Primary One Volcano!

Today we have been learning about volcanoes as part of our dinosaur topic.  Mrs Steel prepared a special experiment for us and we made our very own erupting volcano! We added washing up liquid, red food colouring and bicarbonate of soda together in a bottle that Mrs Steel had made to look like a volcano.  Then we added in vinegar and stood right back.  All of a sudden the volcano erupted and there was red lava everywhere! We had great fun with this and could maybe even try it again at home!

P1S Girls and Boys.

Primary One 31st January 2019

We have had another busy week in P1 exploring more of our dinosaur theme.  This week we have been learning about the Triceratops and have been discussing lots of facts about what it liked to eat and what it looked like.  We will be writing about this dinosaur tomorrow and adding to our Dinosaur fact files.

In Language and Maths this week we have been completing assessments of the children’s learning so far this year.  We will be able to share this information with you at parents night in February.

We are looking forward to hearing how the first Families Connect meeting goes this week- I am sure the children are really excited to take part in some fun activities.

We took part in our very first Critical Skills challenge yesterday which was great fun! We had to work with a partner to decide on six items that a paleontologist should take on an excavation with them.  The children then had to come and share with the class what they had chosen and justify their choice.  All the children did so well and had fantastic ideas about why they should bring certain things.  Well done everyone!


Please bring homework folders in each day as we sometimes get extra chances to read throughout the week.

Tuesday- PE (no kit needed)

-new reading book issued

– homework due

Wednesday- new homework issued

Thursday- PE with Mrs Ferguson (gym kit needed)

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver, Miss Pringle, Mrs Steel


Primary 1 21.1.19

It is another busy week in Primary 1!
Today, in maths, we had a lesson on the months of the year and 4 seasons. Each child made a 2019 calendar drawing a picture to show what happens in each season. We are hoping that they will be ready soon to take home! The rest of the week we will be focusing on finding half of a shape in our maths time. Maybe at home you could practise splitting things into 2 equal parts to give your child extra practice? We will continue to work on subtraction during the week and value any work you can do at home with this.
In phonics, we are consolidating our learning on all the sounds learnt so far. The children will be making and reading words and will practise writing the more tricky letters.
The interdisciplinary dinosaurs topic is now well under way. Each class has made a super dinosaur display in their classroom and many of the play activities around the classroom are dinosaur themed. This week we are focusing on the Pteradactyl. We will learn facts about it throughout the week and on Thursday will write in our dinosaur factfile.
This Friday is our Burn’s Day celebration. On Wednesday every Primary 1 will stand up in front of the class to recite their Scot’s poem. 2 children from each class will then be chosen to perform their poem in front of the whole school on Friday. Please continue to practise the poem at home ensuring that your child speaks loudly and clearly and uses some actions.
PE is on a Thursday morning this term. Please remember to pack a PE kit for this. It would be helpful if the clothes are all named and if you could dress your child in clothes which they can take off and put on independently.
Homework is due in on Tuesdays and will be reissued on Wednesday. Reading books should be in school everyday so that we can read with your child.
Thank you for your continued support
The P1 teachers.

Primary One 8th January 2019

Welcome back and a Happy New Year to you all.  We hope that you had a lovely break, it was lovely to see all the boys and girls yesterday and hear all their news from their time off.

This term we will be starting a new topic on Dinosaurs.  We will be introducing this this week and finding out what the children already know and what they would like to find out.  We are excited to see all the fun activities that the children will come up with!

This fortnight’s homework and a new Reading book was sent home today.  Can children please bring in book bags every day as at times we get extra Reading practise?

There will be an extra piece of homework sent out this week in preparation for our annual Scot’s poetry competition.  Each child will be given a poem to learn and recite to the class.  We will also be doing work on this in class but we would appreciate your help at home to learn them.

Gym days this term continue to be Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor with Mrs Ferguson).

Reminder that the Families Connect coffee morning is on Thursday 17th January at 2.30 and you are all welcome to come and find out more about the Families Connect programme.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy and Mrs Steel

Primary 1 Update 13.12.18

Hello All,

This week in Primary 1, we have had a very successful Dress Rehearsal in preparation for our Nativity Performances next Tuesday. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible if you are able to come along.

Please remember tomorrow (Friday 14th December) is the closing date for entries for the Christmas Jumper Decorating Competition.

Over the next few days you will see an invitation coming home with your child for a Families Connect Group beginning on 31st January. This will be time to spend with other parents and carers in school, learning and playing together as a family and looking at ways that you can help your child at home. This will be running every Thursday afternoon from 1.15-3.15 for 8 weeks. More information is available on your invitations and at a coffee afternoon on 17th January at 2.30.

Next Thursday Primary 1 will have their Christmas Party. As it is Christmas Jumper/ Dress Down day, children may come to school in their party outfits.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers

Primary 1 29.11.18

This week in phonics, primary 1 are learning the sounds h and w. They have been forming the letters neatly, thinking of words with each sound and making short words on the magnetic boards. They are making great progress with this, thank you for all your help at home!
In maths we are looking at the numbers 11-20; how to form them and counting out amounts on tens frames and rekenreks.
We are making great progress in our nativity rehearsals. The children all know their lines and are now learning where to go on the stage. Please continue to practise the songs at home. If your child needs to provide any small items of clothing for costumes, they will receive a letter home in their homework folder in the coming week. Please let us know if you need help sourcing anything.
Next week our PE time will be changing. The children will see Mrs Ferguson, our PE specialist on a Thursday morning. Please can you send your child with a PE kit on this day. It is helpful if your child can wear their PE kit under their school clothes to speed up changing.
There are a number of Christmas related activities coming up in the next few weeks…
Tomorrow evening is our school Christmas fair from 6-8pm. Tickets can be bought from the office.
On this coming Monday ‘hopscotch’ an outside Pantomine company are coming to school to perform ‘Beauty and the Beast’ to the children. We have been learning the ‘hello’ song to sing with them on Monday and are looking forward to the performance.
On Tuesday it is our school Christmas lunch. You will have ordered your lunch already. If your child is having a packed lunch they will eat it in the classroom.
Thank you for all your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Steel, Mrs Oliver and Miss Pringle

Primary 1 Nativity Songs

Nativity Songs

Please practise these songs with your child in preparation for our Nursery-P1 Nativity.




Warming Our Toes

An Angel Appeared in the Sky

Three Kings Were Riding

Baby Sleeping

Jesus is Born

Little Donkey

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Away in a Manger

Primary 1 Update 14.11.18

Hello Everyone,

This week in Maths we have been learning to recognise all coins up to £2. We have been talking about the colour and shape of the coins as well as any visible numbers on them. It would be great if you can support your child with this by letting them help to pay for shopping and discussing the coins.

On Thursday we are looking forward to hearing the children’s class talks about their favourite toy. In school we have discussed audience awareness e.g. eye contact and talking in a loud clear voice – please can you work on this at home also? The children will also use their knoweldge of sounds and words to write about their favourite toy this week.

We are well underway with our preparation for the Nativity – please can you continue to practise words with your child if they have been given them? Also the music for the songs is on the blog to allow the children to practise at home.

We have a busy week next week including a visiting Judo taster session and a visit from Library Services who will talk to the children about old toys and show them some examples.

In Health and Wellbeing this week, we had a visit from Mrs Macauley (who is currently on maternity leave from school) and her new baby. The children were very excited to meet her and learned all about what a new baby needs and how they are looked after.

The letters about school Christmas lunch have been issued and should be completed by Wednesday 21st November.

Children in Need – Friday 16th November

Dress down day on Friday 17th wear something spotty!

If you would like your child to dress down please give a minimum donation of 50p.

This week Primary 5 will be selling

  • Pudsey or Blush Ear hairbands costing £2.50,
  • Light in the dark keyrings costing £2.00
  • Glow in the Dark wristbands costing £1.00.
  • Pudsey or Blush Pin Badges costing £1.00.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers



Primary One 6th November 2018

We have had a very busy and exciting week in Primary One with lots of play opportunities based around Halloween and Bonfire Night.  We have been making pumpkin and monster faces in the craft area and also some beautiful firework pictures using straws and brightly coloured paint.  Our Writing areas have also been busy, writing about spooky characters and thinking about words to describe fireworks.

We will be building on this, and the children’s experiences, in our Writing lesson this week by writing a description of a firework.  If possible it would be good to prepare your child for this lesson on Friday by talking to them about what fireworks might look and sound like.

In Phonics this week we have been focussing on the sounds f and o, looking at things that start with these sounds and blending sounds that we have learned together to make short words.

In Numeracy this week we have been continuing work on addition.  We will be formally introducing the + and = signs to the children and they have been using concrete materials to build the sums and find the answer.

Our Topic this term is Toys which the children are showing great interest in.  We will be changing the play areas of the classrooms to tie in with the Topic.  We have been creating toys to display on the walls of our role play areas which are being changed into toy shops.   We will be learning about the forces that move toys, how toys work and are made, and toys from the past.  We are lucky to be having a visit from the museum service who will help us to learn a little more about the toys boys and girls played with a long time ago.  We will be linking our Maths next week to our toy shop and learning about money.  It would be useful if you could talk with your children at home about the different coins we have and maybe even let them have a go at paying for something in a shop with some coins.  We will also be asking the children to prepare a short class talk about their favourite toy to present to the class on 15th November-more details about this on the homework sheet.

Finally- it’s that time of year again-Nativity!  Children now know the part that they have been given in this years nativity and if your child has words to learn they will receive them with the homework tomorrow (7th November).  Please try and practise these as much as possible.


Wednesday 7th- New homework issued.

Monday 12th- We will be doing Outdoor gym on Monday this week due to the hall being used.

Tuesday 13th- New reading book issued.

Thursday 15th- Class talks about favourite toy.

Please remember to bring book bags every day as we may get time for extra Reading practise.  Children should have bottles every day containing water only.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy and Mrs Steel.



Primary 1 31.10.18

This week Primary 1 have been learning 2 new sounds: g and l. The children are becoming very good at thinking of words starting with these letters and are building confidence both reading and writing short words containing the sounds we have learnt so far. Thank you for all your help at home with this, the children are making great progress! We are also focusing this week on the common words go, got and get. Please practise these words with your children and try to think of some sentences with these words in them.
In maths we are working on addition. The children are beginning to move on from adding pictures of objects to using the written sums.
We are starting our new interdisciplinary topic on toys this week. The children spoke about what they already know about toys yesterday and we will use this knowledge to inform the learning throughout the term. Tomorrow we will be creating a toy shop in each of our classrooms.
Next week we will be giving some children lines to learn for our upcoming nativity. We will also be learning some new songs in class for this. It is getting very exciting!
Thank you for all your continued support
Primary 1 teachers

Primary One 2nd October 2018

Thank you again to all the visitors we had to our Open Afternoon/Morning last Thursday and Friday.  The children loved showing you around the classes and letting you have a go at some of the activities they do every day.

This week we will be moving on from our work on ‘Our School’ and will be beginning to focus on ‘Myself’.  The children will be writing personal stories about themselves, drawing pictures of themselves in the craft area and creating characters based on themselves to use in the construction area.  We will also we using play dough to create the features of our faces and making up stories using our photographs.

In Maths this week we will be beginning to work on the concept of addition as combining sets.  At home you can help with this through discussion about every day items like adding the number of plates and spoons on the table or the shoes and coats when getting ready in the morning.

Our sounds this week will be and e.  We will be looking around for things that start with these sounds and forming them in sand, paint and in jotters.  Again you can help at home by asking your child if they can think of anything in the home that starts with these sounds.

Please remember that Parent Consultations will be held next Wednesday and Thursday.  Please book your slot using the link you were provided on the letter that came home with your child.

Reminders for next week-

Monday-Indoor gym

Tuesday-New Reading book issued.

Wednesday-Parent Consultation

Thursday-Parent Consultation

Could children please bring their Reading book in their reading folder every day as we may have time for extra Reading sessions throughout the week.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy and Mrs Steel

Primary 1 25.9.18

This week Primary 1 are learning the sounds r and m. The children are learning to form these letters correctly, thinking of words containing each sound and starting to blend short words. We are also learning the common words am, me and my.
The children will get out a new reading book today which is to be returned by next Tuesday (2nd October). Please encourage your children to sound out the words and talk about what is happening in the picture.
In maths we are having a focus week on data handling. The children will be making pictograms, venn diagrams and learning about tally marks. Please continue to practise counting forwards and backwards at home.
P.E. is on Mondays. We are now changing the children for this lesson. Please send your child to school with a white T-shirt and black/ navy shorts for this day.
On Thursday (2.15-3.15) and Friday (9-10) you are invited to school for a curriculum event. Miss Pringle will give a short presentation about the Primary 1 curriculum and then you are welcome to join your child in their classroom to see their learning. Both sessions are identical so you only need to come one day.
Thank you for your continued support
Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 Week beginning 19th September

We hope that you have all had a lovely restful, long weekend!

This week we will be having a focus on consolidating and assessing the work we have done so far in the first few weeks of Primary One. Throughout the year we will have regular weeks where we will revisit sounds, common words and number work that we have learned to ensure that the children have a firm grasp of what has been taught so far.

We will also be continuing our topic of Myself and My School.  Last week we had a focus on school lunches which led us onto a conversation about healthy and unhealthy foods.  This will be built on this week in class through a group tasting session of fruit and vegetables.  We are then planning to discuss our favourites, create graphs showing this and then we will write about something we liked and something we didn’t like.

The majority of you indicated that you would prefer to receive a hard copy of the fortnightly homework sheet so we have made the decision to give everyone a hard copy but also post the homework here on the blog for people who would like to access links for games/songs etc quickly and easily.   Please find the link to this below.  If you have any questions about homework please do not hesitate to get in touch.


-Children will now be changing for PE on a Monday. It would be helpful, if possible if children could come with kit on underneath uniform.  Please name all clothes.

-Our P1 Open Afternoon/Morning will take place next Thursday 27th (pm) and Friday 28th (am).  We would love to see as many parents as possible come and find out a little bit more about what and how your child is learning in P1 this year.

-Reading books will be changed on a Tuesday-we would ask that children bring their Reading books and Reading Records every day.

homework 19.9.18

We thank you for your continued support,

Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy and Mrs Steel

PE Kit reminder

Just a wee reminder of what pupils need to bring on PE days.

Indoor – navy shorts, white t-shirt and indoor shoes/trainers

Outdoor – joggers, t-shirt, sweatshirt/hoody and outdoor trainers

Each class will have PE twice each week. Check out their class blog for up to date information on when PE Kit is needed.

A big shout out to P7 who are setting a great example already with the whole class remembering to bring PE kit each week.  Well done!

Thanks for your help in supporting this.

Mrs Ferguson


Primary 1 3rd September 2018

The children are continuing to settle well into school and are now becoming more familiar with the routines of the classroom.  This week we will be learning s and i in our phonics lessons, continuing to learn songs and actions to go with these.  We will be focusing on finding things that start or end with the sounds that we are learning and the correct formations of  the letters.

In Maths this week we will be learning how to correctly form the numbers to 5 in jotters and on whiteboards.  We will also be singing counting songs and counting forwards and backwards together to 20, starting at different numbers.  In small groups we will be looking at the structure of numbers to 10 using ten frames and rekenreks,  We will be using these regularly in our Maths lessons so this is a good opportunity for the children to become familiar with them.

We introduced our topic ‘Our School’ last week and the children recorded lots of things they knew about school and what they would like to find out in our floor books.  This was a great chance for the children to contribute their ideas about what they would like to learn and have a chance to shape some of the areas in the classroom.  So far we have added registers and teacher’s diaries to the writing table along with labels so the children can make their own stickers which they are really enjoying.  We have been looking at clocks, money and timetables for the day in the Maths area and have been designing and building schools with our blocks.  The children have been enjoying getting ready for school in the home corner by packing lunches and schoolbags and pretending to do homework.

This week your child will get their first Home Learning sheet.  This will be issued on a Tuesday and you will have two weeks to complete it.  There will be some starred activities which we ask that you complete with your child.  The other activities are optional and you can do as many or a few as you and your child prefer.  Anything that has been done can be recorded in their Home Learning book for us to have a look at together back in class. This homework will normally be posted here on the blog but if you require a hard copy this can be arranged. Alongside this, your child will get a new reading book every Tuesday.  Initially these books will be wordless- please encourage your child to discuss the book and the characters and talk about their favourite part. Each book will have an extended story included that can be read to them and will aid discussion.  We ask that you read along with your child at least twice a week and that your child brings their Reading book to school every day.


-P.E will be on Monday (indoors) and Tuesday (outdoors).  We do not require gym kit for the first few weeks, we will inform you when the children will be starting to change.

-Children should have a bottle with them each day to drink from-these should contain water only.

-Please ensure all clothing is labelled.

-Bring Reading book to school every day.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to one of us at the end of the day or call the office and we can get back to you.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy and Mrs Steel

Primary 1 29.8.18

Primary 1 are settling in well to school. They are becoming more familiar with school routines are are enjoying exploring our classrooms and playing with the resources.
In phonics the children have been learning the sounds a and t. We have learnt songs to help us remember each sound and are practising forming each letter correctly. Please continue to practise these sounds at home and encourage your child to identify words with each sound at the beginning. We will also be learning some common words later this week. More details will follow in the homework tasks next week.
In maths we are having a focus on number formations. We have taught correct formation of 0,1 and 2 so far this week. We are also looking at ordering numbers and counting out amounts up to 10.
P.E. is going to be on Mondays. For the first few weeks we will not be changing the children for these lessons to maximise the amount of time we can spend in the hall. We hope to begin changing for P.E. after the September break and will let you know on this blog if that changes.
Homework will be issued from next week. Homework will go out on Mondays, with children being given 2 weeks to complete the tasks. Reading books will be given out on Mondays but will be changed every week. Please ensure your child brings their reading book to school every day so that we can read in class. To begin with reading books will be wordless. This is to familiarise the children with the reading process and to teach comprehension skills (e.g. prediction, empathising with the character and summarising).
Please ensure that your child comes to school with a named water bottle each day. These bottles should only contain water.
Please name all clothes worn in school.

Thank you for all your support
The primary 1 teachers

Welcome to Primary 1

Hello All,

Welcome to all our new Parent/Carers and Primary 1 children!

We were very excited to welcome our new Primary 1’s who looked very smart in their school uniforms. With the help of their buddies they have already started learning school routines and are  developing independence carrying out these tasks.

We have started our week with the story of the Rainbow Fish which is a great stimulus for discussions about similarities and differences and friendships. The children have also produced some lovely art work from the story.

This week we have also discussed the class charter with the children which is based on the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child). We have focussed on the children’s rights to be safe, learn and play at this stage. We will be sending the charters that have been agreed with the children home for you to discuss with your child and would be very grateful if you could sign and send this back to show your support.

The children will have their first ‘Freetime Friday’ session on Friday (24th August.) This is reward time which children earn throughout the week. To make this special we are going to allow the children to bring toys from home on a trial basis. We will review this throughout the year if it does/does not work well. You will receive a letter before Friday with details.

The termly newspaper and ‘Meet the Teacher’ next Wednesday (29th Aug)  will give further information about what is happening the rest of this term in addition to our weekly updates on the blog.

If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to ask teachers at the end of the day or phone the school office.

Thank you for your support,

Primary 1 Teachers



Primary 1 13.6.18

Primary 1 did an excellent job in their assembly about farming yesterday morning. Thank you to everyone who helped by practising lines at home. The children enjoyed sharing their learning with you all.
Yesterday we made butter as a class. We learnt about how butter is churned both now and in the past and made our own by shaking double cream in a jar. It was great fun and the butter tasted great on crackers!

This coming Friday is our open morning. Parents are invited to visit the classes to see our learning about the world of work. Today we will be talking about the jobs we know about already and which jobs we would like to have in the future. We will also be completing a critical skills challenge about examples of jobs found in magazines and newspapers. These posters will be on display on Friday morning. During the Friday morning session the children will be creating posters about a job someone in their family does. Please talk to your child about a job they could write about before then. They are allowed to bring in pens for creating the poster.
The beach trip is next Tuesday (19th June). Please ensure you have returned the relevant form and money for this.
Sports Day is scheduled for next Wednesday afternoon. Children can bring a T-shirt in house colours to wear (Dear Park- blue, Raeburn- green, Sutherland- yellow, Waverley- red). There are also bibs in school in each colour if your child needs one.
Thank you for your continued support
The p1 teachers

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