anything you should wish to discuss, please telephone the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you again,

Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel

Primary One 13th September 2019

We have had another busy week in Primary One, continuing to learn the routines of the classroom and bringing ideas to our play areas.  We have been looking at healthy eating this week, starting by sorting foods into healthy and unhealthy.  In the areas around the classroom we have been coming up with fab ideas about how we can incorporate learning about healthy and unhealthy foods in our play.  In the writing areas we have been busy coming up with healthy menus and lists of foods that we like.  In the house corner we have been role playing preparing healthy foods, including some delicious sounding smoothies!  We have also been printing with apples and potatoes and have even opening our own fruit tuck shop.

In language this week we have been focusing on ‘s’ and ‘i’.  At home you can consolidate what we have been learning by looking out for these sounds when you are out and about and thinking of things that have these sounds in them.  Children can also have a go at writing these sounds.

In maths we have been looking at numbers 0-5 and counting forwards and backwards to 20, starting at different numbers.  This is something you could be practising at home or children can be challenged by going further than 20.

Reminders for next week-

Mon/Tues- Holiday

Homework will begin week beginning 23rd of September.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch by speaking to your child’s teacher at the end of the day or contact the school office.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Mrs Steel

Primary 5 28.9.18

This week Primary 5 have been learning mapping skills.  We have been looking at keys and how to draw maps from a birds eye view.  We have started looking at maps of Great Britain to record key facts like mountains, rivers and captial cities.


In maths we have been looking at place value and numbers within 99 999.

In Language this week we have looked at character descriptions based on the Spiderwick Chronicles.  We have been looking at vocabulary, recording adjectives and have written our own character description of the Boggart for our writing display.

In PE we have started learning badminton skills.

Our homework this week is:

Spelling – Look,Cover, Write and Check and 2 other activities from the list.

Continue with Big Homework models.

Maths – Practise times tables.  You can  use

Continue reading novels.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies


Primary 4 20.9.18

Hello everyone

We have had a short but busy week so far in Primary 4! Yesterday we continued learning about Vikings. We learned about how long ships were constructed and the materials that Vikings used to make them. We also learned why it was important that they were so long and narrow. Ask your child if they can tell you why! 🙂 We then continued working on our Viking display by painting a long ship which the Vikings we painted will fit inside. We can’t wait to see this display come together 🙂

We have been revising the importance of using capital letters and full stops correctly. The children identified special words that we know that require a capital letter (proper nouns). Ask your child if they can tell you about any of these special words 🙂

We are beginning to learn about the festival of Harvest. We will be exploring how different countries celebrate Harvest and we will show our learning through creating and performing a Harvest Assembly on Friday 5th October. Please look out for any lines/song words in your child’s homework diary that they may need to learn for the assembly. Please note that this assembly is a school only assembly. There will be another opportunity later on in the year for you to attend your child’s assembly.

Last week we began working with NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) on music and singing. The children will have a 45 minute session each week until Christmas. This is a great opportunity for the children to learn more about tone, pitch, rhythm and much more!

Homework will resume again as normal next week.
Spelling & maths homework due for Friday.
Reading homework – 10 pages to be read each week and to be recorded on spelling sheet.
PE days – Outdoor PE: Tuesday
Indoor PE: Thursday

Thank you for your support.
Enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

P2/1 10th May 2018

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and the lovely sunny weather!

We are all glad to be back together in class and are getting on with our new topic ‘The Seaside’.  We have been learning all about what the seaside was like a long time ago, what people wore and the entertainment they had.  We have learned about Punch and Judy shows and are starting to make our own puppets to play with in the classroom.

In Maths we have started work on time.  The P1 children are looking at o’clock and half past and the P2 children will be doing work on quarter past and quarter to.  This is something that you can be discussing lots at home to see how well the children are remembering what they have learned.

In Language this week we have been looking at alphabetical order and dictionary work.  The P1 children have been sorting words into alphabetical order and the P2 children have been finding words in a simple dictionary.

Homework will resume next week as normal.

Quick reminder that PE is on Thursday with Mrs Ferguson and PE kit is required then.  We will also be doing outdoor PE on Monday.

Thank you for your support

Mrs Steel

P2/1 17.4.18

This week we have been continuing to work on our assembly.  We have been trying really hard to learn our words-  please keep continuing to learn lines at home and encourage loud clear voices! If possible could children come to school with something tartan on Tuesday 24th as the theme of our assembly is Katie Morag and Scotland?

In Language this week the P1s are looking at wh words and the P2s are doing e_e words.  The children are enjoying looking out for these words in their books and in text they see around the classroom.

In Maths the P1s are beginning to add 3 numbers together and will be building on this to make numbers over the 10 boundary. The P2s are beginning to look at groups of numbers using arrays and numbers line.

Reminders for the coming week

Wednesday- Art with Ms Fox

Thursday- Gym with Mrs Ferguson

Tuesday 24th- Parent assembly, wear something tartan.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Steel

Primary 2/1 Snow Day

Good morning  everyone! I hope you are having a good morning and staying cosy and warm!

Mr Shanks posted some great activity booklets at the beginning of the term in the event of a snow day, go and have a look at the P1_2 section of the post for some fun things to do.

Here are some more things you can do today on your unexpected day off:

  1. Build a snowman, measure it to see how tall it is.  Can you make one that is the same height as you?
  2. Make a spelling word poster- use the words from your spelling homework book (P1-th words/P2- o_e words) and write them in different colours or in bubble writing.  Decorate your poster and bring it into school to put on the wall.
  3. P1- Have a go at finding all the addition and subtraction facts up to 10.  See if an adult can test you on some addition and subtraction facts.
  4. P2- Have a go at making some addition and subtraction fact sums to 20.  See if you can remember all the double number facts we have been working on in class.  You could even sing our double number song to someone at home.  The link for the song is at the end of this post.
  5. Draw or paint a snowy picture-bring it to school to show the rest of the class.
  6. Write a story about a snowy day- see if you can include some WOW words in your writing.
  7. Tell an adult 4 things you have learned so far about Katie Morag and the Isle of Struay.  Make a poster for our Post Office and Shop role play area showing what the shop sells and how much it costs.
  8. Warm up after playing in the snow with a warm drink and a book-read your homework books to an adult.
  9. Have a go at some of the games that I have given the links for below.
  10. Have a fun day and stay safe!

Mrs Steel

Hit the button- P1s you can try the number bonds section, P2s try the doubles section!

Money shop game-

P2 Double number song-P1s can have a listen too!

P2/1 7th February 2018

Both the P1s and P2s have been working very hard with subtraction in the past few weeks.  The P1s have been learning subtraction facts to 10 and the P2s have been doing missing number subtraction facts.  We have been able to discuss lots of different strategies to complete these sums and have been using 10 frames and number lines to help us.

In language the P1s have been consolidating all the initial sounds and will be moving onto consonant blends-sh, th, ch etc.

The children are really enjoying their Katie Morag topic and we now have our Struay Post Office and Shop open for business!

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Steel

P2/1 15th November 2017

This week we have been continuing work on addition with both the P1s and the P2s. The P1s have been learning about how to make numbers by adding 2 numbers together and we are moving on to using 10 frames to help us add. The P2s have been discovering strategies to find a missing number in an addition sum. We have been learning lots of new Maths games- some of these you could have a go at at home so ask your child about what they have been doing!

In Language we have been doing writing related to our topic, ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark’ and focusing on interesting vocabulary. The children are being encouraged to included a WOW word in their story and we have come up with some fab words.

This week we will be fundraising for Children In Need. The P5s have been coming to sell wristbands and colouring in sheets to the boys and girls which they have loved. The children can also wear pyjamas to school on Friday and they are asked to bring a donation of 50p for this.

Please remember that you and your child are invited to join us in school on 22nd November (P2) or 23rd November (P1)for our Read Write Count evening. You will find out some information about this initiative, get a chance to chat to me about ideas for story time at home and get your child’s Read Write Count bag to take home. They have some lovely gifts inside and it would be lovely to see as many people as possible at this event.
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Steel

Primary 7 14.9.17

Hello everyone. This week Primary 7 were visited by Yoko and Jess, visitors from the Japanese Consulate. They taught us about the Japanese language. They taught us how to say hello, good afternoon, good morning and numbers up to four in Japanese. They also showed us how to make origami Sumo wrestlers.

Here are some words we learned: Kon’nichiwa (hello/good afternoon), Ohayōgozaimasu (good morning), Arigatō (thank you), Sensei Clark (Sensei means teacher) and the numbers 1-4 (1) Ichi (2) Ni (3) San (4) Shi.

In Art we are making these Japanese Tea Cups with clay. We have also learned what it’s like to be in a Japanese classroom. Thank you Sensei Fox.

As part of our topic we are learning about Global Trade and what type of things you can export from your country. e.g. clothes, games, cars, food, electronics etc. We were teaching others about what trade was like in the Stone Age, the 17th century and now in the 21st century.

In Reading P7C have been reading our new book called “Oranges in no man’s land”. So far it has been a really good book. We answered questions on the 3rd chapter and discussed it with our teacher.

Primary 7 have been really caring buddies. On Tuesday we were reading books with our buddies and we had some playtime with them.

Have a great weekend!
Logan, Patrick, Imane, Nicole and Avinash 🙂

Primary Five 13.1.17

This week we have been doing some dictionary and thesaurus work in language along with the start of some note-taking activities.  This is in preparation for us starting some non-fiction work based on The Scottish Wars of Independence.

We have looked at our Topic and the children have had a chance to talk about what they know and what they would like to find out.  We are really looking forward to starting this topic next week!

To start the Topic we will be looking at timelines and children have been sent home with a little bit of homework this weekend to discuss the ‘Timeline of their life’.  We would be grateful if you could talk to your children (and make some notes if you like) about the main things that have happened in their lives so they can place them on a timeline.  This is to help them understand the concept of a timeline as things that have happened in the past.

The children have all now got a Scottish poem to learn to present to the class.  The children are all really excited about this and we would be grateful if you could keep practising these at home.

Things to remember for next week-

Monday- Spelling and Reading homework

Tues/Wed- Maths homework

Thurs- Indoor gym kit

Fri- no outdoor gym due to Burn’s Assembly

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Steel and Mr Grieg

Primary Five 15th September 2016

This week we have started work on our United Kingdom topic.  We  discussed the things that we would like to find out about the UK and the kind of activities the children would like to include alongside the activities already planned.   We have started working on a challenge about the map of the UK finding out about major cities, towns, mountains, rivers etc.  We hope to have these finished next week for display in the classroom.  Watch out for a BIG HOMEWORK coming soon!

In Language we have been redrafting our ‘Magic Whistle’ stories that we have been writing.  We have had great fun coming up with ideas for how we could use these to help people in trouble.

Mr Greig’s Maths group have been doing some revision this week while Mrs Steel’s group have been looking at Data Handling.

In Health we have been looking at the exercise we like and how it makes us feel after.

Reminders for next week:


Thursday/Friday-PE kits

Primary Five 29th April 2016

In Maths this week Mrs Jamieson’s group have been working with fractions and Mrs Steel’s group have been dividing.

In Language we have started to look at the poetry of Grace Nicholls and write our poems based on what we have read.  The children have come up with some excellent ideas and have written some lovely poems.

In Health we have started working on our Drug Education topic and this week we have been looking at smoking and how this affects our health.

The school show rehearsals are continuing and we would remind the children who have parts to keep learning their words as we will soon be expecting them to practise without scripts.

Next Wednesday all the P5s will be taking part in their swimming assessment at Deans High School.  Please remember to send swimming kit with your child on Wednesday.  Swimming suits and shorts/trunks only please.

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Steel

Primary Five 22nd April 2016

This week we continued our rehearsals for the School Show.  The songs are really coming on and the actors are doing a great job so far.  Please remind your child to learn lines if they have a part as we will be focussing on stage directions in class.

In Language we have been looking at the poems of Grace Nicholls.  We have been reading her poetry, discussing the type of language she uses and talking about the things we like about her poems.  We have also had a go at writing our own poems based on her poem ‘Morning’.

This term in French we will be learning vocabulary that we use in a cafe.  This week we looked at French words for different drinks.

In PE this week we started our new topics- Athletics and Mini Golf.  We are lucky to have two PE students in this term to help us out.

Please remember gyms kits-Indoor kit on Tuesday and outdoor kit on a Friday.

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Steel

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