Primary 6 22.9.17

Having discussed how difficult life was for working class children in the Victorian era, our pupils have decided that doing their chores and completing homework are not that bad after all! One pupil described feeling very lucky and this seemed to be the general consensus throughout primary six ………….perhaps we should increase chores and homework!!

We have been exploring all aspects of Victorian working conditions, particularly focusing on child labour. The pupils have been analysing different sources of information from this time period and discussing which improvements in working laws genuinely helped protect children from such harsh conditions.

The children have been working hard practising for the cross country event and those who have decided not to take part will be attending the event acting as our roaming sports reporters.

Invention ideas are starting to fly around our classrooms, remember the inventor challenge homework is due on Friday 6th October.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays
Spelling- due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.
Maths- if no sheet from teacher please practice times tables and number bonds to 1000

Best Regards,
Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Tully, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 11.9.17

As Scottish maths week draws to a close it has inspired Primary Six even further in their quest to develop and use their math skills! We have completed some challenging problem solving exercises this week and the pupils have enjoyed sharing their strategies with each other.
Mathematics is a prerequisite for many careers in today’s global economy but it is also an essential life skill. We encourage you to bring maths in to as many home life tasks as you can. The following list provides links to websites and activities which can help with mathematical learning;

Remember the pupils have been shown various maths games and routines that they can practise at home.

Creativity was palpable in our classrooms this week as the pupils in the midst of creating a contrasting landscape depicting the transformation from an agricultural land to one of industry. Discussions, ideas and artistic flair were in full motion! Our next steps with regards to our topic will be researching inventors and exploring their impact. The pupils have been given an inventor challenge as homework. We will be discussing how to tackle this assignment in more depth next week in class. The completed inventions are due on Friday 6th of October.

Holiday- Monday and Tuesday for pupils
PE – Indoor kit on Wednesday
Homework – spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

We hope you all have a lovely September weekend.
Best Regards,
Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Tully, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 8.9.17

Yet another busy week in Primary 6, classroom routines are already well established and timetables are underway.

We sent home fact families maths sheets this week. Please keep these at home and use them as a guide to practise times tables and the relationship between multiplication and division. We have shown the pupils a variety of times tables songs available on You Tube. We encourage the pupils to use these at home but strictly with Parent permission!

Our topic this term is the Industrial Revolution and we introduced this to the boys and girls using a clip from the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony as it clearly depicts the change from an agricultural land to one of heavy industry. We are organising a trip to New Lanark and will send home details very soon.

Mr Bruce, one of our music specialists, will be giving the children the opportunity to audition for chanter lessons next week. If your child is interested please discuss this with them as it would mean time out of class if they begin lessons and a lot of practice at home.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays. PLEASE ensure children have suitable footwear especially for outdoors.
Spelling – due on a Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.
Photographer- Tuesday-Individual photos
Wednesday- Family photos

Thank you for your continued support.
Best Regards,

Mrs Gilmour , Mrs Tully , Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 07.10.16


Thank you to all the children who handed in very creative and well thought out inventions to school today.  We can’t wait to look at them in closer detail! Our Inventions Showcase will be on Wednesday 12th October.  Parents and families are able to visit the P6 classrooms to view the inventions from 9:45-10:45am and 2:15-3:15pm.  Please enter and exit the school through the P4/5 entrance.

Parents’ nights are on Wednesday 12th (5-7:30pm) and Thursday 13th (4-6:30pm).  We look forward to seeing you all to discuss your child’s progress.

Please note that next week our Indoor PE day has changed for one week only. This week PE with Miss Inglis will be on Thursday.  Miss Clark’s class should not come to school dressed in their PE kit as they do on Wednesdays as our time for PE on Thursday is later in the day. Outdoor PE will be on Monday as normal.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 6 – 29.9.16

Hello everyone

We have just arrived home from a fantastic trip to New Lanark today. The children all represented Carmondean extremely well and thoroughly enjoyed the day’s activities. Please keep an eye on the School Ethos (posted to this blog weekly) to see some photographs from our trip. The children were treated to a guided tour of New Lanark, visited the historic school house and went on a ride exploring New Lanark’s past. We will explore what the children learned further next week through creating “Trip Advisor” style reviews of their experience!

This week both classes have been furthering their knowledge in maths. The children have been learning about 2D shape and place value in number lessons. Please ask your child about their knowledge at home. Homework is handed out weekly so please look out for this also.

Please remember that this term’s Big Homework is due in next Friday (7th October). The children are to design and create their own inventions that can assist, develop or aid people in the 21st century. The children will display their inventions at an “Inventions Showcase” the following week. Parents will also be invited and you will receive letters about this event shortly.

Dates for the diary

Wednesday 5th October – P6 Cross Country Event. All to attend. Children to bring packed lunch and warm comfortable clothing suitable for running outdoors in any weather.

Friday 7th October – Invention Homework due in.

Wednesday 12th October – Invention Showcase: Parents will be invited to one morning session or one afternoon session. A letter will follow with full details.

Parents night 1: 5:00-7:30pm

Thursday 13th October – Parents night 2: 4:00-6:30pm

Friday 14th October – October Holidays begin.

Thank you for all of your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 15.9.16

Hello everyone

Primary 6 have had a busy week learning more about the Industrial Revolution. The children learned about the move for many people from the countryside into cities and the problems that were created by cramped tenement housing. We then created our own “City Landscape” at the back of the Primary 6 classrooms which looks fantastic!

In writing this week the children created their own “magic box” and thought about all the magical and exciting things they could put into their box. The children then worked very hard to write fantastic poetry based on their boxes. Well done!

In ICT, Mr Shanks introduced both classes to software called “Kodu”. This software enables us to create our own simple computer games using some visual programming language. The children thoroughly enjoyed becoming familiar with this software; controlling their own characters and developing their own unique worlds. We look forward to learning more in the coming weeks.

You should receive a letter today about our trip to New Lanark.  We are planning on making this visit on Thursday 29th September.  The cost of this trip is £5.50 per child and should be returned to the school with a completed EE2 form as soon as possible. Children should come prepared with their own packed lunch as we are not expected to arrive back to school until around 2:30pm. If any parents with a full disclosure are able to help out with this trip then please let the office know as soon as possible. Thank you in advance!

A quick reminder that this weekend is a holiday weekend. The children should return to school on Wednesday prepared with PE kit and appropriate shoes for participating in Cross Country.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie.

Primary 6 09.09.16

Hello everyone!

We hope you’re having a lovely week. Primary 6 have had an extremely busy week working hard as always!

This week the children began working with our maths teacher on circles. The children learned about the different parts of a circle and now know the difference between the radius and the diameter. The children then used a compass to create their own circle patterns and now are using lots of different colours to decorate them. We think they will look great on our maths wall.

Also this week we wrote short descriptive passages based on “The Village” pictures we created last week. We were so impressed with the quality of the children’s work and their use of descriptive language – including similies!

In Health, we have begun learning about Internet Safety and the importance of staying safe online. Please ask your child about the safety strategies they have learned this week.

Please remember –
Spelling homework is due on a Friday.
Outdoor PE kit – Monday
Indoor PE kit – Wednesday

More information about reading and maths homework is to follow.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly.

Primary 6 – End of week 2

Hello everyone

Thank you to everyone who came to the Meet the Teacher event on Tuesday evening. It was lovely to meet you all.

On Monday we begin our normal timetable and homework schedule. PE will take place on a Monday (outdoor) and a Wednesday (indoor with Miss Inglis). Due to cross country training children may also participate in PE outdoors on a Wednesday too. Please remind your child to bring appropriate kit & footwear on these days so that they can take part in PE lessons fully.

Spelling homework will begin this week. We would like to ask that spelling jotters be covered in paper as soon as possible please. Both reading & maths homework will begin next week (wb. 12th September). Thank you for your support with this.

*Special note for Miss Clark’s class* – This week can you please bring into school your favourite fiction story book. We will begin work on your books in class next week. Thank you!

Last week we started our new topic “The Industrial Revolution”. The children have shared what they already know and what they want to learn through this topic. The children also listened carefully to a story about a small 19th century village and how it functioned before the impact of the Industrial Revolution. The children listened extremely carefully in order to draw their version of The Village based entirely on hearing the story. We can’t wait to display the children’s work in the classroom.

This week in maths we will begin work on place value and shape. Please ask your child what they have been learning.

Last week Mr Shanks came into our classes to use a new online discussion tool called spiral. This enabled the children to discuss answers to questions related to the Rio 2016 Olympics, type their own response into a netbook computer and have them all show up on the Smartboard! We were all very impressed by this use of technology. This week, Miss Clark & Mrs Wylie will attempt to use this technology too during our first lesson on Internet Safety – wish us luck!

Thank you for your support.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly.

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