Primary 2 28.11.18

Primary 2 will be performing their Scottish song in Friday’s assembly. Please continue to practise this at home.

We have been learning about the Ambulance Service, the roll of the Paramedic and First Aid kits. We are getting a visit next weekend from the Ambulance Service which we are looking forward to. We are hoping the Fire Brigade will be able to rearrange a visit soon.

We are well under way with our Nativity. We still have lots of work to do but the children are trying very hard.

Homework is due on Thursday- remember to put all activities into the “Share it” jotters.

Next week, both classes are receiving P.E with Mrs Ferguson on Wednesday.

We have the Panto on Monday which is very exciting and Christmas Lunch on Tuesday!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 4 15.11.18

Hello everyone

We have had a busy but interesting week in Primary 4.

In maths we have been learning how to answer subtraction questions using the written method. The children have been working hard to exchange when they do not have the number of ones required. We have also been practising quick recall of subtraction facts within 20. Please practise these facts with your child at home.

In writing we wrote scripts in groups of 3. We were telling imaginative stories about the Vikings we had created previously. The children worked very hard to incorporate stage directions into their scripts. They also used colons when introducing what a character was about to say. Next week the children will act out their scripts in front of an audience. We can’t wait to see the finished products!

We began exploring our new topic of Enterprise this week. The children discussed what they wanted to learn and how they want to learn. They also came up with some ideas for the name of our company and filled in job application forms for different roles within our business. We will be making reindeer sweetie bottles to sell to family and friends. The children are very excited and we’re sure that the finished products will be fabulous! 🙂

The Christmas Fair is on Friday 30th November from 6-8pm. Tickets are available from the school office or able to be purchased on the night.

Letters were sent out earlier this week for the school Christmas Lunch. This will take place on Tuesday 4th December. Children should order their lunch by next Wednesday or they will not be able to have a Christmas lunch on this day. If your child does not wish to have a Christmas lunch then they should bring a packed lunch to school on this day.

Reminders –

PE days: Thursday and Tuesday (outdoor)

Homework –
Spelling – LCWC x 2 and a spelling activity due on Friday
Maths – Subtraction sheet due Friday
Reading – see sheet in spelling homework jotters for pages. Due next Monday.

Thank you for your support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 1 Update 14.11.18

Hello Everyone,

This week in Maths we have been learning to recognise all coins up to £2. We have been talking about the colour and shape of the coins as well as any visible numbers on them. It would be great if you can support your child with this by letting them help to pay for shopping and discussing the coins.

On Thursday we are looking forward to hearing the children’s class talks about their favourite toy. In school we have discussed audience awareness e.g. eye contact and talking in a loud clear voice – please can you work on this at home also? The children will also use their knoweldge of sounds and words to write about their favourite toy this week.

We are well underway with our preparation for the Nativity – please can you continue to practise words with your child if they have been given them? Also the music for the songs is on the blog to allow the children to practise at home.

We have a busy week next week including a visiting Judo taster session and a visit from Library Services who will talk to the children about old toys and show them some examples.

In Health and Wellbeing this week, we had a visit from Mrs Macauley (who is currently on maternity leave from school) and her new baby. The children were very excited to meet her and learned all about what a new baby needs and how they are looked after.

The letters about school Christmas lunch have been issued and should be completed by Wednesday 21st November.

Children in Need – Friday 16th November

Dress down day on Friday 17th wear something spotty!

If you would like your child to dress down please give a minimum donation of 50p.

This week Primary 5 will be selling

  • Pudsey or Blush Ear hairbands costing £2.50,
  • Light in the dark keyrings costing £2.00
  • Glow in the Dark wristbands costing £1.00.
  • Pudsey or Blush Pin Badges costing £1.00.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers



Primary 7 02.12.16

Another busy week in Primary 7!

The children have been working hard on their Enterprise activities for the Christmas Fair. Hopefully you can come along to the Christmas fair tonight and see them in action!

In PE the children have been creating playground games for their buddies. Next week they will be teaching their buddies how to play these games.

Mr Anderson from DCHS had another practice with all the children and they are sounding fantastic! The children are getting excited about singing at the high school on Thursday 15th December.

P7 assisted in the smooth running of the Christmas lunch. They served the children from P1 to P6. Then the adults in the dining room served the P7s with their lunch.


Christmas Fair – Friday 2nd December at 6pm

PE days have changed to a Monday and Tuesday – please ensure that your child has kit on these days

Children should continue to bring in their My Life So Far folder on a Thursday


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour



Primary 3 28.11.16

Primary 3 have been working so hard in their Nativity. The boys and girls have been practising singing, dancing and their lines for the show. Thank you to everyone who has brought in their costume for the Nativity. We have our first dress rehearsal this Wednesday.

We are continuing with homework this week. Children have their weekly spelling and maths to complete. Please encourage your children to read their reading book regularly. New pages are set every Tuesday and Thursday.

In Maths the children have been mentally subtracting large numbers with the help of a hundred square. They have also been trying hard to learn their x2 x10 and x5 times tables. Children need to practise these regularly to help them retain what they have learned in class.

Primary 3 have their Christmas lunch this Thursday and we hope you can all make it to the Christmas Fair on Friday!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

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